Ekspertgruppe for PBT-stoffer (persistente, bioakkummulerende og toksiske stoffer)

The PBT Expert Group provides informal, non-binding scientific advice on matters related to the identification of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and very persistent, very bioaccumulative (vPvB) properties of chemicals. The advice does not anticipate or interfere with the regulatory decision-making, which exclusively remains the responsibility of the competent bodies designated in legislation.

Establishment and role

The PBT Expert Group was established in 2012 with the support of competent authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL). The expert group is coordinated and hosted by ECHA. Advice of the PBT Expert Group on issues related to PBT/vPvB assessment may be requested by the members of the PBT Expert Group, EU Member State competent authorities, and ECHA.



The expert group provides informal and non-binding scientific advice on matters related to the identification of persistent, very persistent, bioaccumulative, very bioaccumulative and toxic (P, vP, B, vB and T) properties of chemicals, in particular:

  • Matters related to screening methods/activities to identify PBT/vPvB substances.
  • Matters related to the development of integrated approaches to testing and assessment for PBT/vPvB properties.
  • Feedback and recommendations on complex (specific/generic) scientific issues related to information and (tiered) testing needs for potential PBTs/vPvBs.
  • Specific questions on the interpretation of test data as well as other relevant information in relation to the identification of P, vP, B, vB and T properties (e.g. during substance evaluation, dossier evaluation, the development of an SVHC dossier and/or evaluation of biocidal active substances).

As the focus of the scientific work of the group should be on identification of P, vP, B, vB and T properties, the discussions may well cover SVHC cases of equivalent concern to PBTs or vPvBs.



Nominated experts from following organisations are currently participating in the PBT Expert Group:

  • EU Member State competent authorities
  • European Commission – DG Enterprise, DG Environment, Joint Research Centre
  • Stakeholder organisations
    • European Chemicals Industry Council (Cefic)
    • The oil companies' European organisation for environment, health and safety in refining and distribution (Concawe)
    • European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC)
    • European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
  • Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland (FOEN)

For further information on the nomination procedure, please contact ECHA at: pbt_wg (at) echa.europa.eu.



In its meetings, the PBT Expert Group discusses specific substance cases primarily suggested by participants from the EU Member State competent authorities carrying out PBT/vPvB assessments and needing advice. An overview of the case discussions of the previous meetings can be found below. The outcomes of the assessments are published in the public activities coordination tool (PACT) and in the PBT assessment list when finalised.

The PBT Expert Group contributes to the development and improvement of screening approaches and criteria for searching ECHA’s databases for potential PBT/vPvB substances. The group is involved in assessing the screening results and selecting those substances for which a more in-depth assessment of their potential PBT/vPvB properties is required.

The PBT Expert Group also monitors scientific developments in fields relevant to regulatory PBT assessment, considering the need for updating assessment approaches and the PBT-related guidance in the light of such developments.