
Substance Regulatory Obligations



EC number: 231-159-6

CAS number: 7440-50-8

Last updated: 02/07/2024
ECHA Legislation Regulatory Obligations

Regulatory obligations may exist for this substance under the legislations under ECHA’s remit or for which ECHA has delegated tasks (i.e. REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC, CAD / CMD, WFD, and POPs). Please check the substance Infocard.

Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive-repealed

Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances

This list contains hazardous substances for purposes of Directive 90/385/EEC on active implantable medical devices, particularly as regards Article 3 and Annex I (Essential Requirements). This non-exhaustive database is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list). Please note that Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices has repealed Directive 90/385/EEC and begun to apply from 26 May 2021. Nevertheless, Article 120 of the Regulation provides for a transitional period allowing medical devices, under specified conditions (e.g., placed on the market prior to 26 May 2021), to continue to comply with the Directive. In accordance with the fourth paragraph of Article 120, this period ends 26 May 2025.

Name CAS EU CLP (1272/2008) EU_BA Directive 2000/54/EC EU REACH: List of SVHC
copper flakes (coated with aliphatic acid)
Acute Tox. 3; Acute Tox. 4; Eye Irrit. 2
CAD - Chemical Agents Directive

CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Article 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory based on the list of substances with harmonised classification and labelling (i.e., Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC). While the harmonised list covers many hazardous substances, others not listed may also meet the classification criteria in accordance with the CLP Regulation.

Name CAS
granulated copper; [particle length: from 0,9 mm to 6,0 mm; particle width: from 0,494 to 0,949 mm]
Construction Products Regulation

Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances taken from: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP; (2) the Candidate List of SVHCs; (3) Annex XIV of REACH (Authorisation List); (4) Annex XVII of REACH (Restrictions List); (5) F-gases subject to emission limits/reporting per Regulation 517/2014/EU; and (6) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) listed in the Ambient Air Directive 2008/50/EC. The basis of the list is Annex I(3) of the Construction Products Regulation 305/2011/EC, which stipulates that construction works must not have a high impact on human health or the environment as a result of: giving off toxic gas; emissions of dangerous substances, volatile organic compounds (VOC), greenhouse gases or dangerous particles into indoor or outdoor air; release of dangerous substances into drinking water, ground water, marine waters, surface waters or soil.

Name CAS EU CLP (1272/2008) EU REACH: Annex XIV EU REACH: List of SVHC EU REACH: Annex XVII EU FGG (517/2014) EU VOC (2008/50)
granulated copper; [particle length: from 0,9 mm to 6,0 mm; particle width: from 0,494 to 0,949 mm]

Construction Product Regulation - Article 6(5) - SDS and Declaration

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances originating from: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP (i.e., the list of harmonised substances); (2) the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs); and REACH Annex XIV (Authorisation List). This list is compiled on the basis of Article 6(5) of Regulation 305/2011/EC on Marketing of Construction Products. This provision requires SDSs and information on hazardous substances (i.e., SVHCs) contained in construction products be provided with the declaration of performance.

granulated copper; [particle length: from 0,9 mm to 6,0 mm; particle width: from 0,494 to 0,949 mm]
Cosmetic Products Regulation

Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex II - Prohibited Substances

This list contains substances which are banned from use in any cosmetic products marketed for sale or use in the European Union.

Ref No. Substance Identification Expressed As Product type, body parts Maximum Threshold Restriction(s) Notes  
Name EC Number CAS Molecular formula
Copper (nano); Colloidal Copper (nano)
All cosmetic products
0 %
From 1 February 2025 cosmetic products containing that substance shall not be placed on the Union market. From 1 November 2025 cosmetic products containing that substance shall not be made available on the Union market

Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex IV - Allowed Colorants

This list contains coloring agents allowed for use in cosmetic products marketed in the European Union. The list indicates the approved fields for application, including whether or not the colorant is permitted for use in products applied near the eye or on mucous membranes, or in products intended to come in contact with the skin.

Ref No. Substance Identification Conditions Notes  
Name EC Number CAS Colour index (CI) Number Colour Physical form Product type, body parts Restriction(s) Maximum Threshold Expressed As Function(s)
All cosmetic products
Drinking Water Directive (recast)

Quality Criteria for Drinking Water

The Drinking Water Directive 2020/2184 concerns the quality of water intended for human consumption. Drinking water is wholesome and clean if it’s: (a) free from any micro-organisms and parasites and from any substances which, in numbers or concentrations, constitute a potential danger to human health; (b) meets the minimum requirements set out in Parts A, B and D of Annex I. Indicators parameters set out in Part C of Annex I shall also be monitored, as they can help to identify water treatment.

Application Name Maximum Threshold Part Notes(s)  
Drinking water
2 mg/l
B Part B - Chemical parameters
End-of-Life Vehicles Directive

End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Hazardous Substances

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances as defined by Article 2(11) of the End-of-Life Vehicles Directive 2000/53/EC. It is based on the relevant subset of substances with harmonised classification listed in Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC.

Name CAS EU CLP (1272/2008)
granulated copper; [particle length: from 0,9 mm to 6,0 mm; particle width: from 0,494 to 0,949 mm]
Aquatic Chronic 2
EU Ecolabel Regulation

Ecolabel - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances based on the list of hazardous substances with harmonised classification and labelling (i.e. Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation), and the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs). Pursuant to Article 6(6) of the EU Ecolabel Regulation, the ecolabel must not be awarded to goods containing substances or mixtures classified according to the CLP as toxic; hazardous to the environment; and carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic for reproduction (CMRs). Nor are products allowed the ecolabel award when they contain SVHCs (per Article 57 of REACH). While the CLP's harmonised list contains many such substances, other ones not listed in Table 3 may also meet the criteria specified for classification under the CLP.

Name CAS Restriction(s) Expressed As Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP EU REACH: List of SVHC Physical form Substance Description  
granulated copper; [particle length: from 0,9 mm to 6,0 mm; particle width: from 0,494 to 0,949 mm]
particle length: from 0,9 mm to 6,0 mm; particle width: from 0,494 to 0,949 mm
Fertilisers Regulation-repealed

Fertilisers Regulation, Annex I, E.2.1, E.2.2 and E.2.3

This list contains Annex I fertiliser types according to their specific characteristics. Regulation 2003/2003/EC consolidates all European Union rules that apply to fertilisers, and ensures that the technical requirements it outlines are implemented uniformly. The Regulation only applies to mineral fertilisers consisting of one or more plant nutrients. Regulation 2003/2003/EC has been repealed with effect from 16 July 2022 by Regulation 2019/1009/EU.

Name CAS Min micro-nutrient content_1 Min micro-nutrient content_2 Min micro-nutrient content_3 Min micro-nutrient content_4 Min micro-nutrient content_5
Copper (Cu)
0.5 %w/w
0.1 %w/w
0.01 %w/w
0.002 %w/w
0.002 %w/w
Fertilising Products Regulation

Fertilising Products Regulation, Annex III, Part II-Labelling

The list contains labelling requirements for a given Product Function Category (PFC), and respective subcategories, related to the content of micronutrients boron (B), cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn). The list is based on Annex III, Part II. The list is not exhaustive – for detailed labelling requirements please refer to the text of Regulation (EU) No 2019/1009.

Requirement Qualifier(s) PFC 1(B)(I) PFC 1(B)(II) PFC 1(C)(I)(a) PFC 1(C)(I)(b) PFC 1(C)(II)(b)  
May be declared, where present, without being intentionally added, in the minimum content indicated
PFC intended for use on crops or grassland
0.01 %w/w
0.01 %w/w
May be declared, where present, without being intentionally added, in the minimum content indicated
PFC intended for horticultural use
0.002 %w/w
0.002 %w/w
May be declared, where present, without being intentionally added, in the minimum content indicated
Copper not intentionally added
0.002 %w/w
0.002 %w/w
Where intentionally added, the total content shall be declared
Copper intentionally added
0 %w/w
0 %w/w
0 %w/w
0 %w/w
May be declared only if present in the minimum content indicated
Micronutrients are non-chelated, non-complexed
0.5 %w/w
May be declared only if present in the minimum content indicated
Micronutrients are chelated or complexed
0.1 %w/w
General Product Safety Directive

General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of substances that fall within the European Union's hazardous substance definitions, as provided on: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC; (2) Annex III of Directive 2000/54/EC (Biological Agents); Candidate List of SVHCs; and REACH Annexes XIV and XVII (Authorisation and Restriction lists). They can be considered hazardous for purposes of the General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC.

Name CAS EU CLP (1272/2008) EU REACH: Annex XIV EU REACH: List of SVHC EU REACH: Annex XVII EU_BA Directive 2000/54/EC
granulated copper; [particle length: from 0,9 mm to 6,0 mm; particle width: from 0,494 to 0,949 mm]
In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive-repealed

In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances for purposes of essential requirements (Article 3 and Annex I) for general safety, design, manufacture and hazard communication of in vitro diagnostic medical devices. It is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list). Note that Regulation 2017/746/EU on in vitro diagnostic medical devices was published in the EU Official Journal on 5 May 2017. With few exceptions specified in Articles 112 and 113 of this Regulation, Directive 98/79/EC is repealed, and the rules pursuant to 2017/746/EU apply, from 26 May 2022.

Name CAS EU CLP (1272/2008) EU_BA Directive 2000/54/EC EU REACH: List of SVHC
copper flakes (coated with aliphatic acid)
Acute Tox. 3; Acute Tox. 4; Eye Irrit. 2
Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive

Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive - Hazardous Substances

This list contains a non-exhaustive inventory of hazardous substances for purposes of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, especially as it concerns Art. 3(8), and Annexes I and III. The listed substances meet the European Union's definitions as hazardous, as provided on: (1) Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation (1272/2008/EC); (2) Annex III of Directive 2000/54/EC (Biological Agents); Candidate List of SVHCs; and REACH Annex XIV (Authorisation List).

Name CAS EU CLP (1272/2008) EU REACH: List of SVHC EU_BA Directive 2000/54/EC EU REACH: Annex XIV
granulated copper; [particle length: from 0,9 mm to 6,0 mm; particle width: from 0,494 to 0,949 mm]
Medical Devices Directive-repealed

Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances

This list contains hazardous substances in accordance with the Medical Devices Directive's (MDD) design and construction requirements pursuant to Annex I, Part II (7) & (8) (i.e., chemical, physical and biological properties; and infection and microbial contamination). Specifically, the non-exhaustive database is derived from: Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, REACH Candidate List of SVHCs, and Directive 2000/54/EC's Annex III (Biological Agents list). Please note that Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices has repealed Directive 93/42/EEC and begun to apply from 26 May 2021. Nevertheless, Article 120 of the Regulation provides for a transitional period allowing medical devices, under specified conditions (e.g., placed on the market prior to 26 May 2021), to continue to comply with the Directive. In accordance with the fourth paragraph of Article 120, this period ends 26 May 2025.

Name CAS EU CLP (1272/2008) EU_BA Directive 2000/54/EC EU REACH: List of SVHC
copper flakes (coated with aliphatic acid)
Acute Tox. 3; Acute Tox. 4; Eye Irrit. 2
Plastic Materials and Articles Regulation

FCM and Articles Regulation, Annex II - Restricted Substances

This list contains the Annex II substances subject to general restrictions for use in plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. Each listed substance includes specific migration limit that must not be exceeded.

Name CAS SML (mg/kg) Notes
5 mg/kg
1a Substance listed in Table 1. Plastic materials and articles shall not release the substances in Table 1 in quantities exceeding the specific migration limits expressed in mg/kg food or simulant specified in column (3), and subject to the remarks in Column (4).
1b Substances listed in Table 1 shall only be used in accordance with the compositional requirements set out in Chapter II. If Chapter II does not provide a basis for the authorised use of such a substance, that substance may only be present as an impurity subject to the restrictions specified in Table 1.
Water for Human Consumption Directive-repealed

Water for Human Consumption Directive - Quality Criteria

This list contains the Annex I parameters from the Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC, which concerns the quality of water intended for human consumption. Its objective is to protect human health from adverse effects of any contamination of water intended for human consumption by ensuring that it is wholesome and clean.

Name CAS Application Name Expressed As Maximum Threshold Minimum Threshold Part Qualifier(s) Restriction(s) Notes  
Drinking water
2 mg/l
B Part B - Chemical parameters
The value applies to a sample of water intended for human consumption obtained by an adequate sampling method at the tap and taken so as to be representative of a weekly average value ingested by consumers; Where appropriate the sampling and monitoring methods must be applied in a harmonised fashion to be drawn up in accordance with Article 7(4); Member States must take account of the occurrence of peak levels that may cause adverse effects on human health
WFD - Waste Framework Directive

Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties

This list contains substances that have been assigned hazard property (HP) waste codes 1-15, as defined in terms of the hazard class and category, hazard (H) statement, and/or concentration limits provided in Annex III of the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC. The classifications of the substances listed in the list are based on their harmonised classifications per Table 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC.

Name EC Number CAS EU CLP (1272/2008) HP Code Index
granulated copper; [particle length: from 0,9 mm to 6,0 mm; particle width: from 0,494 to 0,949 mm]
Aquatic Chronic 2
HP14 Ecotoxic: waste which presents or may present immediate or delayed risks for one or more sectors of the environment.