Information on biocides

Information on biocides

Information on biocides

Det grundlæggende princip i forordningen om biocidholdige produkter ((EU) nr. 528/2012 (BPR)) er, at et biocidholdigt produkt skal godkendes, før det kan gøres tilgængeligt på markedet eller anvendes i Det Europæiske Økonomiske Samarbejdsområde (EØS) og Schweiz. Dette sker i to trin. I det første trin vurderes aktivstoffet, og derefter godkendes det i en bestemt produkttype, forudsat at kriterierne er opfyldt. I det andet trin godkendes hvert produkt, som består af, indeholder eller genererer det godkendte aktivstof/de godkendte aktivstoffer. Denne side omhandler det første trin.

Oplysningerne på denne side er centrerede om aktivstoffet/produkttypen. Dette afspejles i alle søgefiltre og søgeresultater. I tabellen nedenfor findes information for hver kombination af aktivstof/produkttype. Af effektivitetsmæssige årsager anvendes termen "aktivstof" synonymt med termen "kombination af aktivstof/produkttype".

Databasen indeholder aktivstoffer i vurderingsprogrammet, aktivstoffer, der ikke er omfattet af vurderingsprogrammet, samt stoffer i bilag I til biocidforordningen. Mere information om kategorisering af aktivstoffer findes på siden Godkendelse af aktivstoffer .

Neden for finder du yderligere information om søgninger, du kan udføre, og hvordan informationen præsenteres.

Hvordan skal jeg søge?

Du kan se information om biocidholdige aktivstoffer på to måder:

– for hver kombination af aktivstoffet og produkttypen (brug fanen "søg")

– som et resumé af alle produkttypeansøgninger, der er indsendt for et givet aktivstof (fanebladet "resumé").

Via fanen "søg" kan du søge ved hjælp af følgende:

– information om aktivstoffet: stofidentifikatorer, produkttype, kandidat til substitution.
(Standardstatus for feltet "Kandidat til substitution" er "under vurdering", men det betyder ikke nødvendigvis, at aktivstoffet formodes at være kandidat til substitution. Alt efter om aktivstoffet er udpeget som en potentiel kandidat til substitution eller ej, ændres status på formidlingssiden tilsvarende til "ja" eller "nej").

– oplysninger om godkendelse: f.eks. status for en ansøgning om godkendelse, vurderingstrinnet i godkendelsesprocessen og gyldigheden af den meddelte godkendelse.

– tilsvarende godkendte biocidholdige produkter (handelsnavn for et biocidholdigt produkt).

Sådan præsenteres informationen

Resultattabellen viser oplysninger om et aktivstof, såsom start- og slutdato for godkendelse, den kompetente vurderende myndighed og godkendelses- eller vurderingsstatus. Stoffets navn er et link til siden med stofinformation (informationskort), som indeholder information om et stof fra alle reguleringssammenhænge, der håndteres af ECHA.

Oplysningerne om aktivstoffer indsamles fra registret for biocidholdige produkter (R4BP 3). Det omfatter oplysninger om aktivstoffer, for hvilke der er indgivet en ansøgning om godkendelse af en bestemt biocidholdig produkttype i henhold til biocidforordningen eller direktivet om biocidholdige produkter (direktiv 98/8/EC). Bemærk, at valideringstrinnet i R4BP 3 skal være godkendt, for at information om aktivstoffer kan formidles, eller for at den seneste status i ansøgningsprocessen kan vises.

Mere information om godkendelse af et bestemt aktivstof finder du i faktabladet (som kan tilgås via øjenikonet i resultattabellen). Faktabladet indeholder oplysninger om de seneste godkendelsesoplysninger, herunder relevante dokumenter, tilsvarende godkendte biocidholdige produkter og en oversigt over alle ændringer i godkendelsen af aktivstoffet.

I resultattabellen ses også antallet af tilsvarende godkendte biocidholdige produkter. Dette repræsenterer antallet af produktklynger (grupper af godkendelser), der indeholder det givne aktivstof.

Fanebladet "resumé" indeholder en liste over alle produkttypeansøgninger, der er indgivet for et givet aktivstof, uanset om godkendelsen er blevet meddelt eller afvist. Godkendelsesstatus for en kombination af et aktivstof og en produkttype beskrives med et ikon. Når du holder musen over ikonet, kan du se status for en ansøgning om godkendelse, vurderingstrinnet, hvis godkendelsesprocessen er i gang, samt få adgang til faktabladet om aktivstoffet.

Eksporter resultater

Du kan eksportere resultaterne for aktivstoffer til ECHA-webstedets standardformater (XLS, CSV og XML).


Due to a technical problem, which is being fixed, certain substance/product-type combinations are currently displayed with an inaccurate status.

Last updated 15 oktober 2024. Database contains 940 active substance-product type and Annex I records for which approval has been sought.
Active substance details
Active substance identifiers
Regulatory categorisation
Approval data
Administrative identifiers
Validity of approval
Start date
End date
Approval identifiers
Related authorised biocidal products
No results were found
Annex I Substance (+)-Tartaric acid 201-766-0 87-69-4 01/09/2013 -
Approved Link to the factsheet 63
(1,3,4,5,6,7-hexahydro-1,3-dioxo-2H-isoindol-2-yl)methyl (1R-trans)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)cyclo-propanecarboxylate (d-Tetramethrin) 214-619-0 1166-46-7 PT18 icon PT18 Germany
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
(13Z)-Hexadec-13-en-11-yn-1-yl acetate 642-968-2 78617-58-0 PT19 icon PT19 01/06/2023 31/05/2033 France
Approved Link to the factsheet 1
(2R,6aS,12aS)-1,2,6,6a,12,12a-hexa- hydro-2-isopropenyl-8,9-dimethoxychro- meno[3,4-b]furo[2,3-h]chromen-6-one (Rotenone) 201-501-9 83-79-4 PT17 icon PT17 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
(9Z,12E)-Tetradeca-9, 12-dien-1-yl acetate 608-490-3 30507-70-1 PT19 icon PT19 Austria
No longer supported Link to the factsheet 12
Annex I Substance (9Z,12E)-tetradeca-9,12-dien-1-yl acetate 608-490-3 30507-70-1 01/09/2013 -
Approved Link to the factsheet 20
(benzothiazol-2-ylthio)methyl thiocyanate (TCMTB) 244-445-0 21564-17-0 PT09 icon PT09 Norway
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
(benzothiazol-2-ylthio)methyl thiocyanate (TCMTB) 244-445-0 21564-17-0 PT12 icon PT12 Norway
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
(benzyloxy)methanol 238-588-8 14548-60-8 PT06 icon PT06 Austria
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
(benzyloxy)methanol 238-588-8 14548-60-8 PT13 icon PT13 United Kingdom
No longer supported Link to the factsheet
(E)-1-(2-Chloro-1,3-thiazol-5-ylmethyl)-3- methyl-2-nitroguanidine (Clothianidin) 433-460-1 210880-92-5 PT08 icon PT08 01/02/2010 31/01/2020 Germany
Expired Link to the factsheet
(E)-1-(2-Chloro-1,3-thiazol-5-ylmethyl)-3- methyl-2-nitroguanidine (Clothianidin) 433-460-1 210880-92-5 PT18 icon PT18 01/10/2016 30/09/2026 Germany
Approved Link to the factsheet 5
(ethylenedioxy)dimethanol (Reaction products of ethylene glycol with paraformaldehyde (EGForm)) 222-720-6 3586-55-8 PT02 icon PT02 Poland
No longer supported Link to the factsheet
(ethylenedioxy)dimethanol (Reaction products of ethylene glycol with paraformaldehyde (EGForm)) 222-720-6 3586-55-8 PT06 icon PT06 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
(ethylenedioxy)dimethanol (Reaction products of ethylene glycol with paraformaldehyde (EGForm)) 222-720-6 3586-55-8 PT11 icon PT11 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
(ethylenedioxy)dimethanol (Reaction products of ethylene glycol with paraformaldehyde (EGForm)) 222-720-6 3586-55-8 PT12 icon PT12 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
(ethylenedioxy)dimethanol (Reaction products of ethylene glycol with paraformaldehyde (EGForm)) 222-720-6 3586-55-8 PT13 icon PT13 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
(RS)-3-Allyl-2-methyl-4-oxocyclopent-2- enyl (1R,3R)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methyl- prop-1-enyl)-cyclopropanecarboxylate (mixture of 2 isomers 1R trans: 1R/S only 1:3) (Esbiothrin) 807-421-6 260359-57-7 PT18 icon PT18 Germany
Not approved Link to the factsheet
(RS)-3-Allyl-2-methyl-4-oxocyclopent-2- enyl-(1R,3R;
1R,3S)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2- methylprop-1-enyl)-cyclopropanecarboxy- late (mixture of 4 isomers 1R trans, 1R:1R trans, 1S: 1R cis, 1R: 1R cis,1S 4:4:1:1) (d-Allethrin)
687-634-7 231937-89-6 PT18 icon PT18 Germany
Not approved Link to the factsheet
(RS)-α-cyano-3phenoxybenzyl-(1RS)-cis, trans-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate (Cypermethrin) 257-842-9 52315-07-8 PT08 icon PT08 01/06/2015 31/05/2025 Belgium
Approved - Renewal in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet 78
(RS)-α-cyano-3phenoxybenzyl-(1RS)-cis, trans-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate (Cypermethrin) 257-842-9 52315-07-8 PT18 icon PT18 01/06/2020 31/05/2030 Belgium
Approved Link to the factsheet 124
1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (BIT) 220-120-9 2634-33-5 PT02 icon PT02 Spain
Cancelled application Link to the factsheet
1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (BIT) 220-120-9 2634-33-5 PT06 icon PT06 Spain
Initial application for approval in progress
Commission decision
Link to the factsheet
1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (BIT) 220-120-9 2634-33-5 PT09 icon PT09 Spain
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (BIT) 220-120-9 2634-33-5 PT10 icon PT10 Spain
No longer supported Link to the factsheet
1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (BIT) 220-120-9 2634-33-5 PT11 icon PT11 Spain
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (BIT) 220-120-9 2634-33-5 PT12 icon PT12 Spain
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (BIT) 220-120-9 2634-33-5 PT13 icon PT13 Spain
Initial application for approval in progress
Commission decision
Link to the factsheet
1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione (DMDMH) 229-222-8 6440-58-0 PT06 icon PT06 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Opinion development by BPC
Link to the factsheet
1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione (DMDMH) 229-222-8 6440-58-0 PT13 icon PT13 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Opinion development by BPC
Link to the factsheet
1-(3,5-dichloro-4-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl)-3-(2,6-difluorobenzoyl) urea (Hexaflumuron) 401-400-1 86479-06-3 PT18 icon PT18 01/04/2017 30/09/2024 Greece
Approved - Renewal in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
1-[2-(allyloxy)-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-1H-imidazole (Imazalil) 252-615-0 35554-44-0 PT03 icon PT03 Germany
No longer supported Link to the factsheet
1-[[2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl]methyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole (Propiconazole) 262-104-4 60207-90-1 PT07 icon PT07 01/12/2016 30/11/2026 Finland
Approved Link to the factsheet 1
1-[[2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl]methyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole (Propiconazole) 262-104-4 60207-90-1 PT08 icon PT08 01/04/2010 30/11/2030 Finland
Approved Link to the factsheet 978
1-[[2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl]methyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole (Propiconazole) 262-104-4 60207-90-1 PT09 icon PT09 01/06/2015 31/05/2025 Finland
Approved Link to the factsheet
1-ethynyl-2-methylpent-2-enyl 2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)cyclopropanecarboxylate (Empenthrin) 259-154-4 54406-48-3 PT18 icon PT18 Belgium
Not approved Link to the factsheet
1R-trans phenothrin 247-431-2 26046-85-5 PT18 icon PT18 01/09/2015 31/08/2025 Ireland
Approved - Renewal in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet 34
2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide (DBNPA) 233-539-7 10222-01-2 PT02 icon PT02 Denmark
No longer supported Link to the factsheet
2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide (DBNPA) 233-539-7 10222-01-2 PT04 icon PT04 Denmark
Not approved Link to the factsheet
2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide (DBNPA) 233-539-7 10222-01-2 PT06 icon PT06 Denmark
Initial application for approval in progress
Commission decision
Link to the factsheet
2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide (DBNPA) 233-539-7 10222-01-2 PT11 icon PT11 Denmark
Initial application for approval in progress
Opinion development by BPC
Link to the factsheet
2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide (DBNPA) 233-539-7 10222-01-2 PT12 icon PT12 Denmark
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide (DBNPA) 233-539-7 10222-01-2 PT13 icon PT13 Denmark
No longer supported Link to the factsheet
2,2′,2′′-(hexahydro-1,3,5-triazine-1,3,5- triyl)triethanol (HHT) 225-208-0 4719-04-4 PT06 icon PT06 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
2,2′,2′′-(hexahydro-1,3,5-triazine-1,3,5- triyl)triethanol (HHT) 225-208-0 4719-04-4 PT11 icon PT11 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
2,2′,2′′-(hexahydro-1,3,5-triazine-1,3,5- triyl)triethanol (HHT) 225-208-0 4719-04-4 PT12 icon PT12 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
2,2′,2′′-(hexahydro-1,3,5-triazine-1,3,5- triyl)triethanol (HHT) 225-208-0 4719-04-4 PT13 icon PT13 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
2,2′-dithiobis[N-methylbenzamide] (DTBMA) 219-768-5 2527-58-4 PT06 icon PT06 Poland
Initial application for approval in progress
Competent authority evaluation
Link to the factsheet
2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-4-(methoxymethyl) benzyl (EZ)-(1RS,3RS;
1SR,3SR)- 2,2-dimethyl-3-prop-1-eny lcyclopropanecarboxylate
- - PT18 icon PT18 01/05/2011 31/10/2024 Ireland
Approved - Renewal in progress
Opinion development by BPC
Link to the factsheet 2
2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-4-(methoxymethyl) benzyl (EZ)-(1RS,3RS;
1SR,3SR)- 2,2-dimethyl-3-prop-1-eny lcyclopropanecarboxylate
- - PT19 icon PT19 United Kingdom
No longer supported Link to the factsheet

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