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Vedtagne udtalelser og tidligere høringer om ansøgninger om godkendelse

This page provides further information on the applications for authorisation or review reports, which have undergone consultation. The applications for authorisation are in the opinion development phase until the final opinions of the Committees for Risk Assessment and Socio-economic Analysis have been adopted and sent to the European Commission. Its decision-making process can be followed through the comitology register, where further information is published about the REACH Committee's past and upcoming meetings.

On 1 February 2020, the United Kingdom (UK) withdrew from the EU. The transition period provided by the withdrawal agreement ended on 31 December 2020. As of 1 January 2021, an application for an authorisation submitted by a person established in the UK (except Northern Ireland) is no longer valid in the EU, unless that application has been transferred to a legal entity established in the EU or Northern Ireland before the end of the transition period. Therefore, authorisation applications and decisions in so far as these concern persons established in the UK (except Northern Ireland) are no longer considered valid. 


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Substance Details

4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol, ethoxylated
EC Number
CAS Number
Entry Nr in Annex XIV
Use name
Use of Octylphenolethoxylates as emulsifier in the siliconisation of glass containers used as primary packaging for medicinal products (NeoRecormon® and MIRCERA®).
Broad information on use applied for (conditions of use and function)

This dossier covers the siliconisation process of glass containers for two medicinal products, MIRCERA® and NeoRecormon® that are commercialized in pre-filled syringes (PFS).

The inner surface of PFS are lubricated with silicone oil to allow the movement of a plunger stopper along the inner side of the glass containers, while at the same time allowing for a tight connection between the glass barrel and the plunger stopper. During the production of the PFS for the two affected medicinal products, RDG currently uses a silicone oil emulsion which contains the substance Octylphenolethoxylates (OPnEO) as emulsifier for the siliconisation of the glass containers.

For an alternative silicone oil emulsion to be considered as an appropriate replacement of the OPnEO containing emulsion, the following conditions should be fulfilled:

  • The physicochemical behaviour of the silicone oil emulsion must be appropriate for the manufacturing process. This behaviour determines if the content and distribution of the silicone oil on the glass container can be achieved within the specified ranges.
  • The functionality of the PFS must be fulfilled, i.e. the closing as well as the gliding properties of the plunger stopper must be within the specified range.
  • The components of the silicone oil emulsion must be compatible with the medicinal product, i.e. stability studies have to demonstrate that the medicinal product meets the specified requirements at the end of shelf life.

An alternative silicone oil emulsion has been proposed by the supplier. First experiments regarding physicochemical properties of the alternative have shown positive results. However, the process required for the substitution of the OPnEO containing silicone oil emulsion requires extensive testing and generation of stability data of each medicinal product. Since medicinal products are subject to extensive regulation by the health authorities all over the world, change notifications have to be submitted to competent health authorities when any change is introduced in their production process. Substitution with an alternative silicone oil emulsion can only be completed after approvals from health authorities have been received.

Annual tonnage used: maximum 1.2 kg/a

Review period requested: 5 years

Use applied for number in application for authorisation
Broad information on use applied for (Use descriptor system)
Sector of end use (SU): 20
Environmental release category (ERC): 4
Process category (PROC): 5, 7, 8b, 9
Product category (PC): 0: Other: Surfactant
Article category related to subsequent service life (AC): n/a
Technical Function: Emulsifier
Summary table of RMMs and OCs (non confidential)
Chemical Safety Report (original and updated, if available) (non confidential)
Analysis of Alternatives (non confidential report)
Substitution Plan (non confidential summary)
Socio-Economic Analysis (non confidential report)
Joint Analysis of Alternatives and Socio-Economic Analysis (non confidential report)
Explanatory note
Additional information
Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Application type
Commission decided
Other consultations on the same/ similar use
Comments submitted to date
No comments received
Response to comments by applicant
Responses to RAC and SEAC requests by Applicant(s) (non confidential)
Compiled RAC and SEAC opinions
Minority positions
Adopted commission decision (OJ summary)
Authorisation decision
Final decision