
Ask ECHA about authorisation applications

Ask ECHA about authorisation applications


Are you a Small or Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) and planning to apply for authorisation to use a substance of very high concern? Have you still got questions about the process? Why not ask ECHA?

We will be at your service on 25 February 2015, from 10:00 and 12:00 Central European Time, and we will provide support in your own language (where there is more than one official language for your country, we will offer at least one of them).

Book a personal time for a phone discussion online and tell us your question in advance. We will then call you at the agreed time.

Further information

  • Event page in your language:
  • bg
  • cs
  • da
  • de
  • el
  • en
  • es
  • et
  • fi
  • fr
  • hr
  • hu
  • it
  • lt
  • lv
  • mt
  • nl
  • pl
  • pt
  • ro
  • sk
  • sl
  • sv