
ECHA Workshop on submitting applications for authorisation for chromates in an efficient way

ECHA Workshop on submitting applications for authorisation for chromates in an efficient way

27 - 28 March 2014 | Brussels

CEFIC and EUROMETAUX will organise --  in association with ECHA -- a workshop on the timing and handling of submissions on the upcoming applications for chromates. The focus of this workshop is on the process aspects of the applications.



Submitting applications in an orderly and predictable manner helps in the preparation of applications and processing them by ECHA scientific committees, which is beneficial for applicants too.

The workshop will explore:

  • The optimisation of submission timing through evaluating the pro's and con's of different submission options (models) like early "ice breaker" applications, submissions "by uses applied for", combined uses submissions from the perspective of potential applicants as well as ECHA;

  • Lessons learned thus far from Authorisation submission and opinion making processes

The event hosts up to 70 participants, primarily from companies that intend to apply for chromates.


Further information

Further information including the agenda and the registration form is provided on the webpage of the REACH Metals Gateway.