SCIP Factsheet

SCIP Factsheet

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Article Factsheet - Last updated 22-06-2022

Rear axle

Other: RA/D1 RSS1244B 24/24-391526


For the safe use instruction of the article go to: Safe use instruction


Substance name(s) Reason for inclusion
Lead Toxic for reproduction (Article 57c)

Article name
Rear axle

Primary article identifier type

Primary article identifier value
RA/D1 RSS1244B 24/24-391526

Article category

8708999790 - SECTION XVII (86 - 89) Vehicles, aircraft, vessels and associated transport equipment > VEHICLES OTHER THAN RAILWAY OR TRAMWAY ROLLING STOCK, AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF > Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings|8701|to 8705 > Other > Other > Other

Production or import in European Union or EEA
no data

See safe use instruction for respective part