
How and when downstream users need to report to ECHA

Webinar date

8 April 2013


The webinar gives an overview of when downstream users need to report to ECHA, including when to report classification differences. The two options for reporting are outlined, namely using the web-form or submitting a IUCLID dossier via REACH-IT. How to use the webform and the conditions of use template is described in more detail. How ECHA, in turn, uses this information is outlined.


IntroductionBridget Ginnity -[Play recording]

Downstream User Reports – when to report to ECHABridget Ginnity - [Play recording]

Downstream User Reports – Reporting to ECHA using the webformBridget Ginnity - [Play recording]

Update on reporting to ECHA using REACH-ITLaura Walin - [Play recording]

Information in the downstream user reports - ECHA viewpointLaura Walin - [Play recording]

How and when downstream users need to report to ECHALaura Walin - [Play recording]