
Harmonised classifications according to the Dangerous Substances Directive now available in the C&L Inventory

Harmonised classifications according to the Dangerous Substances Directive now available in the C&L Inventory


The classification and labelling of all harmonised substances included on Annex VI to the CLP Regulation according to the criteria set out in the previous Dangerous Substances Directive (DSD) will now be available in the C&L Inventory.

Helsinki, 11 June 2013 - This is in addition to the classification and labelling according to the CLP criteria, which were already included.

This addition is to help users who still classify and label their mixtures according to the DSD.  Although fully replaced by the CLP Regulation for substances, the DSD criteria can still be applied to mixtures up until June 2015. The categorisation of harmonised substances according to the Seveso II Directive is also included. All substances will be searchable using their substance identity (such as name, EC number, Index number etc.) but only CLP criteria can be used when searching for particular classifications.

With this inclusion, ECHA is further working towards the goal of making the C&L Inventory a central source of information on harmonised and self-classified substances on the EU market.

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