SCIP Factsheet

SCIP Factsheet

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Article Factsheet - Last updated 13-08-2021

Circular Military Connectors

Part number: BENPF5032CR22DP
Other: BENPF5032CR22DP


For the safe use instruction of the article go to: Safe use instruction


Substance name(s) Reason for inclusion
Lead Toxic for reproduction (Article 57c)
  • Carcinogenic (Article 57a)
  • Specific target organ toxicity after repeated exposure (Article 57(f) - human health)

Article name
Circular Military Connectors

Primary article identifier type
Part number

Primary article identifier value

Other article identifiers

  1. Other

Article category

8536901000 - SECTION XVI (84 - 85) Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles > ELECTRICAL MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT AND PARTS THEREOF; SOUND RECORDERS AND REPRODUCERS, TELEVISION IMAGE AND SOUND RECORDERS AND REPRODUCERS, AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES OF SUCH ARTICLES > Other apparatus > Connections and contact elements for wire and cables

Production or import in European Union or EEA
no data

With foreseeable and intended use of the article, there are no Safe Use Instruction(s) pursuant to Article 33(1) of REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 available. Candidate List substance specific information on hazards and their classification is available on the European Chemicals Agency's website.