Brief Profile

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Please be aware that the REACH registration parts of this Brief Profile are no longer maintained; they remain frozen as of 19th May 2023. All other data parts (substance identity, C&L, key regulatory lists etc. are up to date).

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Brief Profile

The Brief Profile summarizes the non-confidential data on substances as it is held in the databases of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), including data provided by third parties. The Brief Profile is automatically generated; note that it does not currently distinguish between harmonised classification and minimum classification; information requirements under different legislative frameworks may therefore not be fully up to date or complete. For accuracy reasons, substance manufacturers and imports have the responsibility to consult official sources, e.g. the electronic edition of the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Brief Profile is covered by the ECHA Legal Notice.

Substance Description

Substance identity

EC / List no.:
CAS no.:
Index number:
Molecular formula:
Type of substance:
Petroleum product
Registered compositions:
Of which contain:
0 impurities relevant for classification
0 additives relevant for classification
Substance Listed:
EINECS (European INventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances) List

Hazard classification & labelling

Danger! According to the harmonised classification and labelling (ATP05) approved by the European Union, this substance may be fatal if swallowed and enters airways, may cause genetic defects, may cause cancer and causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.

Additionally, the classification provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations identifies that this substance is a flammable liquid and vapour, is harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects and causes skin irritation.

Additionally, the classification provided by companies to ECHA in CLP notifications identifies that this substance is toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects and causes serious eye irritation.

Breakdown of all 3553 C&L notifications submitted to ECHA

Asp. Tox. 1 H304 Harmonised Classification
Carc. 1B H350 Harmonised Classification
Muta. 1B H340 Harmonised Classification
Flam. Liq. 3 H226
Aquatic Chronic 2 H411
STOT RE 1 H372 Harmonised Classification
Eye Irrit. 2 H319
Skin Irrit. 2 H315
Aquatic Chronic 3 H412
STOT SE 3 H335
STOT SE 3 H336
Flam. Liq. 2 H225
Acute Tox. 4 H302
Acute Tox. 3 H331
Aquatic Acute 1 H400 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Harmonised Classification REACH registration dossiers notifications CLP notifications

At least one notifier has indicated that an impurity or an additive present in the substance impacts the notified classification.

Properties of concern

  • C
Officially recognised in the EU as Carcinogenic (Harmonised C&L).
  • M
Officially recognised in the EU as Mutagenic (Harmonised C&L).

Regulatory context

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)

Substance pre-registered under REACH.
This substance has 15 active registrations under REACH, 1 Joint Submission(s) and 0 Individual Submission(s).
Please see Registrants/Suppliers details.
Dossier Evaluation:
Substance Evaluation:
Candidate List:
Annex XIV (Authorisation List):
Annex XVII (Restriction List):

Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation (POPs)

List of substances subject to the POPs Regulation:
List of substances proposed as POPs:

Classification Labelling & Packaging (CLP)

Harmonised C&L:
A European Union Harmonised Classification & Labelling has been assigned to this substance.
Seveso Annex I:
Notified C&L:
Classification & Labelling has been notified by industry to ECHA for this substance.

Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)

Active Substance:
Biocidal Products:

Prior Informed Consent (PIC)

Annex I:
Annex V:

European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON)


About this substance

This substance is registered under the REACH Regulation and is manufactured in and / or imported to the European Economic Area, at ≥ 100 to < 1 000 tonnes per annum.

This substance is used by consumers, in articles, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing.

This substance is used in the following products: coating products, metal surface treatment products, pH regulators and water treatment products, laboratory chemicals, polymers, washing & cleaning products and fuels. This substance has an industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates).

Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners).

This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, production of mixtures or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion or pelletisation, closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, transfer of chemicals at dedicated facilities, treatment of articles by dipping and pouring and laboratory work.

Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: industrial abrasion processing with low release rate (e.g. cutting of textile, cutting, machining or grinding of metal). Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: outdoor use in long-life materials with low release rate (e.g. metal, wooden and plastic construction and building materials).

This substance can be found in products with material based on: fabrics, textiles and apparel (e.g. clothing, mattress, curtains or carpets, textile toys), metal (e.g. cutlery, pots, toys, jewellery) and leather (e.g. gloves, shoes, purses, furniture).

This substance is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products. This substance has an industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates).

This substance is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging. This substance is used for the manufacture of: chemicals.

This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: transfer of chemicals, treatment of articles by dipping and pouring, closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, batch processing in synthesis or formulation with opportunity for exposure and calendering operations.

Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use as processing aid and indoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters).

This substance is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products. This substance has an industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates).

This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: transfer of chemicals, closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, batch processing in synthesis or formulation with opportunity for exposure, mixing in open batch processes and transfer of substance into small containers.

Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures.

This substance is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products. This substance has an industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates).

This substance is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging. This substance is used for the manufacture of: chemicals.

This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: transfer of chemicals, closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, batch processing in synthesis or formulation with opportunity for exposure, laboratory work and production of mixtures or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion or pelletisation.

Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: as an intermediate step in further manufacturing of another substance (use of intermediates), as processing aid and in processing aids at industrial sites.

This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: transfer of chemicals, closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, batch processing in synthesis or formulation with opportunity for exposure, mixing in open batch processes and calendering operations.

Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance.

Precautions for using this substance have been recommended by its registrants under REACH, as follows:

General statements

Keep out of reach of children.

Prevention statements

When handling this substance: avoid release to the environment; do not breathe the dust, fume, gas, mist, vapours or spray; do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing.

Response statements

In case of incident: If swallowed: immediately call a poison center or doctor/physician. Do not induce vomiting.

Guidance on the safe use of the substance provided by manufacturers and importers of this substance.


  • Beco Technic GmbH, Hermsdorfer Straße 5 21502 Geesthacht Germany
  • Bullnheimer & Co. GmbH & Co. KG, Im Tal 12 86179 Augsburg Deutschland Germany
  • Chemservice GmbH - (R2S5), Herrnsheimer Hauptstrasse 1b 67550 Worms Germany
  • CS Regulatory Ireland Ltd. in its legal capacity as Only Representative of LANXESS Canada Co.\Cie, Alexandra House The Sweepstakes D04 C7H2 Dublin Ballsbridge Ireland
  • Dow Belgium B.V.B.A., Grotesteenweg 214 B-2600 Antwerpen (Berchem) Belgium
  • DOW DEUTSCHLAND ANLAGENGESELLSCHAFT mbH, Buetzflether Sand 2 D-21683 Stade Germany
  • Dow Silicones Belgium SPRL OR-1, rue Jules Bordet Parc industriel C 7180 Seneffe Belgium
  • Henkel Global Supply Chain B.V., Gustav Mahlerlaan 2970 1081 LA Amsterdam Netherlands
  • Modern Bud Int. Group S.C. K. Lebiedzinski & Wspolnicy, ul. Elewatorska 13/22 15-620 Bialystok Poland
  • Momentive Performance Materials GmbH, Chempark, Building V7 PO 4502311119 51368 Leverkusen NRW Germany
  • Reach Only Representative (Ireland) Ltd (belper), VPR House Main Street F12 FC64 Swinford County Mayo Ireland
  • Spas Kirilov Tsvetanov Ltd, 7 Slaveikov Square 7 Slaveikov Square 5000 Veliko Tarnovo Bulgaria Bulgaria
  • The Acta Group EU BVBA (BE36), Place du Luxembourg 2 1050 Brussels Belgium
  • TROY CHEMICAL COMPANY BV, Poortweg 4C 2612PA Delft Netherlands
  • Yordas GmbH, Äußere Nürnberger Straße 62 91301 Forchheim Germany

Substance names and other identifiers

Stoddard solvent
EC Inventory, REACH pre-registration
stoddard solvent Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified [A colourless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odours and that boils in a range of approximately 148,8 °C to 204,4 °C (300 °F to 400 °F).]
A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8°C to 204.4°C (300°F to 400°F).
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent
A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8°C to 204.4°C (300°F to 400°F).
REACH pre-registration, Other
stoddard solvent; Low boiling point naphtha —; unspecified [ colourless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odours and that boils in a range of approximately 148,8 °C to 204,4 o C (300°F to 400°F).]
A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8°C to 204.4°C (300°F to 400°F).
Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances
stoddard solvent; Low boiling point naphtha —; unspecified [A colourless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odours and that boils in a range of approximately 148,8 °C to 204,4 o C (300°F to 400°F).]
A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8°C to 204.4°C (300°F to 400°F).
FCM Active and Intelligent Materials - CMRs not allowed for use, CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Art. 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances, Construction Product Regulation - Art. 6(5) - SDS and Declaration, EU Ecolabels - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures, End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Protection of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Workers Directive, Annex I+II, General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances, Workplace Signs - minimum requirements & signs on containers and pipes, Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive - Hazardous Substances, Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties, Carc and Muta Directive, Annex I - Substances, Mixtures & Processes, Physical, Biological and Chemical Agents & Processes and Work
disolvente de Stoddard nafta de bajo punto de ebullición, sin especificar destilado incoloro de petróleo refinado, libre de olores rancios o inconvenientes y que tiene un intervalo de ebullición aproximado de 148,8 °C a 204,4 °C (es)
C&L Inventory
mineralsk terpentin Lavtkogende uspecificeret nafta Et farveløst, raffineret råoliedestillat, der er fri for harske eller frastødende lugte, med kogeinterval omtrent fra 148,8 °C til 204,2 °C (300 ºF til 400 ºF). (da)
C&L Inventory
Mineralterpentin Lågkokande nafta – ospecificerad Färglöst, raffinerat petroleumdestillat, fritt från härsken eller obehaglig lukt, med ungefärligt kokpunktsintervall från 149 °C till 204 °C. (sv)
C&L Inventory
Oldószer nafta Alacsony forráspontú benzin- nem meghatározott [Színtelen, finomított nyersolaj desztillátum, mely avas vagy kifogásolható szagoktól mentes, forráspont tartománya hozzávetőlegesen a 148,8°C-tól 204,4°C-ig (300°F-től 400°F-ig) terjedő tartományban van.] (hu)
C&L Inventory
Rozpuszczalnik Stoddard Niskowrząca benzyna – niespecyfikowana Bezbarwny, rafinowany destylat ropy naftowej wolny od zjełczałych i nieprzyjemnych zapachów, który wrze w zakresie temp. od ok. od 150°C do 205°C. (pl)
C&L Inventory
Solvent Stoddard Fracţia nafta cu punct de fierbere la temperaturi scăzute- nespecificat [Un produs incolor de distilare al petrolului rafinat care nu are mirosuri râncede sau neplăcute şi al cărui punct de fierbere este cuprins între 148.8°C şi 204.4°C (300°F şi 400°F).] (ro)
C&L Inventory
Solvent Stoddard Fracţia nafta cu punct de fierbere la temperaturi scăzute- nespecificat Un produs incolor de distilare al petrolului rafinat care nu are mirosuri râncede sau neplăcute şi al cărui punct de fierbere este cuprins între 148.8°C şi 204.4°C (300°F şi 400°F). (mt)
C&L Inventory
Solvente de Stoddard Nafta de baixo de ponto de ebulição - não especificada Destilado incolor do petróleo, refinado, sem cheiros râncidos ou desagradáveis, com destilação no intervalo aproximado de 148,8 ºC a 204,4 ºC. (pt)
C&L Inventory
solvente di Stoddard nafta con basso punto di ebollizione - non specificata Distillato di petrolio raffinato, incolore, privo di odore rancido o altri odori sgradevoli, e punto di ebollizione nell'intervallo 148,8°C – 204,4 °C ca. (da 300°F a 400°F. (it)
C&L Inventory
Stodarda šķīdinātājs Ligroīns ar zemu viršanas temperatūru – nestandarta [Bezkrāsains, attīrīts naftas destilāts, atbrīvots no iesmakušas vai nevēlamas smaržas, aptuvenā viršanas temperatūra no 148,8°C līdz 204,4°C. (300°F līdz 400°F).] (lv)
C&L Inventory
Stoddard Lösungsmittel Naphtha, niedrigsiedend, nicht spezifiziert [farbloses, aufbereitetes Erdöldestillat, frei von ranzigen oder unangenehmen Gerüchen; siedet im Bereich von etwa 148,8 °C bis 204,4 °C] (de)
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent/rensebensin lavtkokende nafta - uspesifisert [Farveløst, raffinert petroleumsdestillat, fritt for harsk eller ubehagelig lukt, og med omtrentlig kokepunktsintervall fra 149 °C til 204 °C (300 °F til 400 °F).] (no)
C&L Inventory
Stoddard-oplosmiddel Nafta met laag kookpunt - niet gespecifieerd Een kleurloos, geraffineerd aardoliedestillaat, vrij van ranzige of onaangename geuren, met een kooktraject van ongeveer 148,8°C tot 204,4°C. (nl)
C&L Inventory
stoddard-topilo nafta z nizkim vreliščem – neopredeljeno [Brezbarvni rafinirani destilat zemeljskega olja, ki je brez vonja ter ima vrelišče v območju približno med 148,8 °C in 204,4 °C.] (sl)
C&L Inventory
Stoddardi lahusti Madala keemispunktiga raskbensiin – määratlemata (Värvuseta rafineeritud naftadestillaat, on vaba rääsunud või vastumeelsetest lõhnadest, ning on keemistemperatuuriga umbes 148,8°C kuni 204,4 °C.) (et)
C&L Inventory
Stoddardliuotin Matalassa lämpötilassa kiehuva teollisuusbensiini – täsmentämätön Väritön, jalostettu raakaöljytisle, joka on vapaa härskeistä tai epämiellyttävistä hajuista ja joka kiehuu likimäärin välillä 148,8°C:sta 204,4°C:een (300°F:sta 400°F:iin). (fi)
C&L Inventory
Stoddardove rozpúšťadlo ťažký benzín s nízkou teplotou varu - nešpecifikovaný [Bezfarebný, rafinovaný ropný destilát, ktorý je zbavený žltastého zafarbenia a nežiadúcich zápachov. Má teplotu varu v rozmedzí približne od 149 °C do 204 °C.] (sk)
C&L Inventory
διαλύτης Stoddard Νάφθα χαμηλού σημείου ζέσεως - μη προσδιοριζόμενη [Άχρωμο, εξευγενισμένο απόσταγμα πετρελαίου που είναι απαλλαγμένο από ταγγές ή δυσάρεστες οσμές και αποστάζει μεταξύ 148,8 °C και 204,4 °C περίπου.] (el)
C&L Inventory
Разтворител Стодард (Stoddard) Нискооктанов бензин с ниска температура на кипене-неспецифициран [Безцветен, рафиниран нефтен дестилат, който е без неприятна миризма и има температура на кипене приблизително в интервала от 300°F до 400°F.] (bg)
C&L Inventory
6-bromohexyl acetate
C&L Inventory, Registration dossier, Other
[A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8°C to 204.4°C. (300°F to 400°F).]
C&L Inventory
Aliphatic Hydrocarbon
C&L Inventory
High flash naphtha
C&L Inventory
Low boiling point naphtha
C&L Inventory
Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified
C&L Inventory
C&L Inventory
Mineral Spirit
C&L Inventory
Mineral Spirits
C&L Inventory
Naphta, solvent
C&L Inventory
C&L Inventory
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulphurized heavy
C&L Inventory
naphtha solvent
C&L Inventory
Rozpuszczalnik Stoddarda
Registration dossier
C&L Inventory
C&L Inventory
Stoddard Solvent
C&L Inventory, Registration dossier
Stoddard Solvent
C&L Inventory, Registration dossier
Stoddard Solvent (150/185) (< 0,1 % benzene)
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent (benzene < 0.1 %w/w)
Registration dossier
Stoddard solvent (benzene < 0.1 w/w%)
Registration dossier
Stoddard solvent (white spirits)
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified [A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8°C to 204.4°C. (300°F to 400°F).]
C&L Inventory
Stoddard Solvent-Low boiling point naptha
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent;
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent; [A colorless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 148.8°C to 204.4°C. (300°F to 400°F).] Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified;
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent; Low boiling point naphtha - unspecified;
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent; Low boiling point naphtha — unspecified; [A colourless, refined petroleum distillate that is free from rancid or objectionable odors and that boils in a range of approximately 300°F to 400°F.]
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvent;Low boiling point naphtha – unspecified;[A colourless, refined petroleum distillate
C&L Inventory
Stoddard solvente
C&L Inventory
Stoddardovo rozpouštědlo
C&L Inventory
Stoddart solvent
C&L Inventory
QMI Drivstoff-forbedrer
C&L Inventory
CAS number
Index number
C&L Inventory
CAS number
EC Inventory, C&L Inventory, Registration dossier, REACH pre-registration, Other, FCM Active and Intelligent Materials - CMRs not allowed for use, CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Art. 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances, Construction Product Regulation - Art. 6(5) - SDS and Declaration, EU Ecolabels - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures, End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Hazardous Substances, Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Protection of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Workers Directive, Annex I+II, General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances, Workplace Signs - minimum requirements & signs on containers and pipes, Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive - Hazardous Substances, Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties, Carc and Muta Directive, Annex I - Substances, Mixtures & Processes, Physical, Biological and Chemical Agents & Processes and Work

Scientific properties

Physical and chemical properties

This section provides physicochemical information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.

Appearance/physical state / colour

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
C Physical state at 20°C and 1013 hPa
Liquid (100%) [1]
C Form
Liquid (100%) [1]
C Odour
Other (100%) [1]
C Substance type
Petroleum product (100%) [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Physical state at 20°C and 1013 hPa
Liquid (100%)

Melting/freezing point

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 2 studies processed
R Melting / freezing point
-70 - -44.13 °C @ 2.306 hPa [2]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Melting / freezing point at 101 325 Pa
-44.13 °C

Boiling point

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 2 studies processed
R Boiling point
154 - 202 °C @ 2.306 - 1 013 hPa [2]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Boiling point at 101 325 Pa
164.6 °C


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Density
0.78 g/cm³ @ 20 °C [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Relative density at 20°C

Vapour pressure

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 2 studies processed
R Vapour pressure
2.31 - 6.009 hPa @ 25 °C [3]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Vapour pressure
5.341 hPa @ 25 °C

Partition coefficient

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 2 studies processed
R Log Pow
3.5 - 6.4 @ 20 - 25 °C and pH 7 [3]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Log Kow (Log Pow)
5.25 @ 25 °C

Water solubility

Study results
  • 3 studies submitted
  • 3 studies processed
R Water solubility (mass/vol.)
91.706 - 1 252 µg/L @ 25 °C and pH 7 [2]
R Water solubility (vol%)
0.1 vol% @ 25 °C [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Water solubility
100 µg/L @ 25 °C

Solubility in organic solvents / fat solubility

Data not provided by the registrant

Surface tension

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Flash point

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Flash point
37.8 - 60 °C [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Flash point at 101 325 Pa
37.8 °C

Auto flammability

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Autoflammability / self-ignition
232 °C [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Autoflammability / self-ignition at 101 325 Pa
232 °C


Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible 1
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Flammable (100%)


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Non-explosive (100%)


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Non oxidising (100%)

Oxidation reduction potential

Data not provided by the registrant


Data not provided by the registrant

Dissociation constant

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible 1
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
R kinematic viscosity (in mm²/s)
0.9 - 1.6 [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Static viscosity at 20 °C
0.9 mm²/s

Environmental fate and pathways

This section provides environmental fate and pathways information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.

Phototransformation in air

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Degradation rate constant (OH radicals)
0 cm³ molecule-1 d-1 [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Half life in air
11.552 h
Degradation rate constant with OH radicals
0 cm³ molecule-1 d-1


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Phototransformation in water

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Phototransformation in soil

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
Other 1
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Biodegradation in water - screening tests

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 2 studies processed
C Interpretation of results
Readily biodegradable (100%) [2]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1 1
Data waiving
no waivers
C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Biodegradation in water
Readily biodegradable (100%)

Biodegradation in water & sediment - simulation tests

Study results
  • 0 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Biodegradation in soil

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Bioaccumulation: aquatic / sediment

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Bioaccumulation Factor (BCF) - L/kg ww
39.66 L/kg ww

Bioaccumulation: terrestrial

Data not provided by the registrant


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Koc
1 451 - 22 270 L/kg [2]
R log Koc
3.162 - 4.348 L/kg [2]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Koc at 20°C
1 451

Henrys law constant (H)

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
R H - (pressure) m³/mol
6.741 atm m³/mol @ 25 °C and 101.325 kPa [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Henry's law constant
683 000 Pa.m³.mol-1 @ 25 °C

Distribution modelling

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
% Distribution in Media:
R Air 26.9 % [1]
R Water 69.1 % [1]
R Soil 1.73 % [1]
R Sediment 2.27 % [1]
R Suspended sediment 0 % [1]
R Biota 0 % [1]
R Aerosol 0 % [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers

No summary exists for this scientific endpoint

Ecotoxicological information

This section provides ecotoxicological information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.

Predicted No-Effect Concentration (PNEC)

R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed

The Predicted No-Effect Concentration (PNEC) value is the concentration of a substance below which adverse effects in the environment are not expected to occur. Please note that when more than one summary is provided, PNEC values may refer to constituents of the substance and not to the substance as a whole. More detailed information is available in the dossiers.

Hazard for Aquatic Organisms
Freshwater 140 µg/L (1)
Intermittent releases (freshwater) 14 µg/L (1)
Marine water 350 µg/L (1)
Intermittent releases (marine water) -
Sewage treatment plant (STP) No data available: testing technically not feasible (1)
Sediment (freshwater) 1.14 mg/kg sediment dw (1)
Sediment (marine water) 140 µg/kg sediment dw (1)
Hazard for Air
Air 10 mg/m³ (1)
Hazard for Terrestrial Organism
Soil No hazard identified (1)
Hazard for Predators
Secondary poisoning No potential for bioaccumulation (1)

Short–term toxicity to fish

Study results
  • 4 studies submitted
  • 4 studies processed
LC50 (4 days) 140 - 2 500 µg/L [3]
LL50 (4 days) 25 - 41.4 mg/L [2]
LL50 (72 h) 38 mg/L [1]
LL50 (48 h) 42 mg/L [1]
LL0 (4 days) 1.4 mg/L [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1 1
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Long–term toxicity to fish

Study results
  • 3 studies submitted
  • 3 studies processed
NOEC (3.733 months) 1.4 mg/L [1]
NOEC (30 days) 20 - 142 µg/L [2]
LOEC (3.733 months) 1.4 mg/L [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 2
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Short–term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

Study results
  • 3 studies submitted
  • 3 studies processed
LC50 (4 days) 2.5 - 40 mg/L [5]
LC50 (48 h) 107 µg/L [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 2 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Long–term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 2 studies processed
NOEC (30 days) 24 µg/L [1]
NOEC (21 days) 100 µg/L [1]
EC50 (21 days) 330 µg/L [1]
NOELR (21 days) 280 µg/L [1]
EL50 (21 days) 1.19 mg/L [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 2 studies processed
EC50 (4 days) 277 - 1 200 µg/L [3]
NOEC (30 days) 142 µg/L [1]
NOEC (4 days) 160 µg/L [2]
EL50 (4 days) 2.5 - 5.5 mg/L [2]
NOELR (4 days) 760 µg/L [2]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
EC50 for freshwater algae
277 µg/L
EC50 for marine water algae
27.7 µg/L
EC10 or NOEC for freshwater algae
142 µg/L
EC10 or NOEC for marine water algae
14.2 µg/L

Toxicity to aquatic plants other than algae

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
EC50 (4 days) 277 µg/L [1]
NOEC (30 days) 142 µg/L [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
EC50 for freshwater plants
277 µg/L
EC50 for marine water plants
27.7 µg/L
EC10 or NOEC for freshwater plants
142 µg/L
EC10 or NOEC for marine water plants
14.2 µg/L

Toxicity to microorganisms

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Sediment toxicity

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
LC50 (14 days) 113.787 mg/kg sediment dw [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
Other 1
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
EC50 / LC50 for freshwater sediment
113.787 mg/kg sediment dw
EC50 / LC50 for marine water sediment
11.38 mg/kg sediment dw
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for freshwater sediment
22.76 mg/kg sediment dw
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for marine water sediment
2.276 mg/kg sediment dw

Endocrine disrupter testing in aquatic vertebrates – in vivo

Data not provided by the registrant

Toxicity to terrestrial macroorganisms except arthropods

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons. 1
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Toxicity to terrestrial arthropods

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons. 1
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Toxicity to terrestrial plants

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons. 1
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Toxicity to soil microorganisms

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study 1
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons. 1
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Toxicity to birds

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Toxicity to mammals

Data not provided by the registrant

Toxicological information

This section provides toxicological information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.

Derived No- or Minimal Effect Level (DN(M)EL)

M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed

The derived no- or minimum effect level (DN(M)EL) is the level of exposure above which a human should not be exposed to a substance. Please note that when more than one summary is provided, DN(M)EL values may refer to constituents of the substance and not to the substance as a whole. More detailed information is available in the dossiers.

Data for WORKERS
INHALATION Exposure Threshold Most sensitive study
Systemic Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 44 mg/m³ repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: (DNEL) 55 mg/m³ acute toxicity
Local Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 44 mg/m³ repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: (DNEL) 55 mg/m³ acute toxicity
DERMAL Exposure Threshold Most sensitive study
Systemic Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 80 mg/kg bw/day repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: (DNEL) 30 mg/kg bw/day acute toxicity
Local Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 7.56 mg/cm² repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: No hazard identified
EYE Exposure
Low hazard (no threshold derived)
INHALATION Exposure Threshold Most sensitive study
Systemic Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 22 mg/m³ repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: (DNEL) 55 mg/m³ acute toxicity
Local Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 22 mg/m³ repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: (DNEL) 55 mg/m³ acute toxicity
DERMAL Exposure Threshold Most sensitive study
Systemic Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 40 mg/kg bw/day repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: (DNEL) 60 mg/kg bw/day acute toxicity
Local Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 3.78 mg/cm² repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: No hazard identified
ORAL Exposure Threshold Most sensitive study
Systemic Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 10.56 mg/kg bw/day repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: (DNEL) 50 mg/kg bw/day acute toxicity
EYE Exposure
Low hazard (no threshold derived)

Toxicokinetics, metabolism, and distribution

Study results
Study data: basic toxicokinetics
  • 6 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Study data: basic toxicokinetics
Studies with data
Key study 6
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
Study data: dermal absorption
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: dermal absorption
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Bioaccumulation potential:
No bioaccumulation potential
Absorption values
Dermal: 1 %

Acute toxicity

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 2 studies processed
LD50 5 000 mg/kg bw (rat) [2]
M/CInterpretations of results
Other [2]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 2
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 4 studies submitted
  • 4 studies processed
LC50 (8 h) 8.2 - 12.19 mg/L air (rat) [4]
LC50 (4 h) 5.5 mg/L air (rat) [2]
M/CInterpretations of results
Other [4]

Studies with data
Key study 2
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 2
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 3 studies submitted
  • 3 studies processed
LD50 3 000 - 3 160 mg/kg bw (rabbit) [3]
M/CInterpretations of results
Other [3]

Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 2
Data waiving
no waivers
other routes
  • 0 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No data available

other routes
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Oral route:
No adverse effect observed LD50 5 000 mg/kg bw
Inhalation route:
No adverse effect observed LC50 5.5 mg/L air
Dermal route:
No adverse effect observed LD50 3 000 mg/kg bw

Irritation / corrosion

Study results
Study data: skin
  • 4 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Study data: skin
Studies with data
Key study 2
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 2
Data waiving
no waivers
Study data: eye
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: eye
Studies with data
Key study 2
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Adverse effect observed (irritating)
No adverse effect observed (not irritating)
No adverse effect observed (not irritating)


Study results
Study data: skin
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Study data: skin
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
Study data: respiratory
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: respiratory
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Skin sensitisation
No adverse effect observed (not sensitising)
Respiratory sensitisation
No adverse effect observed (not sensitising)

Repeated dose toxicity

Study results
Study data: oral
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
NOAEL (rat): 1 056 mg/kg bw/day [1]

Type of Study provided
Study data: oral
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
Study data: inhalation
  • 5 studies submitted
  • 5 studies processed
NOAEC (rat): 230 - 4 000 mg/m³ air [5]
LOAEC (rat): 1.9 - 7.5 mg/L air [3]

Study data: inhalation
Studies with data
Key study 3
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 2
Data waiving
no waivers
Study data: dermal
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
NOAEL (rabbit): 2 000 mg/kg bw/day [1]

Study data: dermal
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Oral route - systemic effects:
No adverse effect observed NOAEL 1 056 mg/kg bw/day (subchronic, rat)
Dermal route - systemic effects:
No adverse effect observed NOAEL 2 000 mg/kg bw/day (subchronic, rabbit)
Dermal route - local effects:
No adverse effect observed NOAEL 37.8 mg/cm² (subchronic, rabbit)
Inhalation route - systemic effects:
No adverse effect observed NOAEC 1 100 mg/m³ (subchronic, rat)
Inhalation route - local effects:
No adverse effect observed NOAEC 1 100 mg/m³ (subchronic, rat)

Genetic toxicity

Study results
Study data: in vitro
  • 4 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Study data: in vitro
Studies with data
Key study 2
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1 1
Data waiving
no waivers
Study data: in vivo
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: in vivo
Studies with data
Key study 2
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Toxicity - InVitro
No adverse effect observed (negative)
Toxicity - InVivo
No adverse effect observed (negative)


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Toxicity to reproduction

Study results
Study data: reproduction
  • 5 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Study data: reproduction
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence 1 3
Data waiving
no waivers
Study data: developmental
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: developmental
Studies with data
Key study 1 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
Study data: other studies
  • 0 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: other studies
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Effect on fertility
Oral route:
No adverse effect observed NOAEL 3 000 mg/kg bw/day (subchronic, rat)
Dermal route:
No adverse effect observed NOAEL 494 mg/kg bw/day (subchronic, rat)
Inhalation route:
No adverse effect observed NOAEC 1 000 mg/m³ (subchronic, rat)
Effect on developmental toxicity
Oral route:
No adverse effect observed NOAEL 750 mg/kg bw/day (subchronic, rat)
Dermal route:
No adverse effect observed NOAEL 494 mg/kg bw/day (subchronic, rat)
Inhalation route:
No adverse effect observed NOAEC 2 400 mg/m³ (subchronic, rat)


Study results
  • 3 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 3
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Inhalation route:
Adverse effect observed NOAEC 600 mg/m³ (subacute, rat)


Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study 1
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
Other 1
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Inhalation route:
No adverse effect observed NOAEC 6 350 mg/m³ (subchronic, rat)

Endocrine disrupter mammalian screening - in vivo

Data not provided by the registrant