Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

Hazard for aquatic organisms


Hazard assessment conclusion:
PNEC aqua (freshwater)
PNEC value:
0.002 mg/L
Assessment factor:
1 000
Extrapolation method:
assessment factor

Marine water

Hazard assessment conclusion:
PNEC aqua (marine water)
PNEC value:
0 mg/L
Assessment factor:
10 000
Extrapolation method:
assessment factor


Hazard assessment conclusion:
PNEC value:
3.16 mg/L
Assessment factor:
Extrapolation method:
assessment factor

Sediment (freshwater)

Hazard assessment conclusion:
PNEC sediment (freshwater)
PNEC value:
0.071 mg/kg sediment dw
Extrapolation method:
equilibrium partitioning method

Sediment (marine water)

Hazard assessment conclusion:
PNEC sediment (marine water)
PNEC value:
0.007 mg/kg sediment dw
Extrapolation method:
equilibrium partitioning method

Hazard for air


Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified

Hazard for terrestrial organisms


Hazard assessment conclusion:
PNEC soil
PNEC value:
0.013 mg/kg soil dw
Extrapolation method:
equilibrium partitioning method

Hazard for predators

Secondary poisoning

Hazard assessment conclusion:
no potential for bioaccumulation

Additional information

The toxicity of octanal (C8H16O) has been examined by read across to similar molecules heptanal (C7H14O) and nonanal (C9H18O) and therefore the toxicity results obtained for these similar molecules are expected to pose best and worst case scenarios. For octanal as the molecules only differ by carbon and hydrogen atoms and therefore interaction with biological membranes should be predictable and suitable for read across.

Based on acute laboratory results the larger molecule nonanal was determined to be the most toxic and Daphnia magna was the most sensitive species for determining the freshwater PNEC

No significant risk to terrestrial species is expected as the substance is readily biodegradable and has a relatively low log Koc. Further to this, in a chemical safety assessment, no risk to terrestrial species was indicated using PNECs derived by equilibrium partitioning method.

Secondary poisoning is not considered as the substance has a low potential for bioaccumulation, based on a BCF of 94.69 L/kg.

Conclusion on classification

The lowest acute L(E)C50 is 1.54 mg/L, and therefore the substance does not need to be classified for acute aquatic toxicity. For the assessment of chronic aquatic toxicity the following data is taken into account: the substance is readily biodegradable (OECD 301F), the log Pow is < 4, and the lowest NOEC is found in algae with 0.92 mg/L. Therefore, based on the most stringent outcome, the substance is classified as chronic category 3 for aquatic organisms according to the consolidated version of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 and further amendments (ATPs).