Registration Dossier

Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

Workers - Hazard via inhalation route

Systemic effects

Long term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
DNEL (Derived No Effect Level)
172.85 mg/m³
Most sensitive endpoint:
repeated dose toxicity
Route of original study:
DNEL related information
Overall assessment factor (AF):
Modified dose descriptor starting point:
1 763.15 mg/m³
Explanation for the modification of the dose descriptor starting point:
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
Acute/short term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified
DNEL related information

Local effects

Long term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified
Acute/short term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified
DNEL related information

Workers - Hazard via dermal route

Systemic effects

Long term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
DNEL (Derived No Effect Level)
24.5 mg/kg bw/day
Most sensitive endpoint:
repeated dose toxicity
Route of original study:
DNEL related information
Overall assessment factor (AF):
Modified dose descriptor starting point:
1 000 mg/kg bw/day
Explanation for the modification of the dose descriptor starting point:
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
Acute/short term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified
DNEL related information

Local effects

Long term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
DNEL (Derived No Effect Level)
3.7 mg/cm²
Most sensitive endpoint:
sensitisation (skin)
Acute/short term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified

Workers - Hazard for the eyes

Local effects

Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified

Additional information - workers


Based on the available data, “Reaction product of urea, formaldehyde, glyoxal and diethylene glycol” (Fixapret PC, vor Magnesiumchlorid-Zugabe) has to be labeled with R48/22 – STOT RE Cat.2 based on the content of Diethylene glycol (DEG, CAS # 111-46-6) above 10 % but below 20 %. DEG causes kidney damage in humans. The German BfR assessed the potential hazard of DEG in toothpaste (Statement No. 025/2008, 16th of July 2007) and stated that humans are about 10-20 times more sensitive than rats and that the first functional and morphological kidney effects are seen at a dose level of 50-100 mg/kg bw in humans. It is stated in this document, that the daily human intake of DEG should be below 0.5 -1.0 mg/kg bw. More details can be found at

Depending on the formaldehyde content, a labeling with R 43/Skin Sens Cat.1 and/or Cancer Cat. 1B/R45 may also apply.

The DNELs are derived based on the available data for Fixapret PC with additional correction of the DNEL based on DEG content, if deemed necessary. A correction of the long-term DNELs due to the formaldehyde content of less than 1 % is not deemed necessary as the respective formaldehyde DNELs (see formaldehyde dossier on the ECHA website) multiplied by 100 (100 % to 1 %) are higher than the DNELs derived for Fixapret PC.

The primary routes of anticipated industrial and professional exposure for “Reaction product of urea, formaldehyde, glyoxal and diethylene glycol” (Fixapret PC, vor Magnesiumchlorid-Zugabe), are via inhalation and skin contact. In industrial settings, ingestion is not an anticipated route of exposure, but has to be considered for the general population (see below).

Inhalation long-term exposure – systemic effects:

The NOAEL from an oral OECD Guideline 422 study (Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity Study with the Reproduction / Developmental Toxicity Screening Test) (BASF SE, 2013) was identified as the appropriate starting point for DNEL derivation for long-term exposure following inhalation. The NOAEL for general, systemic toxicity of the test substance was 1000 mg/kg bw/d for rats.

This point of departure was modified to get the corrected starting point for DNEL derivation. As a first step, route-to-route extrapolation was performed as recommended in the "Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment, Chapter R.8, p. 26 f.:

The oral rat NOAEL was converted into the inhalative human NOAEC corrected for differences between the 8-hour standard inhalation volume of rats versus humans, and for differences between the 8-hour inhalation volume of workers in rest versus workers in light activity, by multiplying with the corresponding factors (x 1/0.38 m³/kg/d x 6.7 m³/10 m³). The resulting corrected starting point for inhalation DNEL derivation for workers is equal to 1763.15 mg/m³.

For DNEL derivation, the following assessment factors (AF) were applied to the corrected starting point:

- Interspecies factor: 1

Besides the applied allometric scaling factors no additional interspecies factor for remaining differences has been used based on the fact that concerning inhalation, rodents like the rat are in general more sensitive compared to human as the rat's ventilation frequency is higher. Also anatomical differences as well as air flow patterns between rodents and humans have to be taken into account. Within the ERASM project, studies in rats and mice are being examined to substantiate whether the factors for allometry and 'remaining‘ differences would be appropriate for these species. The results suggest that a factor of 2.5 for 'remaining‘ interspecies differences may be questionable as a standard procedure (Escher and Mangelsdorf, 2009; Batke et al, 2011; Bitsch et al, 2006).

- Intraspecies factor: 3

There were no systemic effects observed in the repeated dose study with rats. Therefore an intraspecies factor of 3 is considered to be sufficient.

- Exposure duration: 3.4 (Batke, 2011)

Within the ERASM project, time-extrapolation factors were evaluated with the database RepDoseg that currently contains about 670 substances and 2200 studies on repeated-dose toxicity. It has been shown that as long as the material is soluble, the sub-acute to sub-chronic factor was 1.5, rather than 3 , the sub-acute to chronic factor was 3.4 and the sub-chronic to chronic factor was 1.4 (Batke et al, 2011). Furthermore, female rats were exposed for up to 50 days instead of 28 days as requested in a regular 28-day study.

- Dose-response: 1

Total AF = 1 x 3 x 3.4 x 1 = 10.2

Based on this calculation the resulting DNEL is 172.85 mg/m³.

As stated above, the DEG content of Fixapret PC is above 10 % but below 20 %. For DEG, a inhalation long-term DNEL for the worker of 60 mg/m³ was derived (see dossier of DEG, CAS # 111-46-6). As the DEG-content in Fixapret PC is below 20 %, the maximum DEG content in Fixapret PC is 34.57 mg/m³, if the DNEL for Fixapret PC is not exceeded. As this value is below 60 mg/m³, no further correction of this DNEL is needed. The long-term inhalation DNEL for Fixapret PC of 172.85 mg/m³ is therefore also protecting for any hazards that might stem from the DEG exposure within Fixapret PC.

Dermal long-term exposure – local effects:

For formaldehyde, a local long-term DNEL of 37 µg/cm² is proposed for the worker in the registration dossier on the ECHA website. As the formaldehyde content in Fixapret PC is less than 1 %, this value can be multiplied by 100 to obtain the respective Fixapret PC DNEL which is thus set at 3.7 mg/cm2.

Dermal long-term exposure – systemic effects:

The NOAEL from an oral OECD Guideline 422 study (Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity Study with the Reproduction / Developmental Toxicity Screening Test) (BASF SE, 2013) was identified as the appropriate starting point for DNEL derivation for long-term dermal exposure. The NOAEL for general, systemic toxicity of the test substance was 1000 mg/kg bw/d for rats.

There is no data available indicating that dermal uptake is considerably lower than oral uptake. The oral systemic long-term NOAEL was therefore considered appropriate for derivation of a dermal systemic long-term DNEL without further correction.

For DNEL derivation, the following assessment factors (AF) were applied to the corrected starting point:

- Interspecies factor: 4

Recommended for the rat in REACh Guidance document R.8 for allometric scaling

 - Intraspecies factor: 3

There were no systemic effects observed in the repeated dose study with rats. Therefore an intraspecies factor of 3 is considered to be sufficient.

- Exposure duration: 3.4 (Batke, 2011)

Within the ERASM project, time-extrapolation factors were evaluated with the database RepDoseg, that currently contains about 670 substances and 2200 studies on repeated-dose toxicity. It has been shown that as long as the material is soluble, the sub-acute to sub-chronic factor was 1.5, rather than 3 , the sub-acute to chronic factor was 3.4 and the sub-chronic to chronic factor was 1.4 (Batke et al, 2011). Furthermore, female rats were exposed for up to 50 days instead of 28 days as requested in a regular 28-day study.

- Dose-response: 1

- Remaining differences: 1 (Escher and Mangelsdorf, 2009; Batke et al, 2010; Bitsch et al, 2006).

Within the ERASM project, studies in rats and mice are being examined to substantiate whether the factors for allometry and 'remaining‘ differences would be appropriate for these species. The results suggest that a factor of 2.5 for 'remaining‘ interspecies differences may be questionable as a standard procedure (Escher and Mangelsdorf, 2009; Batke et al, 2011; Bitsch et al, 2006).

Total AF = 4 x 3 x 3.4 x 1 x 1 = 40.8

Based on this calculation the resulting DNEL is 24.5 mg/kg bw/day.

As stated above, the DEG content of Fixapret PC is above 10 % but below 20 %. For DEG, a dermal long-term DNEL for the worker of 106 mg/kg bw/day was derived (see dossier of DEG, CAS # 111-46-6). As the DEG-content in Fixapret PC is below 20 %, the maximum DEG content in Fixapret PC is 4.9 mg/kg bw/day, if the DNEL for Fixapret PC is not exceeded. As this value is below 106 mg/kg bw/day, no further correction of this DNEL is needed. The dermal long-term DNEL for Fixapret PC of 24.5 mg/kg bw/day is therefore also protecting for any hazards that might stem from the DEG exposure within Fixapret PC.

- Batke M, Escher S, Hoffmann-Doerr S, Melber C, Messinger H, Mangelsdorf I.(2011).Evaluation of time extrapolation factors based on the database RepDose. Toxicology Letters 205 (2011) 122– 129.


- Escher S and Mangelsdorf I. (2009). Evaluation of risk assessment factors for inter-species and time-extrapolation. Toxicol Lett 189:S247-S248. 46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, 13-16 September 2009, Dresden.


 - Bitsch A, Jacobi S, Melber C, Wahnschaffe U, Simetska N, Mangelsdorf I. (2006).REPDOSE: A database on repeated dose toxicity studies of commercial chemicals – a multifunctional tool. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 46:202-210.

-ECHA (2008). REACh Guidance document R.8

-ECETOC (2003). Derivation of Assessment factors for Human Health Risk Assessment. Technical Report No. 86, February 2003.

-ECETOC (2010). Guidance on Assessment Factors to Derive DNELs.Technical Report No. 110, October 2010.

General Population - Hazard via inhalation route

Systemic effects

Long term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
DNEL (Derived No Effect Level)
51.15 mg/m³
Most sensitive endpoint:
repeated dose toxicity
Route of original study:
DNEL related information
Overall assessment factor (AF):
Modified dose descriptor starting point:
869.56 mg/m³
Explanation for the modification of the dose descriptor starting point:
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
Acute/short term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified
DNEL related information

Local effects

Long term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified
Acute/short term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified
DNEL related information

General Population - Hazard via dermal route

Systemic effects

Long term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
DNEL (Derived No Effect Level)
14.7 mg/kg bw/day
Most sensitive endpoint:
repeated dose toxicity
Route of original study:
DNEL related information
Overall assessment factor (AF):
Modified dose descriptor starting point:
1 000 mg/kg bw/day
Explanation for the modification of the dose descriptor starting point:
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
Acute/short term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified
DNEL related information

Local effects

Long term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
DNEL (Derived No Effect Level)
1.2 mg/cm²
Most sensitive endpoint:
sensitisation (skin)
Acute/short term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified

General Population - Hazard via oral route

Systemic effects

Long term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
DNEL (Derived No Effect Level)
2.5 mg/kg bw/day
Most sensitive endpoint:
repeated dose toxicity
Route of original study:
DNEL related information
Explanation for the modification of the dose descriptor starting point:
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
see discussion
Acute/short term exposure
Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified
DNEL related information

General Population - Hazard for the eyes

Local effects

Hazard assessment conclusion:
no hazard identified

Additional information - General Population


Based on the available data, “Reaction product of urea, formaldehyde, glyoxal and diethylene glycol” (Fixapret PC, vor Magnesiumchlorid-Zugabe) has to be labeled with R48/22 – STOT RE Cat.2 based on the content of Diethylene glycol (DEG, CAS # 111-46-6) above 10 % but below 20 %. DEG causes kidney damage in humans. The German BfR assessed the potential hazard of DEG in toothpaste (Statement No. 025/2008, 16th of July 2007) and stated that humans are about 10-20 times more sensitive than rats and that the first functional and morphological kidney effects are seen at a dose level of 50-100 mg/kg bw in humans. It is stated in this document, that the daily human intake of DEG should be below 0.5 -1.0 mg/kg bw. More details can be found at

Depending on the formaldehyde content, a labeling with R 43/Skin Sens Cat.1 and/or Cancer Cat. 1B/R45 may also apply.

The DNELs are derived based on the available data for Fixapret PC with additional correction of the DNEL based on DEG content, if deemed necessary. A correction of the long-term DNELs due to the formaldehyde content of less than 1 % is not deemed necessary as the respective formaldehyde DNELs (see formaldehyde dossier on the ECHA website) multiplied by 100 (100 % to 1 %) are higher than the DNELs derived for Fixapret PC.

For the general population, all three possible routes of exposure (oral, dermal, inhalation) have to be taken into account.

Inhalation long-term exposure – systemic effects:

The NOAEL from an oral OECD Guideline 422 study (Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity Study with the Reproduction / Developmental Toxicity Screening Test) (BASF SE, 2013) was identified as the appropriate starting point for DNEL derivation for long-term exposure following inhalation. The NOAEL for general, systemic toxicity of the test substance was 1000 mg/kg bw/d for rats.

This point of departure was modified to get the correct starting point for DNEL derivation. As a first step, route-to-route extrapolation was performed as recommended in the "Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment, Chapter R.8, p. 26 f.:

The oral rat NOAEL was converted into the inhalative human NOAEC corrected for differences between the 24-hour standard inhalation volume of rats versus humans by multiplying with the corresponding factor (x 1/1.15 m³/kg/d). The resulting corrected starting point for inhalation DNEL derivation for the general population is equal to 869.56 mg/m³.

For DNEL derivation, the following assessment factors (AF) were applied to the corrected starting point:

- Interspecies factor: 1

Besides the applied allometric scaling factors no additional interspecies factor for remaining differences has been used based on the fact that concerning inhalation, rodents like the rat are in general more sensitive compared to human as the rat's ventilation frequency is higher. Also anatomical differences as well as air flow patterns between rodents and humans have to be taken into account. Within the ERASM project, studies in rats and mice are being examined to substantiate whether the factors for allometry and 'remaining‘ differences would be appropriate for these species. The results suggest that a factor of 2.5 for 'remaining‘ interspecies differences may be questionable as a standard procedure (Escher and Mangelsdorf, 2009; Batke et al, 2011; Bitsch et al, 2006).

- Intraspecies factor: 5

There were no systemic effects observed in the repeated dose study with rats. Therefore an intraspecies factor of 5 is considered to be sufficient.

- Exposure duration: 3.4 (Batke, 2011)

Within the ERASM project, time-extrapolation factors were evaluated with the database RepDoseg that currently contains about 670 substances and 2200 studies on repeated-dose toxicity. It has been shown that as long as the material is soluble, the sub-acute to sub-chronic factor was 1.5, rather than 3 , the sub-acute to chronic factor was 3.4 and the sub-chronic to chronic factor was 1.4 (Batke et al, 2011). Furthermore, female rats were exposed for up to 50 days instead of 28 days as requested in a regular 28-day study.

- Dose-response: 1

Total AF = 1 x 5 x 3.4 x 1 = 17

Based on this calculation the resulting DNEL is 51.15 mg/m³.

As stated above, the DEG content of Fixapret PC is above 10 % but below 20 %. For DEG, a inhalation long-term DNEL for the consumer of 12 mg/m³ was derived (see dossier of DEG, CAS # 111-46-6). As the DEG-content in Fixapret PC is below 20 %, the maximum DEG content in Fixapret PC is 10.23 mg/m³, if the DNEL for Fixapret PC is not exceeded. As this value is below 12 mg/m³, no further correction of this DNEL is needed. The long-term inhalation DNEL for Fixapret PC of 51.15 mg/m³ is therefore also protecting for any hazards that might stem from the DEG exposure within Fixapret PC.

Dermal long-term exposure – local effects:

For formaldehyde, a local long-term DNEL of 12 µg/cm² is proposed for the consumer in the registration dossier on the ECHA website. As the formaldehyde content in Fixapret PC is less than 1 %, this value can be multiplied by 100 to obtain the respective Fixapret PC DNEL which is thus set at 1.2 mg/cm2.

Dermal long-term exposure – systemic effects:

The NOAEL from an oral OECD Guideline 422 study (Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity Study with the Reproduction / Developmental Toxicity Screening Test) (BASF SE, 2013) was identified as the appropriate starting point for DNEL derivation for long-term dermal exposure. The NOAEL for general, systemic toxicity of the test substance was 1000 mg/kg bw/d for rats.

There is no data available indicating that dermal uptake is considerably lower than oral uptake. The oral systemic long-term NOAEL was therefore considered appropriate for derivation of a dermal systemic long-term DNEL without further correction.

For DNEL derivation, the following assessment factors (AF) were applied to the corrected starting point:

- Interspecies factor: 4

Recommended for the rat in REACh Guidance document R.8 for allometric scaling

 - Intraspecies factor: 5

There were no systemic effects observed in the repeated dose study with rats. Therefore an intraspecies factor of 5 is considered to be sufficient.

- Exposure duration: 3.4 (Batke, 2011)

Within the ERASM project, time-extrapolation factors were evaluated with the database RepDoseg that currently contains about 670 substances and 2200 studies on repeated-dose toxicity. It has been shown that as long as the material is soluble, the sub-acute to sub-chronic factor was 1.5, rather than 3 , the sub-acute to chronic factor was 3.4 and the sub-chronic to chronic factor was 1.4 (Batke et al, 2011). Furthermore, female rats were exposed for up to 50 days instead of 28 days as requested in a regular 28-day study.

- Dose-response: 1

- Remaining differences: 1 (Escher and Mangelsdorf, 2009; Batke et al, 2010; Bitsch et al, 2006).

Within the ERASM project, studies in rats and mice are being examined to substantiate whether the factors for allometry and 'remaining‘ differences would be appropriate for these species. The results suggest that a factor of 2.5 for 'remaining‘ interspecies differences may be questionable as a standard procedure (Escher and Mangelsdorf, 2009; Batke et al, 2011; Bitsch et al, 2006).

Total AF = 4 x 5 x 3.4 x 1 x 1 = 68

Based on this calculation the resulting DNEL is 14.7 mg/kg bw/day.

As stated above, the DEG content of Fixapret PC is above 10 % but below 20 %. For DEG, a dermal long-term DNEL for the consumer of 53 mg/kg bw/day was derived (see dossier of DEG, CAS # 111-46-6). As the DEG-content in Fixapret PC is below 20 %, the maximum DEG content in Fixapret PC is 2.94 mg/kg bw/day, if the DNEL for Fixapret PC is not exceeded. As this value is below 56 mg/kg bw/day, no further correction of this DNEL is needed. The dermal long-term DNEL for Fixapret PC of 14.7 mg/kg bw/day is therefore also protecting for any hazards that might stem from the DEG exposure within Fixapret PC.

Oral long-term exposure – systemic effects:

The NOAEL from an oral OECD Guideline 422 study (Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity Study with the Reproduction / Developmental Toxicity Screening Test) (BASF SE, 2013) was identified as the appropriate starting point for DNEL derivation for long-term oral exposure. The NOAEL for general, systemic toxicity of the test substance was 1000 mg/kg bw/d for rats.

The NOAEL of 1000 mg/kg bw/day was considered appropriate as point of departure for DNEL derivation.

For DNEL derivation, the following assessment factors (AF) were applied to the corrected starting point:

- Interspecies factor: 4

Recommended for the rat in REACh Guidance document R.8 for allometric scaling

- Intraspecies factor: 5

There were no systemic effects observed in the repeated dose study with rats. Therefore an intraspecies factor of 5 is considered to be sufficient.

- Exposure duration: 3.4 (Batke, 2011)

Within the ERASM project, time-extrapolation factors were evaluated with the database RepDoseg that currently contains about 670 substances and 2200 studies on repeated-dose toxicity. It has been shown that as long as the material is soluble, the sub-acute to sub-chronic factor was 1.5, rather than 3 , the sub-acute to chronic factor was 3.4 and the sub-chronic to chronic factor was 1.4 (Batke et al, 2011). Furthermore, female rats were exposed for up to 50 days instead of 28 days as requested in a regular 28-day study.

- Dose-response: 1

- Remaining differences: 1 (Escher and Mangelsdorf, 2009; Batke et al, 2010; Bitsch et al, 2006).

Within the ERASM project, studies in rats and mice are being examined to substantiate whether the factors for allometry and 'remaining‘ differences would be appropriate for these species. The results suggest that a factor of 2.5 for 'remaining‘ interspecies differences may be questionable as a standard procedure (Escher and Mangelsdorf, 2009; Batke et al, 2011; Bitsch et al, 2006).

Total AF = 4 x 5 x 3.4 x 1 x 1 = 68

As a consequence, the resulting DNEL for long-term oral local and systemic effects is 14.7 mg/kg bw/d for the general population.

Due to the DEG content of Fixapret PC, this DNEL needs to be further corrected down to 2.5 mg/kg bw/d:

The German BfR assessed the potential hazard of DEG in toothpaste (Statement No. 025/2008, 16th of July 2007) and stated that humans are about 10-20 times more sensitive than rats and that the first functional and morphological kidney effects for DEG are seen at a dose level of 50-100 mg/kg bw in humans. It is stated in this document, that the daily human intake of DEG should be below 0.5 -1.0 mg/kg bw. More details can be found at

As stated above, the DEG content of Fixapret PC is above 10 % but below 20 %. As the maximum daily oral intake of DEG should not exceed 0.5 mg/kg bw/day and based on a maximum DEG content below 20 %, a consumer oral-long term DNEL of 2.5 mg/kg is proposed for Fixapret PC.

- Batke M, Escher S, Hoffmann-Doerr S, Melber C, Messinger H, Mangelsdorf I.(2011).Evaluation of time extrapolation factors based on the database RepDose. Toxicology Letters 205 (2011) 122– 129.


- Escher S and Mangelsdorf I. (2009). Evaluation of risk assessment factors for inter-species and time-extrapolation. Toxicol Lett 189:S247-S248. 46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, 13-16 September 2009, Dresden.


- Bitsch A, Jacobi S, Melber C, Wahnschaffe U, Simetska N, Mangelsdorf I. (2006).REPDOSE: A database on repeated dose toxicity studies of commercial chemicals – a multifunctional tool. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 46:202-210.

-ECHA (2008). REACh Guidance document R.8

-ECETOC (2003). Derivation of Assessment factors for Human Health Risk Assessment. Technical Report No. 86, February 2003.

-ECETOC (2010). Guidance on Assessment Factors to Derive DNELs.Technical Report No. 110, October 2010.