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Diss Factsheets

Ecotoxicological information

Toxicity to birds

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short-term toxicity to birds: acute oral toxicity test
Type of information:
read-across from supporting substance (structural analogue or surrogate)
Adequacy of study:
weight of evidence
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
study well documented, meets generally accepted scientific principles, acceptable for assessment
Justification for type of information:
Alcohols, C16-18 is a member and is from Long Chain Alcohols (C6-22 primary aliphatic alcohols) category.
The Long Chain Alcohols (C6-22 primary aliphatic alcohols) category is considered suitable as a source of data for Alcohols, C16-18.
Considered valid for read-across for purposes of classification.
No further vertebrate testing can be justified.

Long Chain Alcohols (C6-22 primary aliphatic alcohols) category covers a family of 30 primary aliphatic alcohols within a carbon chain length range of C6-C22. Commercial products generally include several aliphatic alcohol components, with a range of carbon chain lengths present. The family consists of alcohols with varying compositions and structures. Composition depends on the route to manufacture and the related feedstocks. Most of the alcohols have linear carbon chains but certain manufacturing processes create branched structures. Data are also available for eleven other similar substances, which support the category. Non-sponsored alcohols may not be HPV or may not be produced by members of the consortium, but have structures similar to sponsored linear alcohols.

Key points are that the members share:
• The same structural features
• Similar metabolic pathways
• Common mode of ecotoxicological action
• Common levels and mode of human health related effects.
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
equivalent or similar to guideline
OECD Guideline 223 (Avian Acute Oral Toxicity Test)
GLP compliance:
not specified
Dose method:
Analytical monitoring:
not specified
Test organisms (species):
other: Gallus domesticus
Details on test organisms:
- Common name: Domestic Chicken
- Disease free: yes /
- Kept according to standard practices: yes /

Gallus domesticus (Domestic Chicken). The organism(s) (age: 1 d and organism characteristics of: 39.7 G,WHITE LEGHORN AND BROILER) were exposed for a duration of 3 week(s) to a(n) NR ad libitum; without limit or restraint application of 1-Octanol (CAS # 111875) in NR carrier or a(n) NR positive control through a(n) chemical incorporated into the food exposure route. The reported chemical concentrations are the result of unmeasured analysis of chemical solutions and are based on the NR ion.

Limit test:
Total exposure duration (if not single dose):
3 wk
No. of animals per sex per dose and/or stage:
Gallus domesticus (Domestic Chicken). The organism(s) (age: 1 d and organism characteristics of: 39.7 G,WHITE LEGHORN AND BROILER)
Control animals:
not specified
Nominal and measured doses / concentrations:
10 % of diet of 1-Octanol corresponds to 100 000 ppm (mg/l).1 ppm in the diet of chick is equavalent to 0.125 mg/kg bw per day. Consequently 100000 ppm is equavalent to 12500 mg/kg bw per day (100000x 0.125).
Details on test conditions:
MEDIA TYPE- NONE (no substrate)

LOCATION: LAB (Laboratory, indoor)
CONTROL: C (concurrent control),
The total number of exposure doses - 3 week(s) to a(n) NR ad libitum; without limit or restraint application of 1-Octanol (CAS # 111875)
EXPOSURE DUR.: 3 week(s)
STAND DUR. (D): 3 week(s)

CHEM ANAL. METHOD: unmeasured
T 100000 NR to NR 100000 mg/L
Details on examinations and observations:
- Time schedule for examinations: :3 weeks
- Remarks:

- Time schedule for examinations:: 3 weeks
- Remarks:

FOOD CONSUMPTION (if feeding study)
- Time schedule for examinations:3 weeks
- Remarks: Gallus domesticus (Domestic Chicken). The organism(s) (age: 1 d and organism characteristics of: 39.7 G,WHITE LEGHORN AND BROILER) were exposed for a duration of 3 week(s) to a(n) NR ad libitum; without limit or restraint application of 1-Octanol (CAS # 111875) in NR carrier or a(n) NR positive control through a(n) chemical incorporated into the food exposure route. The reported chemical concentrations are the result of unmeasured analysis of chemical solutions and are based on the NR ion.
Details on reproductive parameters:
Under the conditions of the test of Yoshida, M., and H. Hoshii1971, 1-Octanol induced No Mortality in Gallus domesticus below 1250 mg/kg bw (NOAEL).
Reference substance (positive control):
not specified
Duration (if not single dose):
3 wk
Dose descriptor:
Effect level:
1 250 mg/kg bw/day
Conc. / dose based on:
test mat.
Basis for effect:
Remarks on result:
other: 10 % of diet of 1-Octanol corresponds to 100 000 ppm (mg/l).1 ppm in the diet of chick is equavalent to 0.125 mg/kg bw per day.Consequently 100000 ppm is equavalent to 12500 mg/kg bw per day (100000x 0.125). NR-LETH =12500 mg/kg bw, NOEL=1250 mg/kgbw
Duration (if not single dose):
3 wk
Dose descriptor:
Effect level:
10 000 mg/kg diet
Conc. / dose based on:
test mat.
Basis for effect:
Remarks on result:
other: Conversion factors from NOEL to NOEC for bird species Gallus domesticus is (bw/dfi) bw = body weight (g); dfi: daily food intake (g/day) NOECbird=1250 x 8=10 000 mg/kg/diet

Under the conditions of the present test 1-Octanol induced No Mortality in Gallus domesticus below 1250 mg/kg bw (NOAEL).

Validity criteria fulfilled:
10 % of diet of 1-Octanol corresponds to 100 000 ppm (mg/l).1 ppm in the diet of chick is equavalent to 0.125 mg/kg bw per day.Consequently 100000 ppm is equavalent to 12500 mg/kg bw per day (100000x 0.125). NR-LETH =12500 mg/kg bw, NOEL=1250 mg/kg bw
Executive summary:

A study of NC-NC Not Coded duration using no substrate media was conducted in a Lab site location with Not Coded obtained Gallus domesticus (Domestic Chicken). The organism(s) (age: 1 d and organism characteristics of: 39.7 G,WHITE LEGHORN AND BROILER) were exposed for a duration of 3 week(s) to a(n) NR ad libitum; without limit or restraint application of 1-Octanol (CAS # 111875) in NR carrier or a(n) NR positive control through a(n) chemical incorporated into the food exposure route. The reported chemical concentrations are the result of unmeasured analysis of chemical solutions and are based on the NR ion. (Reference 79054, Yoshida, M., and H. Hoshii, 1971, Test Number 402961).

long-term toxicity to birds
Data waiving:
other justification
Justification for data waiving:

Description of key information

Under the conditions of the  test of Yoshida, M., and H. Hoshii1971, 1-Octanol induced No  Mortality  in Gallus domesticus  below  1250 mg/kg bw  (NOEL).
The NOELs can be converted to NOECs with the following two formulae:
Conversion factors from NOAEL to NOEC for bird species Gallus domesticus is (bw/dfi)
bw = body weight (g); dfi: daily food intake (g/day)
NOECbird=1250 x 8=10000 mg/kg/diet
LC50=5 x 10000 =50000 mg/kg food
This information will be take into account for birds toxicity for the derivation of PNEC.

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Short-term EC50 or LC50 for birds:
50 000 mg/kg food
Long-term EC10, LC10 or NOEC for birds:
10 000 mg/kg food

Additional information

Under the conditions of the test of Yoshida, M., and H. Hoshii1971, 1-Octanol induced No Mortality in Gallus domesticus below 1250 mg/kg bw (NOEL).

The NOELs can be converted to NOECs with the following two formulae:   NOECbird=NOAELbird.CONVbird  

Conversion factors from NOAEL to NOEC for bird species Gallus domesticus is (bw/dfi) bw = body weight (g); dfi: daily food intake (g/day)  

NOECbird=1250 x 8=10000 mg/kg/diet

LC50=5 x 10000 =50000 mg/kg food

This information will be take into account for birds toxicity for the derivation of PNEC.