Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

First-aid measures

Emergency measure - Eyes: Gründlich ausspülen, um eine Anfärbung des Augapfels

weitestgehend zu vermeiden.


Rinse thoroughly to avoid staining of the eyeball as far as


Emergency measure - Skin: Mit viel Wasser und Seife oder anderen hautschonenden

Reinigungsmitteln abwaschen.


Wash off using large quantities of water and soap or other

cleaning agents which are kind to the skin.

Fire-fighting measures

Recommended extinguishing agent: Schaum, Kohlendioxid, Trockenlöschmittel, Wassernebel.


Foam, carbon dioxide, dry extinguishing agents, fine water


Product arising from burning: Stickstoff-, schwefel- und halogenhaltige Verbindungen.


Nitrogen, sulphur and halogen-containing compounds.

Product determined by test: N

Protective equipment: Atemschutzgeräte; richten sich nach Brandumfang und

örtlichen Gegebenheiten.


Respirators. Action determined by the extent of the fire and

by the local conditions.

Accidental release measures

Emergency measures in case of spillage: Verstreutes Pulver trocken aufnehmen, Lösungen oder

Dispersionen mit inertem saugfähigem Material aufnehmen und

einer geeigneten Verbrennungsanlage oder Deponie zuführen.


Take up spilled powder in a dry manner, taken up solutions

or dispersions using inert, absorbent material and dispose

of in a suitable incineration plant or at a suitable

landfill site.

Handling and storage

Handling: Handhabung unter Beachtung der im Umgang mit Farbstoffen

üblichen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen.


Handling in observance of the precautionary measures usually

taken in the case of the handling of dyes.

Storage: Keine besonderen Empfehlungen erforderlich


No special recommendations required.

Packaging of the substance and or preparation: Bis 5 kg: Polydosen, eingestellt in Wellpappe-Stanzkisten;

in Weißblechdosen mit eingelegtem PE-Sack oder einfacher


20-30 kg: Textilkarton;

50-100 kg: Fibertrommel, naßfest.


Up to 5 kg: polycontainers placed in corrugated cardboard

boxes; in tins with a PE sack insert or simple fibre drum.

20-30 kg: textile box;

20-100 kg: fibre drum, waterproof

Transport information

Shippingopen allclose all
SpecialProvisionsopen allclose all
Shippingopen allclose all
Remarksopen allclose all

Marine transport (UN RTDG/IMDG)

Shippingopen allclose all
Remarksopen allclose all

Air transport (UN RTDG/ICAO/IATA)

Shippingopen allclose all
Special provisions / remarks
Transport: Keine besonderen Empfehlungen erforderlich. Der Stoff fällt
in keine Gefahrenklasse nach verkehrsrechtlichen


No special recommendations required. The substance is not
assigned to any danger class according to transport law.
SpecialProvisionsopen allclose all

Exposure controls / personal protection

Stability and reactivity

Danger other than fire: Keine bekannt


None known

Disposal considerations

Industry - Possibility of recovery/recycling: Keine Möglichkeiten


No possibilities

Industry - Possibility of neutralisation: Entfällt



Industry - Possibility of destruction: controlled discharge: Ablagerung in Deponien, die zur Vermeidung von Versickerung

isoliert sind. Örtliche Bestimmungen beachten.


Disposal at seepage-proof waste disposal sites. Observe

local regulations.

Industry - Possibility of destruction - incineration: Entsorgung in Müllverbrennungsanlagen mit

Rauchgasbehandlung. Örtliche Bestimmungen beachten.


Disposal in waste incineration plants with flue-gas

treatment. Observe local regulations.

Industry - Possibility of destruction - water purification: Aus dem Abwasser durch Ausfällung oder Adsorption an den

Schlamm eliminierbar.


Eliminable from the waste water by means of precipitation or

adsorption to the sludge.