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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Toxicological information

Repeated dose toxicity: inhalation

Currently viewing:

Administrative data

short-term repeated dose toxicity: inhalation
Type of information:
read-across based on grouping of substances (category approach)
Adequacy of study:
key study
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: non-GLP, no guideline provided
Justification for type of information:
The Reporting Format for the Chemical Category According to ECHA (2008) Guidance R. can be found in the Endpoint Summary of Toxicokinetics, metabolism and distribution.
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across: supporting information
Iron can only be absorbed orally as the ferrous ion. Iron absorption in the rat is higher than humans. The presence of non-complexed iron in the diet rarely results in iron overload conditions. 
There are no reliable acute or repeated dose dermal studies that can be consulted for evidence of absorption via dermal route.
The water soluble inorganic iron salts do not undergo metabolism.
Iron can be inhaled as the ferric or ferrous ion. Ferric and ferrous ions precipitate in lysosomes of alveolar cells. However, it is not clear how fast the clearance of iron particles from pulmonary tissues is.
Iron is uniformly distributed via blood. Greatest concentrations are in liver, bone marrow and spleen.
If there is an excess of the element within the body, there is no biochemical mechanism for its excretion and this may result in both severe and chronic symptoms if large amounts are ingested. About 1 mg of iron is lost each day through sloughing of cells from skin and mucosal surfaces, including the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Only 0.01 to 0.02 % of the resorbed iron in humans are excreted daily. The daily losses of iron from the human body correspond to a biological half-time of iron of 10 to 20 years.
The foetus is protected from the effects of excess iron in the mother.
Bioaccumulation potential:
low bioaccumulation potential

Justification for read-across

This endpoint is covered by the category approach for soluble iron salts (please see below for the category justification/report format).

In addition to the category members, the surrogate material ammonium iron(III) citrate was used for read-across (McCance & Widdowson 1938). This substance also dissociates at physiological pH to the same species produced by the ferric (iron III) salts. As discussed in the category justification section, the equilibrium to iron II species is quickly established. In result iron species burden is assumed to be comparable to equimolar exposure to the iron category member salts. The additional ammonium and citrate are considered not influencing the iron kinetics.


Iron is an essential element, and plays an important role in biological processes, and iron homeostasis (biochemical mechanisms maintaining constant concentration in the cell) is under strict control (McCance & Widdowson 1938). Absorption, storage, mobilisation and excretion of iron are all regulated at the surface of cells by a homeostatic mechanism (Hostynek 1993). The counter ions of the soluble inorganic iron salts in question enter the body’s normal homeostatic processes, and are not discussed further.




In humans the absorbance and uptake of iron salts from the digestive system is usually rather poor to the extent that treatment of simple anaemia by such means is of limited effectiveness. This is because iron can only be absorbed as the ferrous ion, but the ferrous ion can only exist in an acid medium. Therefore once in the small intestine the ferrous ion cannot exist. Iron absorption in the rat is higher than humans (Mahoney & Hendricks 1984); consequently, rat studies are considered unreliable models for iron toxicology in humans. Uptake is facilitated by the formation of iron chelates such as those with citrate and ascorbate that are present in the diet and in their absence iron absorption by the small intestine is very poor. Additionally, the presence of appreciable amounts of plant tannins may complex iron and further prevents its absorption. The result of this low solubility and low uptake by the human gut means that for healthy individuals, the presence of non-complexed iron in the diet rarely results in iron overload conditions.

There is some evidence that water-soluble iron salts are better absorbed than water-insoluble iron compounds. In both humans and animals, iron absorption from the digestive tract is adjusted to a fine homeostasis with low iron stores resulting in increased absorption and, alternately, sufficient body stores of iron decreasing absorption (Elinder 1986).

Significant differences in iron absorption from salts and food have been noted between rats and humans, with uptake significantly higher from identical meals in rats (Reddy and Cook, 1991), although rats poorly absorb haem (Bjorn-Rassmussen 1974). Dietary enhancers and inhibitors appear to affect non-haem iron absorption in humans to a greater extent than in rats (Reddy & Cook 1991). Growth requirements for iron in the rat are greater, and the dietary intake is about 100 times greater than that of humans, expressed on a body weight basis (WHO 1983).

EFSA (2012) concludes for FeSO4 on rapid absorption (10 % up to 60 % in case of iron deficiency) within 2 to 6 hours.


The water solubility (estimated at 300 g/L) of ferric chloride sulphate suggests that it is unlikely to be absorbed across the lipid-rich stratum corneum. However, there are no reports of percutaneous absorption of iron in non-chelated form to support this prediction. Percutaneous absorption of iron has been reported only for chelated forms administered as ointments in mice (Hostynek 1993). There are no reliable acute or repeated dose dermal studies that can be consulted for evidence of absorption via the dermal route.


In contrast to the wealth of data available on the human toxicology of ingested iron salts, there is only one available study (Johansson et al. 1992) on the potential for adverse health effects via inhalation. In this 2-month repeated dose inhalation study in rabbit, only local pulmonary effects were investigated. Here, macrophages were affected due to ferric chloride (FeCl3). Alveolar macrophages were increased in number in both exposed groups. There were prominent changes in the macrophages such as enlarged Lysosomes containing fibrous-looking structures or iron-rich inclusions leading to accumulation of iron. Since the lungs have a neutral pH of approximately 7.4, it is assumed that ferrous ion following a progressive oxidation in the presence of oxygen will transform to insoluble Fe(OH)3. Since a recovery group in Johansson (1992) study was not investigated, no information is available in regard to reversibility of occurring effects and the clearance of iron particles. Elinder (1986) indicated that yearly lung clearance of iron dust in humans is estimated to be 20 - 40 % of the deposited amount (data obtained from iron welders). This reference could be a hint that clearance of deposited iron in oxidized form from the lungs is relatively slow and possibly not complete.


The average adult human stores about 1 to 3 grams of iron in the body. Iron is almost never found in the free ionic state in living cells in appreciable concentrations; it is chaperoned in the form of protein complexes immediately it is absorbed from the diet. In the blood plasma it is transported (as FeIII) by the protein transferrin, which passes it on to dividing cells, particularly the cells in the bone marrow that are the precursors of the red blood cells. This is mediated by the transferrin receptor. Transferrin, which binds iron with high affinity is only 20-35 % saturated, thus the concentration of unbound iron is very low (0.5–1.5 mg/L or 9–27 μmol/L), Tenenbein 2001). Iron is stored principally in the liver in the large proteins haemosiderin and ferretin, although these are also found in all cells and in the blood in lower concentrations. Ferritin exists as hollow spheres of 24 protein subunits and iron is taken up in the FeII state but stored as FeIII. As with transferrin, it is stored in a redox-inactive (and therefore non-toxic) form. Ferritin is also important in recycling iron within the body and is an important biological indicator of iron balance. One consequence of the parsimonious conservation of iron is that if there is an excess of the element within the body, there is no biochemical mechanism for its excretion and this may result in both severe and chronic symptoms if large amounts are ingested.

Foetal exposure

It has been found that extremely elevated maternal serum iron concentrations are not accompanied by corresponding increases in foetal serum iron levels (Curryet et al.1990). This finding suggests that the foetus is protected from the effects of excess iron in the mother.


These water soluble inorganic iron salts do not undergo metabolism per se. As already mentioned iron is bound to transferrin for transport to the bone marrow or contained within storage forms.


About 1 mg of iron is lost each day through sloughing of cells from skin and mucosal surfaces, including the lining of the gastrointestinal tract (EVM 2003). Menstruation increases the average daily iron loss to about 2 mg per day in pre-menopausal female adults (Bothwell & Charlton, 1982). No physiological mechanism of iron excretion exists. Consequently, absorption alone regulates body iron stores (McCance and Widdowson 1938).

The daily losses of iron from the human body correspond to a biological half-time of iron of 10 to 20 years. The yearly lung clearance of iron dust is estimated to be 20-40 % of the deposited amount (data obtained from iron welders) (Elinder 1986).

Additional references of this section, not entered as studies

  • Bjorn-Rassmussen et al. (1974). Food iron absorption in man. Applications of the two-pool extrinsic tag method to measure heme and nonheme iron absorption form the whole diet. J. Clin. Invest. 53:247-55.
  • Bothwell and Charlton (1982). A general approach of the problems of iron deficiency and iron overload in the population at large. Seminars in Hematology 19, 54.
  • Curryet et al (1990). An ovine model of maternal iron poisoning in pregnancy. Ann. Emerg. Med 19:632-38.
  • EFSA European Food Safety Authority (2012). Conclusion on Pesticide Peer Review. Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance iron sulphate. Self-published, Parma, Italy. EFSA Journal 10(1):2521. 48 p.
  • Elinder (1986) Iron. IN: Friberg L, Nordberg GF, Vouk VB, eds., 1986. Handbook on the toxicology of metals. 2nd ed., the: Elsevier, 277-297 (Vol II).
  • EVM Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (2003). Safe upper levels for vitamins and minerals. Report of the Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals. ISBN 1-904026-11-7 Self-published in May by the Food Standards Agency, U.K. 360 p.
  • Hostynek (1993). Metals and the Skin. Critical Reviews in Toxicology 23(2):171-235
  • Johansson A, Curstedt T, Rasool O, Jarstrand C, Camner P (1992). Macrophage Reaction in Rabbit Lung following Inhalation of Iron Chloride. PMID 1597169 Environ Res 58(1):66-79.
  • Mahoney AW, Hendricks DG (1984). Potential of the rat as a model for predicting iron bioavailability for humans. DOI 10.1016/S0271-5317(84)80067-6 Nutrition Res. 4(5):913-22.
  • McCance RA,Widdowson EM (1938). The absorption and excretion of iron following oral and intravenous administration. DOI 10.1113/jphysiol.1938.sp003669 PMID 16995028 J. Phys. 94(1):148 -54. URL
  • Reddy MB, Cook JD (1991). Assessment of dietary determinants of nonheme-iron absorption in humans and rats. PMID 1654740 Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 54(4):723-8. URL
  • Tenenbein M (2001). Hepatotoxicity in Acute Iron Poisoning. PMID 11778670 Clin. Toxicol. 39(7):721-6.
  • WHO (1983) 571. Iron. Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants. WHO Food Additives Series, No. 18, 1983, nos 554-573 on INCHEM URL

Chemical Category Reporting Format according to ECHA Guidance

The following definition complies with the ECHA (2008, chapter R.6) Guidance on QSARs and grouping of chemicals. It should be used in the discussions of the IUCLID 5 section 7 (Toxicology).

Table: Reporting Format for the Chemical Category According to ECHA Guidance R.


Category definition and its members: Dissociating, inorganic and non-toxic iron compounds


Category Definition


Category Hypothesis

In solid form iron element exists free, or in iron-containing compounds. In aqueous solution, it exists in one or two oxidation states, Fe2+, the ferrous form, and Fe3+, the ferric form. Many of the key biological functions of iron in living systems rely on the high redox potential, enabling rapid conversion between the Fe2+ and Fe3+ forms. The redox potential is relatively harmful in terms of the capacity for oxidative damage to cellular compound such as fatty acids, proteins and nucleic acids. However, iron within the body is normally bound to carrier proteins and/or molecules with antioxidant properties, which minimise the capacity of the free ion to cause oxidative stress (EVM 2003).

In the first assumption, due to the neutral pulmonary pH (of about 7.4) the iron ions will precipitate in hydroxide or oxide of ferrous or ferric form and undergo rapid oxidation to ferric form. Therefore iron salts will act as identical material for the both iron oxidation forms.

In the second assumption, independently of exposure route, the anions of iron salts are irrelevant for the toxicity: this category covers as well the anions of inorganic ferrous and ferric salts, i.e. chloride, sulphate and their crystalohydrate forms. All of these salts will dissociate immediately in contact with aqueous media to the respective anions and kations, and then be subject to further change of oxidation and speciated state according to the conditions.

In the third assumption, the local effects could be slightly different depending on iron oxidation forms, but it should be not relevant in the regulatory context.

In the fourth assumption, bioavailability of iron is regulated by homeostasis mechanisms. It is also known that the ferrous ion (Fe2+) has a higher oral bioavailability than the ferric ion (Fe3+) that could impair the category approach. However, this difference is not that significant to be relevant in the regulatory context. Regarding the long-term exposure, a tolerance development could be assumed. Therefore it is not necessary to make any differentiation between category members and read-across between the salts can be used freely for the toxicological property data sets.


Applicability Domain of the category

This category comprises five soluble iron salts (ferric and ferrous chloride and ferrous and ferric sulphate and ferric chloride sulphate, including their various hydrated forms).


List of endpoints covered (numbers refer to the IUCLID 5 sections)

7. Toxicological information

7.1 Toxicokinetics, metabolism and distribution

7.2 Acute toxicity

7.3 Irritation / corrosion (limitation: differently as in this category, FeSO4 is irritant for eye)

7.4 Sensitization

7.5 Repeated dose toxicity

7.6 Genetic toxicity

7.7 Carcinogenicity

7.8 Toxicity to reproduction


Category Members apart from Hydronium jarosite (EC 940-441-4)

Common name

EC number

CAS number

Ferric chloride



Ferrous chloride



Ferric sulphate



Ferrous sulphate



Ferric chloride sulphate



The definition of these salts also covers a number of chemical identities relating to specific hydrates. Under REACH all hydrates are covered by the registration of the anhydrous salt. As the hydrates influence the molecular weight, correction should apply as the hydrate weight is considered in CLP according to ECHA Guidance on the Application of the CLP Criteria Version 2.0 (2012, p 535, Example D).

The following hydrates are identified in the public domain though not all are necessarily commercially relevant:

Chemical name (CAS name)

CAS number

Molecular formula

Iron chloride (FeCl3), monohydrate (9CI)


Cl3 Fe . H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl3), hydrate (2:3) (9CI)


Cl3 Fe . 3/2 H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl3), dihydrate (9CI)


Cl3 Fe . 2 H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl3), trihydrate (9CI)


Cl3 Fe . 3 H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl3), hexahydrate (8CI, 9CI)


Cl3 Fe . 6 H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl3), nonahydrate (9CI)


Cl3 Fe . 9 H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl3), dodecahydrate (9CI)


Cl3 Fe . 12 H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl3), hydrate (8CI, 9CI)


Cl3 Fe . x H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl2), hydrate


Cl2 Fe . x H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl2), monohydrate


Cl2 Fe . H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl2), dihydrate


Cl2 Fe . 2 H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl2), tetrahydrate


Cl2 Fe . 4 H2O

Iron chloride (FeCl2), hexahydrate


Cl2 Fe . 6 H2O

Sulphuric acid, iron(3+) salt (3:2), nonahydrate



Sulphuric acid, iron(3+) salt (3:2), hydrate



Sulphuric acid, iron(3+) salt (3:2), hexahydrate


Fe . 3/2 H2SO4 . 3 H2O

Sulphuric acid, iron(3+) salt (3:2), heptahydrate


Fe . 3/2 H2SO4 . 7/2 H2O

Sulphuric acid, iron(3+) salt (3:2), tetrahydrate


Fe . 3/2 H2SO4 . 2 H2O

Sulphuric acid, iron(2+) salt (1:1), hexahydrate


Fe . H2SO4 . 6 H2O

Sulphuric acid, iron(2+) salt (1:1), trihydrate


Fe . H2SO4 . 3 H2O

Sulphuric acid, iron(2+) salt (1:1), tetrahydrate


Fe . H2SO4 . 4 H2O

Sulphuric acid, iron(2+) salt (1:1), monohydrate


Fe . H2SO4 . H2O

Sulphuric acid, iron(2+) salt (1:1), hydrate


Fe . H2SO4 . x H2O

Sulphuric acid, iron(2+) salt (1:1), dihydrate


Fe . H2SO4 . 2 H2O

Sulphuric acid, iron(2+) salt (1:1), heptahydrate


Fe . H2SO4 . 7 H2O


Purity / Impurities

Iron salts are not toxic to the population (cut off category 4 and upwards) and generally only substances with comparable purity or impurity profiles can be assessed together. Technical grade materials may contain relevant quantities of impurities, which exceed the low toxicological effects of the pure compounds comprised in this category. In cases where the sum of impurities triggers the toxicity, assessment has to be based on these impurities considering their concentration and the category assessment is restricted to the iron salt components.

The purity of the category members is generally > 80 % w/w. Deviations below this purity value would normally not be acceptable since this would suggest that the substance should not be considered as a mono-constituent substance.

Impurities comprise salts of other metals up to ≤ 1 % w/w and free acid up to < 10 % w/w.


Category justification

The iron salts category comprises a directly analogous group of iron Fe3+and Fe2+salts, with counter-ions (chloride and sulphate) which are ubiquitous and do not require additional consideration. The formation of a category is justified on the basis of a self-consistent model of the behaviour and properties of these substances. All of these salts will dissociate immediately in aqueous media to the respective anions and kations. The chloride and sulphate anions are of no further interest since they are already ubiquitous in vivo and do not represent health hazard. The ferric and ferrous ions will inter-convert rapidly according to the in vivo conditions that they are found in, and if one ion is introduced into a system, any effects observed may be due to that ion, the other oxidation state, or a mixture of the two. Although each form of iron could be assessed for a particular endpoint and the test substance well-characterised, as a consequence of the inter-conversion it is not always possible to determine the form of the iron responsible for a particular endpoint. In general, under oxygenated conditions, ferrous will be converted to ferric, and in the presence of water ferric hydroxides will precipitate initially. Even where the form of the iron present when the endpoint is reached can be determined there will be uncertainty regarding the species responsible, unless the toxicity can be followed as a function of this species, which means that a dose response-relationship can be established. The majority of toxicological endpoints are covered with experimental tests showing similar mode of action between iron oxidation forms and salts having different counter-ions. Therefore it is logical to consider these five salts together within a single chemical category. Where a data gap may exist for an individual salt, it is considered that relevant data for one or more of the other salts are an acceptable surrogate for the missing data, taking due account of the oxidation state present initially. The iron content of a given salt or solution may be used to convert or compare data.


Data matrix

The category approach was evaluated basing on the following experimental data for the acute oral toxicity endpoint. Studies are generally considered reliable or represent the sole data point available.

Test substance

Identifier of the study

Animal species

LD50 [mg/kg bw] based on test substance

LD50 [mg Fe/kg bw] based on Fe


Choi 2004a


500 (300 – 2000, toxic classes tested)

220 (132-881, toxic classes tested)


MHLW 2002


> 2000

> 401


Anon 2000





Parent 2000





Weaver 1961


2625 (2323-2966, 95% CV)


(854-1090, 95% CV)


Weaver 1961


1025 (802-1311, 95% CV)


(295-482, 95% CV)


Boccio 1998


670 (females)

680 (males)

246 (females)

250 (males)


Hosking 1970

mouse, female

1278 (871-1830, 95% CV)


(300-630, 95% CV)


ICI 1991


500-2000 (females)

>2000 (males)

140-559 (females)

>559 males

The category approach was evaluated basing on the following experimental data for the skin irritation / corrosion endpoint. Studies are generally considered reliable or represent the sole data point available.

Test substance

Identifier of the study

Test method & animal species



Clouzeau 1994

Skin irritation / corrosion in vivo, rabbit

Irritating, Category 2


Park 2004

Skin irritation / corrosion in vivo, rabbit

Not irritating


BASF 1977

Skin irritation / corrosion in vivo, rabbit

Irritating, Category 2

The category approach was evaluated based on the following experimental data for eye irritation / corrosion. Studies are generally considered as reliable or represent the sole data point available. In the study of Bayer AG (1992) FeSO4. 7H2O is classified as non-irritating, however, according to Draft Assessment Report for Iron Sulphate (September 2008), FeSO4 is classified as irritating to eyes (R36). Therefore, FeSO4 should be adopted as irritant to eyes.

Test substance

Identifier of the study

Test method & animal species



Jeong 2004

Eye irritation / corrosion in vivo, rabbit

Corrosive to rabbit eye, Category 1


Bayer AG 1992

Eye irritation in vivo, rabbit

(Not irritating)


FeCl3water free solid

BASF 1977

Eye irritation / corrosion in vivo, rabbit

Corrosive to rabbit eye, Category 1

The category approach was evaluated basing on the following experimental data for the skin sensitisation.

Test substance

Identifier of the study

Test method & animal species



Ikarashi 1992

Skin sensitisation in vivo



Stitzinger 2010

Skin sensitisation – LLNA, mouse



Storck 1962

Skin sensitisation in vivo, guinea pigs

Ambiguous, 1 of 2 guinea pigs were positive

The category approach was evaluated based on the following experimental data for repeated dose toxicity. Studies are generally considered reliable or represent the sole data point available.

Test substance

Identifier of the study

Test method & animal species

Result based on iron salt

Result based on iron


Beom 2004

Repeated dose toxicity: oral – OECD 422, rat


125 mg/kg bw in males,

250 mg/kg bw in females


250 mg/kg bw in males

500 mg/kg bw in females


55.1 mg/kg bw in males,

110.1 mg/kg bw in females


110.1 mg/kg bw in males

220.5 mg/kg bw in females


Furuhashi 2002

Repeated dose toxicity: oral – OECD 422, rat


100 mg/kg bw, LOAEL:

300 mg/kg bw for the test item;


54.6 mg/kg bw, LOAEL:

163.9 mg/kg bw for anhydrous FeSO4


20.1 mg/kg bw


60.3 mg/kg bw


Sato 1992

Repeated dose toxicity: oral, 90 d rat


277 mg/kg bw in males,

341 mg/kg bw in females


95.4 mg/kg bw in males,

117.4 mg/kg bw in females

The category approach was evaluated based on the following experimental data for the genetic toxicity. Studies are generally considered reliable or represent the sole data point available.

Test substance

Identifier of the study

Test method & animal species



Kim 2004

Bacterial mutagenicity – Ames test

negative with and without metabolic activation


Ji Yoon 2004

In vivo cytogenicity – micronucleus, mouse

negative; 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 mg/ml in the dose range-finder; 1.25, 2.5 and 5 mg/mL in the micronucleus experiment


Bianchini 1988

In vivo micronuclei induction in GI tract, oral, mouse



Dunkel 1999

Bacterial mutagenicity – Ames test

negative; not a bacterial mutagen, tested up to 10’000 µg/plate (equivalent to 6001 µg/plate anhydrous FeCl3)


Dunkel 1999

Mammalian gene mutation – mouse lymphoma assay

negative up to 1030 µg Fe/mL -S9, up to 1.236 µg Fe/mL +S9; cytotoxicity at the highest tested concentrations


Schulz 2009

In vitro chromosome aberration – micronucleus assay

negative with and without metabolic activation


Bianchini 1988

In vivo micronuclei induction in GI-tract, oral, mouse

negative; dose related toxic effects were seen in colons of feeding animals and colon and stomach of fasting animals

The category approach was evaluated based on the following experimental data for the carcinogenicity. Studies are generally considered reliable or represent the sole data point available.

Test substance

Identifier of the study

Test method & species



Sato 1992

Similar to OECD 451, rat

no carcinogenic potential

Iron supplementation

Ullen 1997

Epidemiological, human

Protective effect of iron

The category approach was evaluated based on the following experimental data for the reproduction toxicity. Studies are generally considered reliable or represent the sole data point available.

Test substance

Identifier of the study

Test method & animal species

Result based on iron salt

Result based on iron


Beom 2004

Screening, oral – OECD 422, rat

NOAEL: ≥ 500 mg/kg bw/day

NOAEL: ≥ 220.5 mg/kg bw/day


Furuhashi 2002

Screening, oral – OECD 422, rat

NOAEL: ≥ 1000 mg/kg bw/day

NOAEL: ≥ 200.9 mg/kg bw/day


Conclusions per endpoint for C&L, PBT/vPvB and dose descriptor

Considering the acute oral toxicity, the LD50 values show marked variability (220 – 964 mg Fe/kg bw) without clear difference between Fe2+and Fe3+salts. Nevertheless all these iron salt forms clearly have LD50 values > 300 mg/kg bw, that according to CLP support a classification from category 4 to not categorized range and it could be one of the reason to handle the corresponding iron salts as one chemical category.

Considering skin irritation, all here mentioned irons salts according their mode of action and following CLP, could be classified as skin irritating – category 2.

Considering eye irritation / corrosion, iron salts could be classified as causing irreversible effects on the eye – category 1. An exception may be made for FeSO4, which is already listed in Annex I of the European Plant Protection Products Directive and classified into category 2 (eye irritant).

Considering sensitization, in general iron salts are deemed to have a no potential to cause sensitisation that is relevant for classification and could be regarded as one chemical category.

Considering repeated dose toxicity, in all reliable oral studies the LOAEL of iron salts is above 100 mg/kg bw (not categorized range according to CLP) and no clear difference between Fe2+and Fe3+is observed. The apparent effect of slightly lower or equal toxicity of FeCl3 in 90-day study is in line with the expectation of bioregulation, i.e. tolerance development. Therefore iron salts could be regarded as one chemical category. In the case of repeated inhalation toxicity, the comparability of the Fe2+and Fe3+oxidation states depends particularly on assumption 1.1.a. of the Category Hypothesis. The scientific evidence of this assumption should be relying on the brother basis of data then they become available.

Considering genetic toxicity, iron salts show no genotoxic potential and could be regarded as one chemical category.

Considering carcinogenicity, human and animal data together are in agreement that iron is not carcinogenic and accordingly no classification is necessary for the iron salts of this category.

Considering toxicity to reproduction, only for FeCl2 and FeSO4 reliable studies (conducted according to OECD TG 422) are available. As the bioavailability of ferrous iron is assumed to be initially higher than that of ferric iron, a read across from these two substances to the ferric salts of this category is deemed valid and conservative. For both substances no adverse effects were seen at the highest tested dose levels where moderate to strong parental toxicity was already present. Based on the available data it can therefore be assumed that the iron salts of this category are not reproductive toxicants.

Iron is a bioessential element and uptake of iron is highly regulated by organism, therefore no concerns exist regarding bioaccumulation.

  • Anon. 2000. Acute toxicity data submission 96-95. Int J Toxicol 19: No 5. Available from the secondary source OECD (2007, table 145).
  • EVM Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (2003). Safe upper levels for vitamins and minerals. Report of the Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals. ISBN 1-904026-11-7 Self-published in May by the Food Standards Agency, U.K. 360 p.
  • ICI (1991). Acute range oral toxicity study to the rat (CT20-126). Unpublished report. Testing laboratory: ICI Central Toxicology Laboratories. Report no.: Internal data Report No CTL/L/4392. Study number: AR5351. Report date: 1991-12-12. Available from the secondary source OECD (2007, table 145).
  • OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2007). Chemical Category: Iron Salts. SIDS Initial Assessment Report for SIAM 24, held in Paris, France, 17-20 April. Self-published, Paris, France. 138 p.

Data source

Referenceopen allclose all

Reference Type:
Macrophage Reaction in Rabbit Lung following Inhalation of Iron Chloride.
Johansson A, Curstedt T, Rasool O, Jarstrand C, Camner P
Bibliographic source:
DOI 10.1016/S0013-9351(05)80205-1 PMID 1597169 Environmental Research 58(1-2):66-79.
Reference Type:
other: Authority assessment
Report date:

Materials and methods

Test guideline
no guideline available
Principles of method if other than guideline:
Inhalation study of 60 days, MMAD: 1 µm, exposure frequency 5 days/week, 6 hours/day, 2 dose groups + control, 8 male rabbits/group.
GLP compliance:
Limit test:

Test material

Constituent 1
Chemical structure
Reference substance name:
Iron trichloride
EC Number:
EC Name:
Iron trichloride
Cas Number:
Molecular formula:
iron(3+) trichloride
Constituent 2
Reference substance name:
Ferric chloride
Ferric chloride
Details on test material:
- Name of test material (as cited in study report): Iron chloride
- Molecular formula: FeCl3

Test animals

not specified
Details on test animals or test system and environmental conditions:
- Source: no data
- Age at study initiation: no data
- Weight at study initiation: 2.8±0.5 kg
- Fasting period before study: no data
- Housing: no data
- Diet (e.g. ad libitum): no data
- Water (e.g. ad libitum): no data
- Acclimation period: no data

- Temperature (°C): no data
- Humidity (%): no data
- Air changes (per hr): no data
- Photoperiod (hrs dark / hrs light): no data

Administration / exposure

Route of administration:
inhalation: aerosol
Type of inhalation exposure:
not specified
Remarks on MMAD:
MMAD / GSD: 1 µm
Details on inhalation exposure:
- System of generating particulates/aerosols: ultrasonic nebulizer (De Vilbiss 35B)
- Method of particle size determination: impactor (Mitchell and Pilcher, 1959)

- Brief description of analytical method used: Metal concentration was estimated by sucking air through a filter (Satorius, 100 N, pore size 0.8 µm) and by analyzing the metal deposited on the filter with atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Varian AA6)
- Samples taken from breathing zone: yes
Analytical verification of doses or concentrations:
Details on analytical verification of doses or concentrations:
Metal concentration was estimated by sucking air through a filter (Satorius, 100 N, pore size 0.8 µm) and by analyzing the metal deposited on the filter with atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Varian AA6)
Duration of treatment / exposure:
2 months
Frequency of treatment:
5 days/week, 6 hours/day
Doses / concentrations
Doses / Concentrations:
1.4±0.7, 3.1±1.8 mg/m3
no data
No. of animals per sex per dose:
Control animals:
yes, concurrent vehicle
Details on study design:
- Dose selection rationale: no data
- Rationale for animal assignment (if not random): no data
- Section schedule rationale (if not random): no data


Observations and examinations performed and frequency:



- Food consumption for each animal determined and mean daily diet consumption calculated as g food/kg body weight/day: No data

- Body weight gain in kg/food consumption in kg per unit time X 100 calculated as time-weighted averages from the consumption and body weight gain data: No data







Lung tissue analysis: gross data, histological data, ultrastructural data
Alveolar macrophages: light microscopic data, ultrastructural data, scanning electron microscopic data, functional data, phospholipid data
Sacrifice and pathology:
Morphological data were evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U test and data on phospholipids and lung weights were evaluated with the t test. Level of significance was 0.05, two-tailed test.

Results and discussion

Results of examinations

Clinical signs:
not specified
not specified
Body weight and weight changes:
not specified
Food consumption and compound intake (if feeding study):
not specified
Food efficiency:
not specified
Water consumption and compound intake (if drinking water study):
not specified
Ophthalmological findings:
not specified
Haematological findings:
not specified
Clinical biochemistry findings:
not specified
Urinalysis findings:
not specified
Behaviour (functional findings):
not specified
Organ weight findings including organ / body weight ratios:
effects observed, treatment-related
Description (incidence and severity):
The lung weight, expressed as the weight (mean±SD) of the left lower lobe, was 1.9±0.4 in the control group, 2.0±0.7 in the low-Fe group, 2.3±0.3 in the high-Fe group.
Gross pathological findings:
effects observed, treatment-related
Description (incidence and severity):
7 of the 8 rabbits in the high-Fe group, 2 in the low-Fe group, and none of the controls had black-spotted lungs.
Histopathological findings: non-neoplastic:
effects observed, treatment-related
Description (incidence and severity):
Foci of interstitial inflamatory reaction, involving mostly lymphocytes in the high-Fe group. Accumulation of normal as well as granular macrophages in alveoli of rabbits: both exposed groups.
Histopathological findings: neoplastic:
not specified
Details on results:
no data

no data

no data

no data

no data

no data

no data

no data

no data

no data

The lung weight, expressed as the weight (mean±SD) of the left lower lobe, was 1.9±0.4 in the control group, 2.0±0.7 in the low-Fe group, 2.3±0.3 in the high-Fe group.

7 of the 8 rabbits in the high-Fe group, 2 in the low-Fe group, and none of the controls had black-spotted lungs.

Foci of interstitial inflamatory reaction, involving mostly lymphocytes in the high-Fe group. Accumulation of normal as well as granular macrophages in alveoli of rabbits: both exposed groups. The control rabbits showed essentially normal lung tissue with some small accumulations of macrophages and occasional small inflamatory reactions.

Ultrastructural data: Volume density of the alveolar type II cells was measured in the control group and in the high-Fe group. The value of the high-Fe group, 0.061±0.018 (mean±SD), was significantly higher than that of the control group, 0.045±0.012 (P<0.05).

Alveolar macrophages
Light microscopic data: Significantly more macrophages were obtained by lavage from both Fe groups than from the controls. The number was significantly higher in the high- than in the low-Fe group.
Ultrastructural data: The most characteristic findings were enlarged lysosomal complexes in macrophages from Fe-exposed rabbits. The percentage of cells with a surface lacking protrusions (smooth surface) in the high-Fe group was also higher than in the controls.
Phospholipid data: The concentration of total phospholipids was significantly increased in the high-Fe group compared to controls as well as to the low-dose group.

Effect levels

Dose descriptor:
Effect level:
1.4 mg/m³ air (analytical)
Based on:
Basis for effect level:
other: overall effects basing on gross pathology; organ weights; histopathology / the Health Council of the Netherlands Committee on Updating of Occupational Exposure Limits conclude on an OEL = 0.1 mg/m³.

Target system / organ toxicity

Critical effects observed:
not specified

Applicant's summary and conclusion

The Committee on Updating of Occupational Exposure Limits of the Health Council of the Netherlands concludes that the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) from this study is 1.4 mg Fe/m3, as respirable aerosols/particles, for effects on the lungs of rabbits after subacute inhalation exposure.
Executive summary:

The purpose of the present non-GLP and not conforme to OECD guideline study was to investigate the effects of inhaled FeCl3 on rabbit lung with special reference to alveolar macrophages, alveolar epithelial cells, and surfactant in order to have a basis for designing combined inhalation studies with iron and other metals and to investigate whether potentiations occur.

Groups of eight rabbits were inhalation-exposed to iron, 1.4±0.7 mg/m³ (low Fe), or 3.1±1.8 mg/m³ (high Fe) as FeCl3 or to filtered air (controls) for 2 months, 5 days/week and 6 hours/day. The alveolar macrophages were increased in number in both exposed groups. Noduli of granular macrophages were found in lungs of all the rabbits in the high-Fe group, in one from the low-Fe group, and in one control rabbit. Especially in the high-Fe group there were prominent changes in the macrophages such as enlarged lysosomes containing fibrous-looking structures, iron-rich inclusions, and densely packed, 5 -nm electron-dense granules. The number of cells filled with surfactant-like inclusions as well as smooth surface was inceased in the high-Fe group and the macrophages had enhanced phagocytic capacity. There was an increase in the phospholipid concentration and in the volume density of type II cells in the high-Fe group but the level of phosphatidylcholines was not significantly changed. The fact that Fe(3 +) affected mainly the alveolar macrophages might be due to the relatively high concentration of iron in these cells caused by the precipitation of iron in their lysosomes.

The Committee on Updating of Occupational Exposure Limits of the Health Council of the Netherlands concludes that the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) from this study is 1.4 mg Fe/m³, as respirable aerosols/particles, for effects on the lungs of rabbits after subacute inhalation exposure.