Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Environmental fate & pathways

Endpoint summary

Administrative data

Description of key information


HYDROWIN v2.00 program of Estimation Programs Interface (EPI Suite, 2017) prediction model was used to predict the hydrolysis half-life of test compound 2-Propen-1-yl butanoate (CAS No. 2051 -78 -7). The estimated half-life of 2-Propen-1-yl butanoate was estimated to be 1.222 yrs at pH 7.0 and 44.625 days at pH 8.0 (at 25 deg C), indicating that it is not hydrolysable.

Additional information


Predicted data for the target chemical 2-Propen-1-yl butanoate(CAS No. 2051-78-7) and various supporting weight of evidence studies from authoritative database for its read across substance were reviewed for the hydrolysis end point which are summarized as below:


In aprediction using the HYDROWIN v2.00 program of Estimation Programs Interface (EPI Suite, 2017) prediction model was used to predict the hydrolysis half-life of test compound 2-Propen-1-yl butanoate (CAS No. 2051 -78 -7). The estimated half-life of 2-Propen-1-yl butanoate was estimated to be 1.222 yrs at pH 7.0 and 44.625 days at pH 8.0 (at 25 deg C), indicating that it is not hydrolysable.


In a supporting weight of evidence study from authoritative database (HSDB, 2017) for the read across chemical Ethyl butyrate (CAS no. 105-54-4), the base catalyzed second order hydrolysis rate constant was determined using a structure estimation method of the read across chemical Ethyl butyrate. The second order hydrolysis rate constant was determined to be 6.3L/mol-sec with a corresponding half-lives of 3.5 yrs and 130 days at pH 7 and 8, respectively.


For another read across chemical Ethyl propanoate (CAS no. 105-37-3), the half-life and base catalyzed second order hydrolysis rate constant was determined of the read across chemical Ethyl propanoate. The second order hydrolysis rate constant of Ethyl propanoate was determined to be 0.089L/mol-sec with a corresponding half-lives of 2.5 yrs and 90 days at pH 7 and 8, respectively.


On the basis of the above results for target chemical 2-Propen-1-yl butanoate(fromEPI Suite, 2017) and for its read across substance (fromauthoritative databaseHSDB, 2017), it can be concluded that the test chemical2-Propen-1-yl butanoateis not hydrolysable.