Registration Dossier

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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

First-aid measures

Rinse the affected eye with widely spread lids for 10 minutes under running water whilst protecting the unimpaired eye.
Arrange medical treatment.
Immediately remove contact lenses if these are being worn.

Whilst protecting yourself, relocate the casualty away from the source of danger.
Remove contaminated clothing while protecting yourself.
Immediate careful cleansing of the skin is most important.
Carefully wash contaminated skin areas repeatedly with soap
and water.
Intermittently wash with polyethylene glycol 400 (e.g.
Macrogol) if available. Let it act for some minutes, then
thoroughly wash it off. Repeat the procedure several times.
Under no circumstances use alcohol, gasoline or other solvents.
Lay the casualty down in a quiet place and protect him against hypothermia.
Working clothes should also be changed following massive
contamination with vapors.
In every case, even if there are no symptoms yet and even
following only slight contamination, as soon as possible:
Arrange medical treatment.

Respiratory tract:
Whilst protecting yourself remove the casualty from the hazardous area and take him to the fresh air.
Lay the casualty down in a quiet place and protect him against hypothermia.
If available, have the casualty inhale oxygen, particularly
if dyspnoea is already noticeable.
For dyspnoea have the casualty take a semi-upright position
and if there is (a danger) of unconsciousness, a stable side
Always call a physician to the site of the accident.
Poisoning symptoms can appear after a period of delay.

Rinse the mouth and spit the fluids out.
Apply charcoal (3 tablespoons as a suspension in a glass of water).
If the casualty is conscious have him drink copious amounts of liquids (water).
Make the casualty vomit.
Under no circumstances apply cooking oil, castor oil, milk or alcohol
During vomiting hold the head of the casualty low with the
body in a prone position in order to avoid aspiration.
Allways call a physician to the site of the accident.
Poisoning symptoms can appear after a period of delay.

Information for physicians:
Like other chloroanilines, 3,5-dichloroaniline is a
substance forming MetHb. The poisoning picture will be
similar to that of aniline; analogous therapeutic measures
need to be taken.
No substance-specific data are available on the locally
irritating action. Experience made with the isomeric
compounds is used.
- Symptoms of acute poisoning:
Eyes: probably moderate to severe irritation to the
conjuntiva, lesions to the cornea possible (possibly
Skin: probably minor irritation but absorptive-toxic effects
even following contact with a small area(!); allergic
reactions to the skin not to be excluded
Inhalation: absorptive-toxic effects probably without any
warning given by irritation
Ingestion: initially possibly only nausea but serious
absorptive-toxic effects probable even following low doses
Absorption: dependent on the dose/intake pathway, but
generally very rapidly, methemoglobinemia with cyanosis as
an early sign (initially noticeable on the lips and acral
parts), in early stages possibly also excitation; then with
increasing MetHb level increase of cyanosis, headache,
vertigo, vomiting, tachycardia, dyspnoea (often less
pronounced than expected from the degree of cyanosis);
danger of unconsciousness/coma, cramps, circulatory arrest;
after the acute phase possible hemolysis, functional
disturbances to the kidneys, icterus, consequences of
- Medical advice:
Following contamination of the eyes with the substance,
careful rinsing should be followed by ophthalmologic further
Repeatedly wash contaminated skin with soap and water.
Polyethylene glycol 400 will probably be more effective to
clean the skin and to reduce absorption: apply it
repeatedly, let it act for a short time, then wash it off
with soap and water.
Watch for contamination under the fingernails etc.
Hospitalize the casualty for detailed diagnosis of the
Following inhalation of vapors, immediate application of
oxygen is indicated, followed by a check in hospital.
Following ingestion, gastrolavage under usual conditions
should be carried out for primary elimination. Prolonged
post treatment with charcoal and sodium sulfate as laxative
(but sodium sulfate is contraindicated when MetHb formation
is already noticeable).
Frequently, because of the danger to life, the
methemoglobinemia should already be treated on the site of
accident by applying a redox dye in addition to necessary
resuscitation and application of oxygen: use toluidine blue
(1 - 4 mg/kg bw, slowly i.v.; repeat this after 30 -
60 minutes if necessary) or thionine (5 - 10 ml 0.2 %
solution); as a substitute methylene blue.
Apply ascorbic acid (about 1 g i.v.) as an adjuvant.
Possibly apply it again later (i.m. or p.o.).
If the patient suffers from G6PDH-deficiency, redox dyes are
Always hospitalize the casualty. Then, as a matter of
urgency, examine the following parameters: MetHb, functions
of the heart/circulatory system, CNS, kidneys, liver and
hemogram. Continuation of the MetHb treatment can become
necessary for several days. In serious cases, blood exchange
transfusion should be considered.
No ethanol whatsoever, not even following slight poisoning.

Provide the physician information about the substance/product and treatment already administered.
In workplaces in which exposure to dichloroanilines is
possible, polyethylene glycol (e.g. PEG 400) for skin
cleansing should always be available.
Note that redox dyes such as MetHb antidotes can initially
increase the cyanotic skin color.
Persons who suffer from G6PDH deficiency and do not react
effectively to redox dyes must be treated by other measures
(blood exchange transfusion).
These persons should not work in any position where there is a possibility of exposure to chloroanilines.

Fire-fighting measures

Classes of fires:
B Liquid or melting substances

Suitable extinguishing media:
Water (spray - not splash)
Extinguishing powder
Carbon dioxide

Cool surrounding containers with water spray.
If possible, take container out of dangerous zone.
Shut off sources of ignition.
Stay on upwind side.
Do not allow runoff to get into the sewage system.

Special protective equipment:
Attention! Hazardous decomposition products may occur.
Nitrous gases (nitric oxides)
Hydrogen chloride
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and special tightly sealed suit.

Accidental release measures

Evacuate area. Warn affected surroundings.
The hazardous area may only be entered once suitable protective measures are implemented. Only then can the hazardous situation be removed.
Wear respiratory protection, eye protection, hand protection and body protection
Carefully sweep up, gather and remove. Avoid rising dust.
Afterwards ventilate area and wash spill site.

Endangerment of drinking water and environment:
Prevent escape into water, drainage, sewer, or the ground. A hazard for drinking water sources when only small quantities get into groundwater. Inform the responsible authorities.
Maybe a hazard to the surrounding atmosphere if larger quantities of the substance escape. Inform the authorities

Handling and storage

Provision of very good ventilation in the working area.
The floor should not have a floor drain.
Washing facility at the workplace required.
Eye bath required. These locations must be signposted
When handling excessive amounts of the substance an emergency shower is required.
This applies especially to the handling of solutions of
the substance.

Use only closed apparatus.
If release of the substance cannot be prevented, then it should be suctioned off at the point of exit.
Consider emission limit values, a purification of waste gases if necessary.
Label containers and pipelines clearly.

Advice on safer handling:
Take care to maintain clean working place.
The substance must not be present at workplaces in quantities above that required for work to be progressed.
Do not leave container open.
Use leak-proof equipment with exhaust for refilling or transfer.
Avoid spillage.
Fill only into labelled container.
Avoid any contact when handling the substance.
Avoid rising dust.
Use an appropriate exterior vessel when transporting in fragile containers.

Cleaning and maintenance:
Use protective equipment while cleaning if necessary.
Avoid dust formation. Dust formation that cannot be avoided must be collected regularly.
Use tested industrial vacuum cleaners or suction systems for areas with a high risk of explosion.
Do not raise dust while cleaning.
Use of a blower for cleaning is not permitted.
Alternative: clean damp.

Keep in locked storage or only make accessible to specialists or their authorised assistants.
Do not use any food containers - risk of mistake.
Containers have to be labelled clearly and permanently.
Store in the original container as much as possible.
Place fragile vessels in break-proof outer vessels.
Keep container tightly closed.
Store in a cool place.
Store in a dry place.
Keep container in a well-ventilated place.
If more than 200 kg of toxic and highly toxic substances are to be stored, or if the proportion of highly toxic substances is more than 50 kg, then follow the rules of
TRGS 514.

Conditions of collocated storage:
Storage class 6.1 A (Combustible toxic substances)
Only substances of the same storage class should be stored together.
Collocated storage with the following substances is prohibited:
- Pharmaceuticals, foods, and animal feeds including additives.
- Infectious, radioactive und explosive substances.
- Compressed, liquefied or pressure dissolved gases.
- Spontaneously flammable substances.
- Substances liberating flammable gases in contact with water.
- Organic peroxides.
- Oxidizing substances of group 1, TRGS 515.
- Preparations containing ammonium nitrate, TRGS 511.
- Flammable solid substances of storage class 4.1 A.
- Combustible materials, e.g. paper, carton, wood, plastic film.
Under certain conditions the collocated storage with the following substances is permitted (For more details see the Guideline of collocated storage of the VCI):
- Spray bottles.
- Oxidizing substances of group 2 and 3, TRGS 515.
- Combustible solids of storage class 11.
- Flammable solid substances of storage class 4.1 B.
The substance should not be stored with substances with which hazardous chemical reactions are possible.

Transport information

Land transport (UN RTDG/ADR/RID)

UN number:
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
Shipping Name: Dichloroanilines, solid
Chemical name:
3,5 Dichloroaniline
SpecialProvisionsopen allclose all

Inland waterway transport (UN RTDG/ADN(R))

UN number:
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
Shipping Name: Dichloroanilines, solid
Chemical name:
3,5 Dichloroanilne
Remarksopen allclose all

Marine transport (UN RTDG/IMDG)

UN number:
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
Shipping Name: Dichloroanilines, solid
Chemical name:
3,5 Dichloraniline
Marine pollutant
Remarksopen allclose all

Air transport (UN RTDG/ICAO/IATA)

UN number:
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
Shipping Name: Dichloroanilines, solid
Chemical name:
3,5 Dichloroaniline
Remarksopen allclose all
SpecialProvisionsopen allclose all

Exposure controls / personal protection

Body protection:
Depending on the risk, wear a tight, long apron and boots or suitable chemical protection clothing.
Wear flameproof protective clothing.
Wear dust tight protective clothing.

Respiratory protection:
In an emergency (e.g.: unintentional release of the substance) respiratory protection must be worn. Consider the maximum period for wear.
Respiratory protection: Gas filter A, Colour code brown.
For details on the requirements and the maximum concentrations for use, consult the "Regeln für den Einsatz von Atemschutzgeräten" (BGR 190).

Perhaps also necessary for improved protection:
Respiratory protection: Combination filter A - P2 or A - P3, recommended A - P3, colour code: brown-white.
For details on the requirements and the maximum concentrations for use, consult the "Regeln für den Einsatz von Atemschutzgeräten" (BGR 190).
Respiratory protection: insulating device.
Use for concentrations above the usage limits for filter devices, for oxygen concentrations below 17% volume, or in circumstances which are unclear.

Eye protection:
Sufficient eye protection should be worn.
Wear glasses with side protection.

Hand protection:
Use protective gloves. The glove material must be sufficiently impermeable and resistant to the substance.
Check the tightness before wear. Gloves should be well cleaned before being removed, then stored in a well ventilated location. Pay attention to skin care.
The following materials are suitable for protective gloves (Permeation time >= 8 hours):
Butyl rubber - Butyl (0,5 mm)
Fluoro carbon rubber - FKM (0,4 mm)

The times listed are suggested by measurements taken at
22 degree C and constant contact. Temperatures raised
by warmed substances, body heat, etc. and a weakening of
the effective layer thickness caused by expansion can lead
to a significantly shorter breakthrough time.
In case of doubt contact the gloves' manufacturer.
A 1.5-times increase / decrease in the layer thickness
doubles / halves the breakthrough time. This data only
applies to the pure substance. Transferred to mixtures of
substances, these figures should only be taken as an aid
to orientation.

Skin protection:
Skin protection preparations do not protect sufficiently against the substance. Wear protective gloves.
The skin must be washed with soap and water before breaks and at the end of work.
Apply fatty skin-care products after washing.

Industrial hygiene:
If at risk of contamination, foods, beverages and other articles of consumption must not be stored or consumed at the work areas. Special areas are to be designated for these purposes.
Avoid contact with skin. Do not allow the substance or its solution to dry on the skin. In case of contact wash skin.
Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact rinse the affected eye(s).
Avoid inhalation of vapour/dust.
Avoid contact with clothing. Contaminated clothes must be exchanged and cleaned carefully.
Before a break it might be necessary to change clothes.
Provide washrooms with showers and if possible rooms with separate storage for street clothing and work clothing.

Stability and reactivity

Disposal considerations

Hazardous waste according to Waste Catalogue Ordinance (AVV).
If there is no way of recycling it must be disposed of in compliance with the respective national and local regulations.

Collection of small amounts of substance:
Collect in container for toxic, flammable compounds.
Do not put/place waste into sink or dust bin.
Collection vessels must be clearly labelled with a systematic description of their contents and with the hazard symbol and the R and S phrases. Store the vessels in a well-ventilated location. Entrust them to the appropriate authorities for disposal.