Registration Dossier

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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Toxicological information

Basic toxicokinetics

Currently viewing:

Administrative data

basic toxicokinetics in vitro / ex vivo
Type of information:
migrated information: read-across from supporting substance (structural analogue or surrogate)
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: Adopted according to OECD SIDS (public available peer reviewed source).

Data source

Reference Type:
secondary source
Structure-activity Relationships in the Hydrolysis of Acrylate and Methacrylate Esters by Carboxylesterase In Vitro.
McCarthy, T.J. and Witz, G.
Bibliographic source:
Toxicol., 116: 153-158; cited in OECD SIDS IUCLID data set (06.05.2009)

Materials and methods

Objective of study:
other: hydrolysis
Test guideline
no guideline followed
Principles of method if other than guideline:
Hydrolysis of Acrylate Esters by Porcine Liver Carboxylesterase was tested in vitro.
GLP compliance:

Test material

Constituent 1
Reference substance name:
Reference substance 001
Test material form:
other: liquid

Results and discussion

Any other information on results incl. tables

Hydrolysis of Acrylate Esters by Porcine Liver Carboxylesterase in vitro:

Esters Km (µM)  Vmax (nmol/min) 
Ethyl acrylate   134 +/- 16.8  9 +/- 2.0
Ethyl methacrylate  159 +/- 90  5.2 +/- 2.5*
Butyl acrylate  33 +/- 8.5*  1.5 +/- 0.8*
 Butyl methacrylate  72 +/- 28*  1.8 +/- 0.6*
 Ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate  64 +/- 24*  6.9 +/- 2.4
 Tetraethyleneglycol dimethacrylate  39 +/- 15*  2.9 +/- 1.0*

* Significantly different (p < 0.05) from ethyl acrylate

Applicant's summary and conclusion