Registration Dossier

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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

Description of key information

Acute toxicity, oral (OECD 423), female rats: LD50 > 2000 mg/kg bw

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Acute toxicity: via oral route

Link to relevant study records
acute toxicity: oral
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
10 Dec 2008 - 13 Jan 2009
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
guideline study
according to guideline
OECD Guideline 423 (Acute Oral toxicity - Acute Toxic Class Method)
Version / remarks:
adopted in 2002
according to guideline
EU Method B.1 tris (Acute Oral Toxicity - Acute Toxic Class Method)
Version / remarks:
adopted in 2008
according to guideline
EPA OPPTS 870.1100 (Acute Oral Toxicity)
Version / remarks:
adopted in 2002
GLP compliance:
Test type:
acute toxic class method
Limit test:
other: Han Wistar Crl:WI
Details on test animals or test system and environmental conditions:
- Source: Charles River Deutschland, Sulzfeld, Germany
- Females: nulliparous and non-pregnant
- Age at study initiation: 10 - 12 weeks
- Weight at study initiation: range: 168 - 181 g (300 mg/kg bw); 181 - 212 g (2000 mg/kg bw)
- Fasting period before study: animals were fasted overnight prior to and 3 - 4 h after dosing
- Housing: groups of 3 animals in Macrolon MIV cages, sterilized sawdust as bedding material (Litalabo, S,P.P,S., Argenteuil, France) and paper as cage-enrichment (Enviro-dri, Wm. Lillico & Son (Wonham Mill Ltd), Surrey, United Kingdom).
- Diet: pelleted rodent diet (SM R/M-Z from Ssniff Spezialdiäten GmbH, Soest, Germany), ad libitum
- Water: tap water, ad libitum
- Acclimation period: at least 5 days

- Temperature (°C): 21 ± 3
- Humidity (%): 33 - 69, except for 3 hours on one day with only 18%
- Air changes (per hr): approximately 15
- Photoperiod (hrs dark / hrs light): 12/12
Route of administration:
oral: gavage
unchanged (no vehicle)
Details on oral exposure:

300 and 2000 mg/kg bw
No. of animals per sex per dose:
3 females per dose level and per step
Control animals:
Details on study design:
- Duration of observation period following administration: 14 days
- Frequency of observations and weighing: Mortality was checked twice daily. Clinical signs were noted at 0, 2 and 4 hours on the day of dosing and once daily thereafter; animals were weighed prior to administration of the test substance and on Days 8 and 15
- Necropsy of survivors performed: yes
- Number of steps per dose: 2
Key result
Dose descriptor:
Effect level:
> 2 000 mg/kg bw
Based on:
test mat.
No mortality occured during the study period.
Clinical signs:
other: 300 mg/kg bw: hunched posture in all females of both steps and piloerection in all females of the first step occurred, all animals recovered on Day 2 to 3 post administration. 2000 mg/kg bw: lethargy and flat/hunched posture were observed in all females o
Gross pathology:
Necropsy revealed no substance-related findings.
Interpretation of results:
other: CLP/EU GHS criteria not met, no classification required according to Regulation(EC) No. 1272/2008
CLP: not classified
Endpoint conclusion
Endpoint conclusion:
no adverse effect observed
Quality of whole database:
The available information comprises an adequate and reliable (RL1) key study. The information is therefore sufficient to fulfil the standard information requirements set out in Annex VII, 8.5, of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006.

Acute toxicity: via inhalation route

Endpoint conclusion
Endpoint conclusion:
no study available

Acute toxicity: via dermal route

Endpoint conclusion
Endpoint conclusion:
no study available

Additional information

The Acute toxicity potential of 2-phenoxyethyl octanoate was tested in Crl:WI (Han) Wistar rats according to OECD guideline 423 and under GLP conditions (Notox, 2009). The starting dose administered by gavage to three female rats was 300 mg/kg bw. In a stepwise procedure additional groups of 3 females were dosed at 300, 2000 and 2000 mg/kg bw. No mortality occurred in any of the dose groups. Hunched posture in all females of both steps and piloerection in all females of the first step occurred, all animals recovered on Day 2 to 3 post administration. At 2000 mg/kg bw lethargy and flat/hunched posture were observed in all females of both steps and uncoordinated movements occurred in 2/3 females of both steps. Laboured respiration was observed in 1/3 females of the first step. Piloerection was noted in 2/3 and 3/3 females of the first and second step, respectively. Ptosis and/or hypothermia occurred in 1/3 females each step. All animals recovered latest on Day 3 post administration. The mean body weight gain shown by the animals over the study period was considered to be average for this strain and species. No abnormalities were found at macroscopic post mortem examination of the animals. In conclusion, the oral LD50 value of 2-phenoxyethyl octanoate in female Wistar rats was established to exceed 2000 mg/kg bw. The LD50 cut-off value was considered to be 5000 mg/kg bw according to OECD guideline 423.

Justification for classification or non-classification

The available data on acute oral toxicity with 2-phenoxyethyl octanoate do not meet the criteria for classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, and are therefore conclusive but not sufficient for classification.