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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Physical & Chemical properties

Boiling point

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Link to relevant study record(s)

boiling point
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
2017-03-01 – 2017-03-01
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
guideline study
Justification for type of information:
Experimental result performed using standard methods of analysis
according to guideline
OECD Guideline 103 (Boiling point/boiling range)
Principles of method if other than guideline:
The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which that liquid is converted to a gaseous state. It can be defined as the temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid becomes equal to the pressure at the surface of the liquid.
GLP compliance:
Type of method:
method according to Siwoloboff
Specific details on test material used for the study:
- Name of test material (as cited in study report): 3-phenylpropanoic acid
- Molecular formula :C9H10O2
- Molecular weight : 150.176 g/mol
Substance type:Organic
- Physical state:Solid
Key result
Boiling pt.:
> 300 °C
Atm. press.:
976.9 hPa
Remarks on result:
other: Other details not available

Method Details


Remarks if, any


OECD 103



Method according to



Principle of Boiling

point test

A sample is heated gradually in a tube which is immersed in a liquid bath.

The sample tube is held in

close contact with a thermometer and it contains a boiling capillary which is

fused about1 cm above its lower end. Upon approach of the boiling temperature bubbles emerge rapidly

from the lower open end of

the capillary. The boiling temperature is that temperature at which, on

momentary cooling, the string of bubbles stops and liquid suddenly rises in the capillary.

the test item

melts between

47-50°C, but no

string of bubbles

were observed

upto 300°C.,

inferring b.p. to

be greater than


Quantity of

chemical used


2 g

Nature of the Bath


Oil bath

Water bath



If oil bath is used, specify

Liquid paraffin

Silicone oil






mean Boiling

point (°C)



greater than 300

The boiling point determination of 3-phenylpropionic acid (CAS No. 501-52-0) was done following OECD Guideline 103 and according to the method of Siwoloboff. The test was conducted in replicates and the test item melts between 47-50°C, but no string of bubbles were observed upto 300°C., inferring b.p. to be greater than 300 °C . at 976.9 hPa.
Executive summary:

The boiling point determination of 3-phenylpropionic acid (CAS No. 501-52-0) was done following OECD Guideline 103 and according to the method of Siwoloboff. The test was conducted in replicates and the test item melts between 47-50°C, but no string of bubbles were observed upto 300°C., inferring b.p. to be greater than 300 °C . at 976.9 hPa.

Description of key information

The boiling point determination of 3-phenylpropionic acid (CAS No. 501-52-0) was done following OECD Guideline 103 and according to the method of Siwoloboff. The test was conducted in replicates and the test item melts between 47-50°C, but no string of bubbles were observed upto 300°C., inferring b.p. to be greater than 300 °C . at 976.9 hPa.

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Boiling point at 101 325 Pa:
300 °C

Additional information

The boiling point determination of 3-phenylpropionic acid (CAS No. 501-52-0) was done following OECD Guideline 103 and according to the method of Siwoloboff. The test was conducted in replicates and the test item melts between 47-50°C, but no string of bubbles were observed upto 300°C., inferring b.p. to be greater than 300 °C . at 976.9 hPa.

Other supporting studies from various from reliable sources such  as authoritative database and handbooks,the boilingpoint chemical 3-phenylpropanoic acid was determined to be in the range of 279.8 degree C to 280 degree C.

As the data from lab has K1 reliability and the test was performed using OECD guidelines which has the value of boiling point temperature as greater than 300 degree C thus considered as key study for the chemical safety assessment