Registration Dossier

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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

First-aid measures

General information: Take note of the following instructions:

After skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing immediately. Immediately wash with water and soap and rinse thoroughly.

After eye contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. If symptoms occur, consult a doctor.

If swallowing: If symptoms persist consult doctor.

Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: No further relevant information available.

Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed:

No further relevant information available.

Fire-fighting measures

Extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishing agents: CO2, powder or water spray. Fight larger fires with water spray or alcohol resistant foam.

For safety reasons unsuitable extinguishing agents: Water with full jet

Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Toxic metal oxide smoke

Advice for firefighters

Protective equipment: Wear self-contained respiratory protective device.

Do not inhale explosion gases or combustion gases.

Wear fully protective suit.

Additional information: Dispose of fire debris and contaminated firefighting water in accordance with official regulations.

Accidental release measures

Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures:

Wear personal protective equipment. Keep unprotected persons away.

Use respiratory protective device against the effects of fumes/dust/aerosol.

Prevent formation of dust.

Environmental precautions:

Damp down dust with water spray.

Keep contaminated washing water and dispose of appropriately.

Methods and material for containment and cleaning up: Pick up mechanically.

In case of fire, nickel oxide, classified as carcinogenic, can be produced.

See information on safe handling, information on personal protection equipment, for disposal information.

Handling and storage

This substance is handled under Strictly Controlled Conditions in accordance with REACH regulation Article 18(4) for transported isolated intermediates. Site documentation to support safe handling arrangements including the selection of engineering, administrative and personal protective equipment controls in accordance with risk-based management systems is available at each Manufacturing site. Written confirmation of application of Strictly Controlled Conditions has been received from affected Distributor and Downstream Manufacturer/User of the Registrant's intermediate.

Precautions for safe handling: Prevent static electric sparks.

Store in cool, dry place in tightly closed receptacles.

Prevent formation of dust.

Use appropriate industrial vacuum cleaners or central vacuum systems for dust removal.

Information about fire - and explosion protection: Earth container to avoid electric sparks, especially in contact with flammable substances.

Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities


Information about storage in one common storage facility: Do not store together with toxic or very toxic substances, which are combustible.

Further information about storage conditions: Store under lock and key and with access restricted to technical experts or their assistants only.

Specific end use(s) Not applicable.

Transport information

Land transport (UN RTDG/ADR/RID)

UN number:
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
Chemical name:
ammonium molybdenum tungsten nickel hydroxide maleate
SpecialProvisionsopen allclose all
Shippingopen allclose all
Remarksopen allclose all

Marine transport (UN RTDG/IMDG)

Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
Chemical name:
ammonium molybdenum tungsten nickel hydroxide maleate
Marine pollutant
Remarksopen allclose all

Air transport (UN RTDG/ICAO/IATA)

UN number:
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
Chemical name:
ammonium molybdenum tungsten nickel hydroxide maleate
Remarksopen allclose all
SpecialProvisionsopen allclose all

Exposure controls / personal protection

This substance is handled under Strictly Controlled Conditions in accordance with REACH regulation Article 18(4) for transported isolated intermediates. Site documentation to support safe handling arrangements including the selection of engineering, administrative and personal protective equipment controls in accordance with risk-based management systems is available at each Manufacturing site. Written confirmation of application of Strictly Controlled Conditions has been received from affected Distributor and Downstream Manufacturer/User of the Registrant's intermediate.

Control parameters Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Ingredients with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:

107-21-1 ethylene glycol

WEL (Great Britain): Short-term value: 104** mg/m³, 40** ppm

Long-term value: 10* 52** mg/m³, 20** ppm

Sk *particulate **vapour

IOELV (European Union): Short-term value: 104 mg/m³, 40 ppm

Long-term value: 52 mg/m³, 20 ppm



CAS No. 107-21-1 ethylene glycol: Dermal DNEL(long-systemic): 53 mg/kg bw /day (General population)

Inhalative DNEL(long-local): 7 mg/m³ (General population), 35 mg/m³ (Worker)


CAS No. 107-21-1 ethylene glycol:

PNEC: 10 mg/L (aqua-freshwater), 10 mg/L (aqua-intermittent releases), 1 mg/L (aqua-marine water)

1.53 mg/kg (soil), 20.9 mg/kg (sediment (freshwater)), 199.5 mg/L (Sewage Treatment Plant)

Exposure controls

Personal protective equipment:

General protective and hygienic measures: The usual precautionary measures are to be adhered to when handling chemicals.

Respiratory protection: In case of brief exposure or low pollution use respiratory filter device. In case of intensive or longer exposure use self-contained respiratory protective device.

Recommended filter device for short term use: Filter P3

Protection of hands: Wear gloves for protection against mechanical hazards according to EN 388.

Use gloves of stable material (e.g. Nitrile) - if necessary tricoted to improve the wearability.

After use of gloves apply skin-cleaning agents and skin cosmetics. Protective gloves.

Check the condition of the gloves prior to each use.

The glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the product/ the substance/ the


Selection of the glove material on consideration of the penetration times, rates of diffusion and the


Preventive skin protection by use of skin-protecting agents is recommended.

Material of gloves:

EN 388: Minimum requirements for efficiency level 1 for all groups.

Butyl rubber, BR

The selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks

of quality and varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. As the product is a preparation of several

substances, the resistance of the glove material can not be calculated in advance and has therefore

to be checked prior to the application.

Recommended thickness of the material: 0.35 mm

Penetration time of glove material

EN 420: Minimum requirements for efficiency level 1 for all groups.

The exact break through time has to be obtained from the manufacturer of the protective gloves and

has to be observed.

For the mixture of chemicals mentioned below the penetration time has to be at least 480 minutes

(Permeation according to EN 374 Part 3: Level 6).

For the permanent contact gloves made of the following materials are suitable: Butyl rubber, BR

Nitrile rubber, NBR

Not suitable are gloves made of the following materials: cloth gloves

Eye protection: safety glasses

Stability and reactivity


Chemical stability: To avoid thermal decomposition do not overheat.

Possibility of hazardous reactions: No dangerous reactions known.

Conditions to avoid: In case of thermal decomposition caused by smouldering and incomplete combustion toxic fumes may be developed.

Incompatible materials: Reacts with alcohols, amines, aqueous acids and alkalis.

Hazardous decomposition products: Toxic metal oxide smoke

Disposal considerations

Disposal methods

Precautions for disposal:

Waste treatment methods:

Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.

Uncleaned packaging:

Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.