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Diss Factsheets

Physical & Chemical properties

Flash point

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flash point of flammable liquids
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
16 October 2002
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: Study performed in accordance with EU test guidelines in compliance with GLP.
according to guideline
EU Method A.9 (Flash-Point)
GLP compliance:
Type of method:
closed cup
Key result
Flash point:
215.5 °C
Atm. press.:
100.1 kPa

Table 1: Determined flash-points during the main study

Test number

Flash-point [°C]

Lowest Flash-point [°C]







In conclusion, the flash-point of Hatcol 3331 is 215.5°C under the conditions of the test.
Executive summary:

The determination of the flash-point of Hatcol 3331 was performed using a Pensky-Martens closed cup flash-point apparatus, in accordance with EEC-Directive 92/69 EEC, A.9 "Flashpoint" (1992).

The flash-point of Hatcol 3331 is 215.5°C when using a Pensky-Martens closed cup flash-point apparatus.

flash point of flammable liquids
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
8 October 2002
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: Study performed in accordance with EU test guidelines in compliance with GLP.
according to guideline
EU Method A.9 (Flash-Point)
GLP compliance:
Type of method:
closed cup
Key result
Flash point:
129 °C
Atm. press.:
101.76 kPa

Preliminary test: Flash-point 129°C

Main Study:

Table 1: Determined flash-points during the main study

Test number

Flash-point [°C]






The atmospheric pressure on the day of the test, was 101.76 kPa.


For safety reasons, the lowest temperature at which the test substance vapour / air mixture could be ignited (determined during the preliminary test) will be taken as the flash-point of Hatcol 3344.


The lowest flash-point was corrected for the atmospheric pressure.

Corrected flash-point = 129 + 0.25 (101.3 – 101.76)°C

                                 = 128.89°C

In conclusion, the flash-point of Hatcol 3344 is 129°C under the conditions of the test.
Executive summary:

The determination of the flash-point of Hatcol 3344 was performed using a Pensky-Martens closed cup flash-point apparatus, in accordance with EEC-Directive 92/69 EEC, A.9 "Flashpoint" (1992) and DIN EN 22719: "Bestimmung des Flammpunktes Verfahren nach Pensky- Martens im geschlossenen Tiegel"; December 1993.

The flash-point of Hatcol 3344, determined during the preliminary test is 129°C.

During the main study, the flash-point of Hatcol 3344 is determined to be 198°C and 195°C in test 1 and 2, respectively.

For safety reasons, the lowest temperature at which the test substance vapour / air mixture could be ignited (determined during the preliminary test) will be taken as the flash-point of Hatcol 3344.

In conclusion, the flash-point of Hatcol 3344 is 129°C under the conditions of the test.

flash point of flammable liquids
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
16 October 2002
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: Study performed in accordance with EU test guidelines in compliance with GLP.
according to guideline
EU Method A.9 (Flash-Point)
GLP compliance:
Type of method:
closed cup
Flash point:
120.5 °C
Atm. press.:
100.1 kPa

Preliminary test: Flash-point: 118°C

Main study:

Table 1: Determined flash-points during the main study

Test number

Flash-point [°C]

Lowest Flash-point [°C]







The atmospheric pressure on the day of the test, was 100.10 kPa.

The lowest flash-point was corrected for the atmospheric pressure.

Corrected flash point    = 120 + 0.25 (101.3-100.10)°C

                                    = 120.30°C

In conclusion, the flash-point of Hatcol 5236 is 120.5°C under the conditions of the test.
Executive summary:

The determination of the flash-point of Hatcol 5236 was performed using a Pensky-Martensclosed cup flash-point apparatus, in accordance with EEC-Directive 92/69 EEC, A.9 "Flashpoint” (1992) and DIN EN 22719: "Bestimmung des Flammpunktes Verfhren nach Pensky-Martens im geschlossenen Tiegel"; December 1993.

The flash-point of Hatcol 5236 is 120.5°C when using a Pensky-Martens closed cup flash-pointapparatus.

flash point of flammable liquids
Type of information:
read-across from supporting substance (structural analogue or surrogate)
7 substances available for read-across
Adequacy of study:
weight of evidence
Justification for type of information:
see the attached justification in section 13 for the full details.
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Key result
Flash point:
120.5 °C
Atm. press.:
100.1 kPa
Remarks on result:
other: CAS 70693-33-3
Key result
Flash point:
129 °C
Atm. press.:
101.76 kPa
Remarks on result:
other: CAS 156559-00-1
Key result
Flash point:
215.5 °C
Atm. press.:
100.1 kPa
Remarks on result:
other: CAS 144971-11-9
Key result
Flash point:
329.49 °C
Atm. press.:
ca. 1 013 hPa
Remarks on result:
other: C10 FA tetraester component of Pentaerythritol tetraesters of n-C5, n-C7, n-C8, i-C9 and n-C10 fatty acids
Key result
Flash point:
241.13 °C
Atm. press.:
ca. 1 013 hPa
Remarks on result:
other: C9iso FA tetraester component of Pentaerythritol tetraesters of n-C5, n-C7, n-C8, i-C9 and n-C10 fatty acids
Key result
Flash point:
197.18 °C
Atm. press.:
ca. 1 013 hPa
Key result
Flash point:
238.5 °C
Atm. press.:
101.3 kPa
Interpretation of results:
GHS criteria not met
The read across for substance, CAS: 156558-98-4; EC: 451-190-0; is based upon the analogous substance to which basic form, degree of substitution of functional groups is not considered to effect the proposed read across for the endpoint of flash point. The flash point for the substance based on the mean of the information available is deemed to be 210.19°C
flash point
Type of information:
Adequacy of study:
key study
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: see 'Remark'
Validated QSAR model. The substance is possibly outside of the applicability domain of the model. However, this calculation is used in a weight of evidence approach, in accordance to the REACh Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex XI General rules for adaptation of the standard testing regime set out in Annexes VII to X, 1.2.
Justification for type of information:
QSAR prediction
Principles of method if other than guideline:
Calculation based on T.E.S.T. version v4.1, consensus method
GLP compliance:
Type of method:
other: QSAR
Key result
Flash point:
329.49 °C
Atm. press.:
ca. 1 013 hPa

It is assumed that the melting point data in the training set are generally at ambient pressure, ca. 1013 hPa.

Individual predictions:


Predicted value [°C]

Hierarchical clustering


Group contribution




Nearest neighbor


Predictions for the test chemical and for the most similar chemicals in the external test set:

Test set chemicals

Mean absolute error in °C

Entire set


Similarity coefficient ≥ 0.5


If similar test chemicals were predicted well relative to the entire test set, one has greater confidence in a predicted value. Here 27.18 is greater than 16.91. The substance is possibly outside of the applicability domain.

Interpretation of results:
GHS criteria not met
flash point
Type of information:
Adequacy of study:
key study
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: see 'Remark'
Validated QSAR model. The substance is possibly outside of the applicability domain of the model. However, this calculation is used in a weight of evidence approach, in accordance to the REACh Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex XI General rules for adaptation of the standard testing regime set out in Annexes VII to X, 1.2.
Justification for type of information:
QSAR prediction
Principles of method if other than guideline:
Calculation based on T.E.S.T. version v4.1, consensus method
GLP compliance:
Type of method:
other: QSAR
Key result
Flash point:
197.18 °C
Atm. press.:
ca. 1 013 hPa

It is assumed that the melting point data in the training set are generally at ambient pressure, ca. 1013 hPa.

Individual predictions:


Predicted value [°C]

Hierarchical clustering


Group contribution




Nearest neighbor


Predictions for the test chemical and for the most similar chemicals in the external test set:

Test set chemicals

Mean absolute error in °C

Entire set


Similarity coefficient ≥ 0.5


If similar test chemicals were predicted well relative to the entire test set, one has greater confidence in a predicted value. Here 17.95 is greater than 16.91. The substance is possibly outside of the applicability domain.

Interpretation of results:
GHS criteria not met
flash point
Type of information:
Adequacy of study:
key study
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: see 'Remark'
Validated QSAR model. The substance is possibly outside of the applicability domain of the model. However, this calculation is used in a weight of evidence approach, in accordance to the REACh Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex XI General rules for adaptation of the standard testing regime set out in Annexes VII to X, 1.2.
Justification for type of information:
QSAR prediction: migrated from IUCLID 5.6
Principles of method if other than guideline:
Calculation based on T.E.S.T. version v4.1, consensus method
GLP compliance:
Type of method:
other: QSAR
Key result
Flash point:
241.13 °C
Atm. press.:
ca. 1 013 hPa

It is assumed that the melting point data in the training set are generally at ambient pressure, ca. 1013 hPa.

Individual predictions:


Predicted value [°C]

Hierarchical clustering


Group contribution




Nearest neighbor


Predictions for the test chemical and for the most similar chemicals in the external test set:

Test set chemicals

Mean absolute error in °C

Entire set


Similarity coefficient ≥ 0.5


If similar test chemicals were predicted well relative to the entire test set, one has greater confidence in a predicted value. Here 35.74 is greater than 16.91. The substance is possibly outside of the applicability domain.

Interpretation of results:
GHS criteria not met
flash point of flammable liquids
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
03-Mar-2004 to 09-Mar-2004
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: GLP - Guideline study
according to guideline
EU Method A.9 (Flash-Point)
according to guideline
ISO No., other: DIN EN 22719:"Bestimmung des Flammpunktes Verfahren nach Pensky_Martens im geschlossenen Tiegel":December 1993.
GLP compliance:
Type of method:
closed cup
Key result
Flash point:
238.5 °C
Atm. press.:
101.3 kPa



Preliminary test

Estimated flash points for [trade name] = 235°C


Main study


Flash point of [trade name]



Flash-point (°C)

Lowest flash-point (°C)







The (lowest) flash-point temperature was corrected for the atmospheric pressure. (ie. 102.6 kPa).


Corrected flash-point = 239 + 0.25 (101.3 – 102.6) °C

                                   = 238.68°C


The flash point for [trade name] rounded off to 0.5 °C = 238.5 °C



Description of key information

The read across for substance, CAS: 156558-98-4; EC: 451-190-0; is based upon the analogous substance to which basic form, degree of substitution of functional groups is not considered to effect the proposed read across for the endpoint of flash point. The flash point for the substance based on the mean of the information available is deemed to be 210.19°C

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Flash point at 101 325 Pa:
205.47 °C

Additional information

HATCOL 5236:

The flash-point of Hatcol 5236 is 120.5°C when using a Pensky-Martens closed cup flash-point apparatus.

HATCOL 3344:

The determination of the flash-point of Hatcol 3344 was performed using a Pensky-Martens closed cup flash-point apparatus. The flash-point of Hatcol 3344, determined during the preliminary test is 129°C. During the main study, the flash-point of Hatcol 3344 is determined to be 198°C and 195°C in test 1 and 2, respectively. For safety reasons, the lowest temperature at which the test substance vapour / air mixture could be ignited (determined during the preliminary test) will be taken as the flash-point of Hatcol 3344. In conclusion, the flash-point of Hatcol 3344 is 129°C under the conditions of the test.

HATCOL 3331:

The flash-point of Hatcol 3331 is 215.5°C when using a Pensky-Martens closed cup flash-point apparatus.