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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

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Diss Factsheets

Toxicological information

Skin sensitisation

Currently viewing:

Administrative data

skin sensitisation: in vivo (LLNA)
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
Start of experimental phase: 08 November 2017 End of experimental phase: 20 November 2017
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
guideline study

Data source

Reference Type:
study report
Report date:

Materials and methods

Test guideline
according to guideline
OECD Guideline 442B (Skin Sensitization: Local Lymph Node Assay: BrdU-ELISA)
Version / remarks:
adopted on 22 July 2010
GLP compliance:
yes (incl. QA statement)
Type of study:
mouse local lymph node assay (LLNA): BrdU-ELISA

Test material

Constituent 1
Chemical structure
Reference substance name:
EC Number:
Cas Number:
Molecular formula:
Test material form:
solid: particulate/powder

In vivo test system

Test animals

Details on test animals and environmental conditions:
Species and strain: Mice, CBA/JN
Sex: Females (nulliparous and non-pregnant)
Age at order: 8 weeks old
Supplier: Charles River Italia S.p.A., Calco (Lecco), Italy
Breeder: Charles River, Jackson USA
Date of arrival: 02 November 2017
Weight range at arrival: 17 to 22 grams
Acclimatisation period: At least 5 days
Veterinary health check: During acclimatisation period

Animals per cage: 5 during acclimatisation; 1/cage during the study
Housing: Polysulfone solid bottomed cages measuring 35.5 × 23.5 × 19
cm with nesting material
Cage control: Daily inspected and changed as necessary (at least twice/week)
Water drinking: water supplied to each cage via a water bottle
Water supply: ad libitum
Diet: 4 RF 21 (Mucedola S.r.l., Via G. Galilei, 4, 20019, Settimo Milanese (MI) Italy)
Diet supply: ad libitum throughout the study
Room lighting: Artificial (fluorescent tubes), daily light/dark cycle of 12/12 hours
Air changes: Approximately 15 to 20 air changes per hour
Temperature range: 22 °C±2 °C
Relative humidity range: 55%±15%

Study design: in vivo (LLNA)

acetone/olive oil (4:1 v/v)
Test Item: 25, 10, 5%
Positive Control: 25%
No. of animals per dose:
4 animals per dose
Details on study design:
- Compound solubility: A solubility trial was performed in order to establish if acetone/olive oil 4:1 v/v could be used as a vehicle. At the concentration of 50% w/w in acetone/olive oil 4:1 v/v, no administerable formulation was obtained, while at the concentration of 25% w/w in acetone/olive oil 4:1 v/v, a good formulation was obtained.
- Irritation: The treated sites of all animals were examined daily (once before first dosing, before dosing on Days 2 and 3 and daily thereafter).
Irritation to the skin was assigned a numerical value according to the table below.
- Systemic toxicity: The animals were observed for clinical signs on:
Day 1: before and 1 hour after dosing
Day 2 to 6: daily (approximately 1 hour after daily dosing, when applicable)
- Ear thickness measurements: The ear thickness was measured by a suitable micrometer on Day 1 (before dosing), on Day 3 (before dosing) and on Day 6.
- Erythema scores: Erythema and eschar formation Value
No erythema 0
Very slight erythema 1
Well defined erythema 2
Moderate to severe erythema 3
Severe erythema (beet redness) to eschar formation preventing grading of erythema 4


- Name of test method: LOCAL LYMPH NODE ASSAY (LLNA: BrdU-ELISA method)
- Criteria used to consider a positive response: The test item is considered to induce sensitisation when the SI for any single treatment dose group is ≥ 1.6. It is not required that an increased response is observed at increasing dose levels, but dose-related activity and/or statistical significance may be taken as further evidence of a sensitisation effect (i.e. in case of borderline results with 1.6 ≤ SI ≤ 1.9).

TREATMENT PREPARATION AND ADMINISTRATION: The animals were treated for three consecutive days (Days 1, 2, 3) with the vehicle, test or control item formulations. A dose volume of 25 µL/ear/day of each selected concentration and control was applied to the dorsal surface of each ear (50 µL/animal/day), using a micropipette.
Positive control substance(s):
hexyl cinnamic aldehyde (CAS No 101-86-0)
Differences between each treated group and the concurrent negative control group (individual
BrdU labelling indices) were assessed by Dunnett’s test. The homogeneity of the data was verified by Bartlett’s test before Dunnett’s test. If data were found to be inhomogeneous, a Modified t test (Cochran and Cox) was applied.

Results and discussion

Positive control results:
In the group treated with the positive control item, a Stimulation Index of 3.63 was calculated. As it was greater than 2, the study was regarded as valid.

In vivo (LLNA)

Resultsopen allclose all
Test group / Remarks:
Test group / Remarks:
Test group / Remarks:
Cellular proliferation data / Observations:
CELLULAR PROLIFERATION DATA : No significant increase in cell proliferation of draining lymph nodes was observed in any treatment group.

DETAILS ON STIMULATION INDEX CALCULATION : The calculated Stimulation Indices (SI) were 1.17, 1.07 and 0.82, respectively at low, mid- and high dose levels.

CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS: Neither mortality nor clinical signs were recorded in animals treated at all dose levels investigated [25, 10 and 5% (w/w)]% (w/w)].

BODY WEIGHTS: Changes in body weight observed during the study were within the expected range for this strain and age of animals.

Applicant's summary and conclusion

Interpretation of results:
GHS criteria not met
No significant increase in cell proliferation of draining lymph nodes was observed in any treatment group. The calculated Stimulation Indices (SI) were 1.17, 1.07 and 0.82, respectively at low, mid- and high dose levels. In the group treated with the positive control item, a Stimulation Index of 3.63 was calculated.
As it was greater than 2, the study was regarded as valid.
Executive summary:

The potential of the test item, Vat Orange 1, to cause skin sensitisation reactions following topical application to the skin of CBA/JN mice, was assessed using the LLNA:BrdU-ELISA method, according to the OECD Guideline for testing of chemicals No. 442b.

Preliminary test

Five concentrations [25 (maximum feasible concentration), 10, 5, 2.5 and 1% w/w in acetone:olive oil 4:1 (v/v)] were tested in the preliminary phase, in order to identify a non toxic and minimally irritant concentration and avoid false positive results. No signs of toxicity (significant clinical signs or body weight losses) were observed at the tested concentrations.

According to the results of the irritation screening, the concentration of 25% w/w was judged to be not irritant.

Main assay

In the main assay, the test item was topically administered at the concentrations of 25, 10 and 5% (w/w), in acetone:olive oil 4:1 (v/v).

No mortality nor clinical signswere recorded in any animal.

Changes in bodyweight observed during the study were within the expected range for this strain and age of animals.

No increase in cell proliferation of draining lymph nodes was observed in any treatment group. The calculated indices (SI) were 1.17, 1.07 and 0.82 respectively, at low, mid- and high dose groups [5%, 10% and 25% (w/w) respectively]. Neither correlation with the doses nor statistical significance was observed. The above results indicate that the test item does not

elicit a sensitisation response.

European Directives concerning the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances (Council Regulation (EC)No. 1272/2008 and subsequent revisions) would indicate the following:

Classification Not required

Signal word None indicated

Hazard statement None indicated

Signal word None indicated

Hazard statement None indicated