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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

Description of key information

Based on the available key study according to OECD TG 406 dicopper hydroxide phosphate does not induce a skin sensitising reaction.

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Skin sensitisation

Link to relevant study records
skin sensitisation: in vivo (non-LLNA)
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
2013-09-09 to 2014-01-30
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
guideline study
according to guideline
OECD Guideline 406 (Skin Sensitisation)
GLP compliance:
Type of study:
guinea pig maximisation test
Justification for non-LLNA method:
In accordance with Annex VII, Section 8.3, Column 2 the use of the Guinea-pig maximisation test (GMPT) of Magnusson and Kligmman (OECD 406) as opposed to the Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA) is justified on the basis that LLNA studies have been shown to give false positive results for copper and copper compounds and as such the GMPT study is considered to be the most reliable for determining the true sensitisation potential of a copper-based material.
Specific details on test material used for the study:
- Name of test material: Copper(ll)-hydroxide Phosphate
- Physical state: light green solid powder
- Lot/batch No.: 9000027158
- Storage condition of test material: room temperature 15-25 °C
- solid: particulate/powder
guinea pig
Details on test animals and environmental conditions:
- Source: Charles River, Germany
- Age at study initiation: young adult
- Weight at study initiation: 304-327 g
- Housing: in groups up to 10 animals per cage
- Diet: commercial feeding mixture (Muhle Knull, Rostock, Germany) ad libitum
- Water: tap water (drinking quality, supplemented with 1 g/l vitamin C) ad libitum
- Acclimation period: 5 days

- Temperature: 20±3 °C
- Humidity: 30-70 %
- Photoperiod (hrs dark / hrs light): 12/12
intradermal and epicutaneous
Concentration / amount:
The test material was not soluble in distilled water and was injected as suspension. For topical application the test material was moistened with distilled water (100%) or applied as a suspension (50%, 25%).
epicutaneous, occlusive
Concentration / amount:
The test material was not soluble in distilled water and was injected as suspension. For topical application the test material was moistened with distilled water (100%) or applied as a suspension (50%, 25%).
No. of animals per dose:
Test group: 10
Control group: 5
Preliminary test: 6
Details on study design:
The appropriate concentrations of the test material and the appropriate vehicle for the intradermal induction phase, topical induction phase and challenge phase were determined on additional 6 Freund complete adjuvant (FCA) treated animals.
Intradermal injection:
The irritation response to intradermal injection of various concentrations of the test substance was examined in three guinea pigs. An area of the flanks was clipped free from hair with electric clippers. Amounts of 0.1 ml of the selected test concentrations (5%; 2.5%; 1%. and 0.5% suspensions of the test material in distilled water) were applied by intradermal injection. 24 and 48 hours after injection the animals were examined for signs of irritation according to the MAGNUSSON AND KLIGMAN GRADING SCALE.
Topical treatment:
The irritation response to topical treatment of various concentrations of the test substance was examined in three further guinea pigs. The flanks of the animals were clipped. Filter paper fully-loaded with the test substance (100%; 50% 25% in distilled water) was attached to the skin of the guinea-pigs and held in contact by an occlusive dressing for 24 hours.
The animals were observed and examined for signs of irritation according to the MAGNUSSON AND KLIGMAN GRADING SCALE approximately 24 hours and 48 hours after removing the test material.

A1. INDUCTION EXPOSURE: intradermal injection (day 0)
- Test groups:
A) 1:1 mixture (v/v) FCA/water
B) Test substance suspension of 0.5% in distilled water
C) Test substance at the selected concentration formulated in a 1:1 mixture (v/v) FCA/water
- Control group: vehicle
- Site: dorsal skin from the scapular region (approximately 4 cm x 6 cm)
- Frequency of applications: once

A2. INDUCTION EXPOSURE: topical application (day 7)
- Exposure period: 48 hours
- Test groups: a patch loaded with 100% finely pulverised test substance moistened with distilled water
- Control group: vehicle
- Site: same as at intradermal injection
- Frequency of applications: once
Because the agent was non-irritating at this concentration, the region was pretreated with 10% sodium lauryl sulphate in vaseline for 24h.

- Exposure period: 24 hours
- Test groups: a patch loaded with 100% finely pulverised test substance moistened with distilled water
- Control group: vehicle
- Site: one flank of the animals
- Evaluation (hr after challenge): 24 and 48
Positive control substance(s):
Positive control results:
The reliability checks are performed regularly with hexyl cinnamic aldehyde (HCA -CAS No. 101-86-0) in the test laboratory (every six months).
The latest reliability check was performed from 04/09/2013 - 11/10/2013.
90% of animals treated with the positive control (HCA - 55% in vaseline) showed a skin reaction with numeral grading from 0-1 up to 2 according to "MAGNUSSON AND KLiGMAN GRADING SCALE FOR THE EVALUATION OF CHALLENGE PATCH TEST REACTIONS". The positive control showed a sensitization effect and the validity of the test system.
Key result
1st reading
Hours after challenge:
test chemical
Dose level:
100% of the test material moistened with distilled water
No. with + reactions:
Total no. in group:
Clinical observations:
Remarks on result:
no indication of skin sensitisation
Key result
2nd reading
Hours after challenge:
test chemical
Dose level:
100% of the test material moistened with distilled water
No. with + reactions:
Total no. in group:
Clinical observations:
Remarks on result:
no indication of skin sensitisation
1st reading
Hours after challenge:
negative control
Dose level:
No. with + reactions:
Total no. in group:
Clinical observations:
Remarks on result:
no indication of skin sensitisation
2nd reading
Hours after challenge:
negative control
Dose level:
No. with + reactions:
Total no. in group:
Clinical observations:
Remarks on result:
no indication of skin sensitisation
positive control
Remarks on result:
positive indication of skin sensitisation
tested on regularly in the perfomring laboratory
Interpretation of results:
GHS criteria not met
The test material Copper(ll)-hydroxide Phosphate is considered to be not skin sensitizing.
Executive summary:

The test material Copper(ll)-hydroxide Phosphate did not induce any skin reactions in intradermally and topically induced guinea pigs after challenge treatment. Therefore, the test material does not fulfil the criteria for classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP) and the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), and is thus considered to be not skin sensitizing.

Endpoint conclusion
Endpoint conclusion:
no adverse effect observed (not sensitising)
Additional information:

A guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) according to OECD Guideline 406 was performed in 15 female albino guinea pigs (10 test animals, 5 control animals) in order to assess the allergenic potential of dicopper hydroxide phosphate. The intradermal induction in the test group was carried out with a suspension of 0.5 % of the test substance in distilled water. The topical induction was conducted under occlusion with the test substance (100%)moistened with distilled water. The animals were challenged by topical application of the test substance (100 %) moistened with distilled water. No skin reactions were noted at the challenge sites of the control group animals and the test group animals at the 24 or 48 hour observations.

Therefore, the test material does not fulfil the criteria for classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP) and the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), and is thus considered to be not skin sensitizing.


A second GPMT study is available, however it is considered disregarded since only polar and apolar extractions of the test item were tested.

Respiratory sensitisation

Endpoint conclusion
Endpoint conclusion:
no study available

Justification for classification or non-classification

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (EU CLP), dicopper hydroxide phosphate is not considered to be a skin sensitiser and is therefore not classified.