Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Ecotoxicological information

Endpoint summary

Administrative data

Description of key information

Additional information

General considerations

The Pourbaix diagram (see environmental fate section) indicates that Ce+IV is not stable in solution. Only Ce+III can occur in aqueous solutions and has been demonstrated to be able to cause toxicity in aquatic organisms (e.g., see dossiers for trivalent cerium compounds such as cerium trichloride, cerium trinitrate). Therefore, the extent to which cerium from tetravalent cerium compounds such as cerium tetranitrate is bioavailable for uptake (and causing toxicity) will depend on the extent to which Ce+IV is reduced to Ce+III (dependent on pH and redox potential) and on Ce+III speciation (dependent on pH, medium composition, etc.). If the dissolved cerium concentrations reach toxic levels as determined in tests with trivalent cerium compounds such as cerium trichloride or cerium trinitrate, toxicity will also be observed in toxicity tests with tetravalent cerium compounds.

Short-term toxicity to aquatic organisms

The above mentioned explanation on potential cerium toxicity after addition of a tetravalent cerium compound to standard test media was confirmed in a series of ecotoxicity experiments with fish, daphnids, and algae.

In an acute toxicity to fish study performed by Hefner (2014a) according to OECD guideline 203, the 96-h EC50 for rainbow trout was determined to be 0.14 mg dissolved Ce/L. The study was performed with cerium ammonium nitrate as test substance, i.e. another tetravalent cerium compound. In the absence of reliable data for cerium tetranitrate, it was considered acceptable to perform read across from this study. When expressed as cerium tetranitrate, the 96-h EC50 of this study would be 0.39 mg Ce(NO3)4/L, indicating that cerium tetranitrate is expected to be very toxic to fish. A very similar result was obtained in an identical study with cerium trinitrate (a trivalent cerium compound), resulting in a 96-h EC50 value of 0.13 mg dissolved Ce/L for the same test species. This confirms that toxicity to aquatic organisms depends on the extent to which Ce+IV is reduced to Ce+III. In this case, sufficiently high dissolved cerium (Ce+III) concentrations were obtained in the test medium to cause mortality among the exposed fish.

The key study for acute toxicity to aquatic invertebrates performed by Hefner (2014b) according to OECD guideline 202 yielded a 48-h EC50 of > 100 mg Ce(NO3)4/L. No significant immobilisation was observed in the exposed daphnids. The mean measured dissolved cerium concentration in the single treatment with the loading rate of 100 mg Ce(NO3)4/L was 47 µg Ce/L. Because no significant immobilisation was observed, the (unbound) EC50 was based on nominal concentrations. As a result, cerium tetranitrate is considered not to be toxic to aquatic invertebrates under the conditions of the test up to the solubility limit of cerium tetranitrate in the test water at a nominal loading rate of 100 mg/L.

In an algal growth inhibition study performed by Hefner (2014c) according to OECD guideline 201, no dissolved cerium concentrations > LOQ were observed in any of the treatments at the start and end of testing. Nevertheless, a significant growth rate reduction was observed in the treatment with the highest nominal loading rate (100 mg Ce(NO3)4/L; 35.4% inhibition) as well as in the 1:10 dilution (5.8% inhibition). Based on nominal concentrations, the 72-h EC50 (growth rate-based) was determined to be > 100 mg Ce(NO3)4/L for the unicellular green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. However, these values will not be taken forward to classification because the effects on growth were observed to be concurrent with phosphate depletion in the test medium due to heavy complexation with cerium, suggesting that the observed effect on growth inhibition is due to phosphate deprivation rather than direct toxicity of the rare earth.