Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Ecotoxicological information

Endpoint summary

Administrative data

Description of key information

Additional information

Oxydiethylene bis(chloroformate) rapidly hydrolyses in contact with water to form diethylene glycol (CAS 111 -46 -6), hydrogen chloride (CAS 7647-01-0) and carbon dioxide (CAS 124-38-9). Therefore, the relevant key aquatic toxicity data for both the parent substance and for the hydrolysis products diethylene glycol and hydrogen chloride are listed below. No aquatic toxicity data are available for carbon dioxide.

Short-term toxicity to fish:

Parent compound: 96-h LC50 = 1.78 mg/L (nom., L. idus; BASF AG, 1987)

The substance is acutely toxic to fish.


Hydrolysis product diethylene glycol: 96-h LC50 = 75200 mg/L (meas., P. promelas, similar to OECD 203; Geiger et al., 1990)

With high probability, the substance is acutely not harmful to fish.


Hydrolysis product HCl: 96-h LC50 = 4.92 mg/L (meas., C. carpio, OECD 203; OECD, 2002)

The substance is acutely toxic to fish (pH-dependent).



Long-term toxicity to fish:

No relevant and reliable data available.


Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates:

Parent compound: no data


Hydrolysis product diethylene glycol: 24-h EC50 > 10000 mg/L (nom., D. magna; Bringmann & Kühn, 1982)

With high probability, the substance is acutely not harmful to aquatic invertebrates.


Hydrolysis product HCl: 48-h EC50 = 0.492 mg/L (meas., D. magna, OECD 202; OECD, 2002)

The substance is acutely very toxic to aquatic invertebrates (pH-dependent).



Long-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates:

No relevant and reliable data available.


Growth inhibition to aquatic algae:

Parent compound: no data

Hydrolysis product diethylene glycol (weight-of-evidence): EC50 > 100 mg/L

With high probability, the substance is acutely not harmful to aquatic algae.


Hydrolysis product HCl: 72-h ErC50 = 0.492 mg/L; NOEC = 0.097 mg/L (OECD 201; OECD, 2002)

The substance is acutely very toxic to aquatic algae (pH-dependent).



Toxicity to microorganisms:

Parent compound: Pseudomonas putida: 17-h EC10 = 69 mg/L (nom., non-neutralised); 17-h EC10 = 8070 mg/L (nom., neutralised; growth inhibition; BUA, 1991); covering also effects from the hydrolysis products diethylene glycol and HCl

Hydrolysis product diethylene glycol: 3-h EC50 > 1000 mg/L (OECD 209, domestic activated sludge; Klecka et al., 1985)

Hydrolysis product diethylene glycol: 30-min EC20 > 1195 mg/L (ISO 8192, domestic activated sludge; Klecka et al., 1985)


An inhibition of the degradation activity of activated sludge is not expected when introduced to biological treatment plants in appropriately low concentrations.