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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Ecotoxicological information

Short-term toxicity to fish

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short-term toxicity to fish
Type of information:
read-across from supporting substance (structural analogue or surrogate)
Adequacy of study:
key study
Justification for type of information:

This read-across is based on the hypothesis that source and target substances have similar (eco)toxicological properties because
• they share structural similarities with common functional groups: One quaternised ethanolamine moiety, one to three, mainly two ester groups with a typical UVCB distribution with long-chain fatty acids of natural origin. The molecular structure is almost identical.
• they are manufactured from similar resp. identical precursors (triethanolamine, long-chain fatty acids, dimethyl sulphate) under similar conditions. Therefore, common breakdown products via physical and biological processes, which result in structurally similar chemicals are evident
• A constant pattern in the changing of the potency of the properties across the TEA-Esterquats by chain-length and the grade of esterification is not observed, because the fatty acid chain-length distribution is too narrow and similar and the distribution of mono-, di-, and tri-esters is identical. Some variation caused by variation in C=C double bonds may occur and will be discussed at the relevant endpoint.

See justification for read-across attached to chapter 13 of this IUCLID file.

See justification for read-across attached to chapter 13 of this IUCLID file.

See justification for read-across attached to chapter 13 of this IUCLID file.
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across: supporting information
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
96 h
Dose descriptor:
Effect conc.:
1.51 mg/L
Nominal / measured:
meas. (not specified)
Conc. based on:
test mat.
Basis for effect:
mortality (fish)
Key result
96 h
Dose descriptor:
Effect conc.:
1.91 mg/L
Nominal / measured:
meas. (geom. mean)
Conc. based on:
test mat.
Basis for effect:
mortality (fish)
Remarks on result:
other: --
96 h
Dose descriptor:
Effect conc.:
2.42 mg/L
Nominal / measured:
meas. (not specified)
Conc. based on:
test mat.
Basis for effect:
mortality (fish)
72 h
Dose descriptor:
Effect conc.:
1.91 mg/L
Nominal / measured:
meas. (geom. mean)
Conc. based on:
test mat.
Basis for effect:
mortality (fish)
Remarks on result:
other: --
48 h
Dose descriptor:
Effect conc.:
1.91 mg/L
Nominal / measured:
meas. (geom. mean)
Conc. based on:
test mat.
Basis for effect:
mortality (fish)
Remarks on result:
other: --
24 h
Dose descriptor:
Effect conc.:
2 mg/L
Nominal / measured:
meas. (geom. mean)
Conc. based on:
test mat.
Basis for effect:
mortality (fish)
Remarks on result:
other: 95% CL: 1.82-2.19 mg/l
Details on results:
Results based on nominal concentrations:
96h-LC50 = 3.24 mg/l**
72h-LC50 = 3.24 mg/l**
48h-LC50 = 3.24 mg/l**
24h-LC50 = 3.39 mg/l* (95% CL: 3.09 - 3.72)
96h NOEC = 2.56 mg/l ***

* calculated using Spearman-Karber estimator
** calculated using the geometric mean between the LC0 and LC100
*** not specified
Based on read-across, the 96 h LC50 is 1.91 mg/l

Description of key information

96 h LC50 = 1.91 mg a.i/L, based on mean measured concentration (OECD TG 203, Oncorhynchus mykiss); GLP; RL1; read-across: partially unsaturated TEA-Esterquat 

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Fresh water fish

Fresh water fish
Dose descriptor:
Effect concentration:
1.91 mg/L

Additional information

One short-term toxicity study is available for the target substance oleic acid-based TEA-Esterquat. Further studies are available for the source substance partially unsaturated TEA-Esterquat. A justification for read-across is attached to Iuclid section 13.


In a 96-h acute toxicity study according to OECD TG 203, rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed to oleic acid-based TEA-Esterquat at nominal concentrations of 1.0, 1.8, 3.2, 5.6, 10 mg/L under semi-static conditions.  The 96-h LC50 was 4.8 mg/L with 95% CL= 4.1-5.6 mg/L.


In a 96-h acute toxicity study conducted according to OECD Guideline 203 (Fish, Acute Toxicity Test), rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed to partially unsaturated TEA-Esterquat (CAS No. 157905-74-3) at nominal concentrations of 0 (control), 1.0, 1.6, 2.56, 4.1, 6.55, 10.55 mg/L under semi-static conditions. The mean measured concentration was determined to be 59 % of nominal concentrations. The 96-h LC50 was 1.91 mg/L (based on mean measured concentration). Sublethal effects as difficulties with maintainance of balance and unusual behaviour (reduced activity and or orientation to bottom or surface of the test vessels) were observed within the first three hours in the highest test concentration  


In a further study performed according to OECD Guideline 203 (Fish, Acute Toxicity Test) under semi-static conditions the LC50 (96 h) of partially unsaturated TEA-Esterquat was determined to be 2.1 mg/L for Danio rerio. The effect concentration (96h-LC50 = 2.6 mg/L) was corrected because the analytical recovery (HPLC) of test substance was below 80% of nominal concentration.

Partially unsaturated TEA-Esterquat was classified as toxic to Danio rerio by the study authors. However, according to CLP (EU-GHS), Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 the criteria for acute aquatic toxicity of fish (96h LC50) is </= 1 mg/L.


There are two further reliable studies available for partially unsaturated TEA-Esterquat performed according to OECD Guideline 203 (Fish, Acute Toxicity Test) under semi-static conditions and a study according to OECD Guideline 204 (Fish, Prolonged Toxicity Test: 14-day Study) under flow-through conditions, but all performed without analytical control. The LC50 (96 h) effect concentrations were 7.48 mg/L (test mat., nominal, based on a.i. > 80 % the 96h LC50 was > 5.98 mg a.i./L) for Danio rerio and 11.23 mg a.i./L and 14.45 mg a.i./L for Oncorhynchus mykiss each, respectively. The nominal effect concentrations were corrected for the content of active ingredient.


One study is available for Leuciscus idus (Golden orfe). In this study the 24 to 96 h LC 50 of TEA-Esterquat partially unsaturated was 5.1 mg test mat./L (nominal).


In a flow through test according to OECD Guideline 204 (Fish, Prolonged Toxicity Test: 14-day Study, 1984) the 96 h and 14 d LC50 of partially unsaturated TEA-Esterquat were 4.9 mg/L each (nominal) for Danio rerio.


The lowest 96 h LC50 in fish of 1.91 mg/L obtained in rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with the source substanc epartially unsaturated TEA-Esterquat will be used for chemical safety assessment.