Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Ecotoxicological information

Endpoint summary

Administrative data

Description of key information

No experimental data are available for F-DIOX Acid, therefore the evaluation of the toxic properties for the aquatic environment is based on the read across with the corresponding ammonium salt (CAS no: 1190931-27-1). The results of the experimental studies indicate that C6O4 ammonium salt does not have toxic properties for the aquatic organisms up to the maximum tested concentrations.

According to Regulation 1272/2008, F-DIOX Acid is therefore not classified for the Aquatic Environment.

Additional information

F-DIOX acid is a carboxylic acid used as chemical intermediate in the manufacturing process of cC6O4 ammonium salt.

The evaluation of toxic properties for the aquatic environment of F-DIOX acid is based on the Read Across with cC6O4 ammonium salt (CAS no: 1190931-27-1) by virtue of similarity of chemical structure between the two substances.

C6O4 ammonium salt is the carboxylic acid derivative of F-DIOX acid and therefore C6O4 ammonium salt differs from F-DIOX acid only for the presence of the cationic part NH4+.

Both the two substances in aqueous media are dissociated to the anionic form of the carboxylic acid since C6O4 ammonium salt is highly soluble (solubility > 667g/L at 21°C) and F-DIOX acid is a strong acid highly soluble in water, assumed as completely dissociated in aqueous solution.

Consequently the contribution to aquatic toxicity due to the anionic form of the carboxylic acid is the same for both the two substance.

It is known that a potential significant contributor to the observed aquatic toxicity of ammonium salts of fluorinated carboxylic acids is the un-ionized ammonia present at the equilibrium in the aqueous solution. Therefore the proposed read across can be considered a worse case approach since the cationic part of the F-DIOX acid is the hydrogen ion.

The results of the experimental studies indicate that C6O4 ammonium salt does not have toxic properties for the aquatic environment up to the maximum tested concentrations.

According to Regulation 1272/2008, F-DIOX acid would indicate the following:

Classification: not required

Signal word: none indicated

Hazard statement: none indicated