Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Physical & Chemical properties

Endpoint summary

Administrative data

Description of key information

Physico-chemical properties of the registered substance were determined from experimental testing or literature data. Some endpoints were waived, based on chemical structure of the substance or on experience in handling and use of the substance.

The substance is a colorless to pale yellow liquid less dense than water, moderately soluble in water.

The substance is classified as flammable liquid, category 3 based on both Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP regulation) and GHS. No other hazard was identified with regard to physical properties (flammability,explosivity, oxidising properties) based on Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP regulation).

Additional information

Endpoint (method)Data
(visual observation)
The test item is a colourless to pale yellow liquid at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure.
Freezing Point
(ASTM D 1177 - Freezing temperature)
Freezing point of test substance is below -46°C
Boiling Point
(Safety data Sheet)
The Boiling point of test item is stated to be in the range of 142 - 144 °C
(Safety data Sheet)
The density of test item is stated to be 0.93 g/mL at 25°C.
(data Waiving)
Study scientifically not necessary (liquid)
Vapour pressure
(Safety data Sheet)
Vapour Pressure of test item is stated to be 23.4647 hPa at 37.7 °C
Log Kow (Hansch et Al. 1995)Partition coefficient (log Kow) = 2.53
Water solubility (QSAR, EpiSuite)The water solubility of test item is estimated to be 796.2 mg/L at 25°C.
Surface tension
(data waiving)
the study does not need to be conducted because surface activity is not a desired property of the material
Auto-ignition temperature
(ASTM E659)
The auto-ignition temperature of the test item was determined to be of 425°C at 750 mmHg.
(EU A9 / ISO 2719 - non-equilibrium closed cup) 
Flash point of test substance was 32.0°C at 101.3 KPa.
Flammable on Ignition  (data Waiving)Study technically not needed. Waived for liquids.
Flammability air
(data Waiving)
Study scientifically not necessary: Waived based on experience in handling and use and chemical structure of the substance. NOT flammable if contact with air.
Flammabily water
(data Waiving)
Study scientifically not necessary: Waived based  on chemical structure of the substance. NOT flammable if contact with  water.
Self-heating substances
(data Waiving)
Study scientifically not necessary as the substancesi liquid. The surface of liquids is not large enough for reaction with air. Liquids, unless adsorbed, are not classified as self-heating. Moreover, the chemical structure does not contain metals/metalloids, which are typically self-heating substances.
Explosive properties
(UN MTC rev 7/OECD 113 - DSC screening test)
NO potential for explosive properties.
Oxidising properties
(data Waiving)
Waiving based on chemical structure of the substance. Registered substance is considered to have NO potential for oxidizing properties.