Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Manufacture, use & exposure

Article service life

Service life

Service life name:
Cured coatings and ink
Regulatory status:
use of the substance in mixtures below the concentration limit specified in REACH Art. 56(6)
Article used by:
Article category (AC):
AC 0: Other: Cured coatings and ink
Substance intended to be released from article:
Contributing activity / technique for the environment
Name of activity / technique:
Coated coatings and inks
Environmental release category (ERC):
ERC10a: Widespread use of articles with low release (outdoor)
ERC11a: Widespread use of articles with low release (indoor)
ERC12a: Processing of articles at industrial sites with low release
ERC12c: Use of articles at industrial sites with low release
Contributing activity / technique for consumers
Name of activity / technique:
Coated objects with residual content (<1000 ppm) of registered substance
Article category (AC):
AC 0: Other: Cured coatings and inks
Contributing activity / technique for workers
Name of activity / technique:
Coated objects with residual content (<1000 ppm) of registered substance
Process category (PROC):
PROC 0: Other: Use of coated articles with negligible residual content of registered substance
Related assessment:
use not assessed
Insignificant exposure via the following route:
Insignificant release via the following route:

Contributing scenario for the environment (related to workers activities)

Conditions of use for the environment

Product (article) characteristic

Contributing scenario for the workers

Conditions of use for workers

Product (article) characteristics

Physical form of the used product:
solid object

Contributing scenario for the environment (related to consumer activities)

Conditions of use for the environment

Product (article) characteristic

Contributing scenario for the consumers

Product (article) characteristics

Physical form of the used product:
solid object