Registration Dossier

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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

acute toxicity: oral
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
Experimental start date (initial animal arrival) 24 October 2019. Experimental completion date (final macroscopic examination) 26 November 2019
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
guideline study

Data source

Reference Type:
study report
Report date:

Materials and methods

Test guidelineopen allclose all
according to guideline
EU Method B.1 bis (Acute Oral Toxicity - Fixed Dose Procedure)
according to guideline
OECD Guideline 420 (Acute Oral Toxicity - Fixed Dose Method)
according to guideline
EPA OPPTS 870.1100 (Acute Oral Toxicity)
according to guideline
other: Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Test Data for Registration of Agricultural Chemicals, Acute oral toxicity (2-1-1), 12 Nousan No 8147, Agricultural Production Bureau, November 24, 2000.
GLP compliance:
yes (incl. QA statement)
Test type:
fixed dose procedure
Limit test:

Test material

Constituent 1
Chemical structure
Reference substance name:
Dilithium titanate
EC Number:
EC Name:
Dilithium titanate
Cas Number:
Molecular formula:
dilithium(1+) oxotitaniumbis(olate)
Test material form:
solid: bulk
Details on test material:
- Purity: >98%
- Empirical Formula: Li2TiO3
- Molecular mass: 109.8 g/mol
Specific details on test material used for the study:
Test item Lithium titanate
Alternative name Lithium titanate oxide
CAS number 12031-82-2
Empirical formula Li2TiO3
Molecular mass 109.8 g/mol
Intended use Industrial chemical
Appearance Off white powder
Storage conditions Stored in darkness at ambient temperature (10 to 30°C)
Supplier Sponsor
Expiry/Retest date 23 September 2021
Purity >98%
Supplier’s responsibilities Characterization of the test item and the documentation of the methods of synthesis, fabrication or derivation and stability.

Test animals

Details on test animals or test system and environmental conditions:
Animal Information
Healthy nulliparous and non-pregnant female RccHan™:WIST albino rats were obtained from Envigo RMS (UK) Ltd.

The animals were allocated without conscious bias to cages within the treatment groups. They were housed in groups of one or four rats of the same sex.

Each animal was identified uniquely within the study by tail marking. Each cage label was color-coded and was identified uniquely with the study number, dose level and animal mark.

The animals were allowed to acclimatize to the conditions described below for at least five days before treatment. For those animals selected for this study, their body weights were in the range 160 to 187 g and they were approximately eight to twelve weeks of age prior to dosing (Day 1). The body weight variation did not exceed  20% of the mean body weight of any previously treated animals.

Animal Care and Husbandry
Animals were housed inside a limited access rodent facility. The facility was designed and operated to minimize the entry of external biological and chemical agents and to minimize the transference of such agents between rooms.

The animal room was kept at positive pressure with respect to the outside by its own supply of filtered fresh air, which was passed to atmosphere and not re-circulated. The temperature and relative humidity controls were set to maintain the range of 20 to 24C and 40 to 70% respectively. Any minor deviations from these ranges would not have had an adverse effect on the animals and would not affect the integrity or validity of the study. Artificial lighting was controlled to give a cycle of 12 hours continuous light and 12 hours continuous dark per 24 hours. Environmental parameters are archived with the departmental raw data.

Periodic checks were made on the number of air changes in the animal rooms. Temperature and humidity were monitored daily.

Alarms were activated if there was any failure of the ventilation system, or temperature limits were exceeded. A stand-by electricity supply was available to be automatically brought into operation should the public supply fail.

The cages were solid bottomed polycarbonate cages (200 P: LxWxH - 610x435x215mm – floor area cm2 2065) with a stainless steel mesh lid. Each cage contained a quantity of autoclaved softwood bark-free fiber bedding. Cages, food hoppers, water bottles and bedding were changed at appropriate intervals.

The animals were allowed free access to a standard rodent diet (Teklad 2014C Diet), except for overnight prior to and approximately four hours after dosing. This diet contained no added antibiotic or other chemotherapeutic or prophylactic agent.

Potable water taken from the public supply was freely available via polycarbonate bottles fitted with sipper tubes.

Each cage of animals was provided with Aspen chew blocks or balls for environmental enrichment. Chew blocks or balls were provided throughout the study and were replaced when necessary. Each cage of animals was provided with a plastic shelter for environmental enrichment, which was replaced at the same time as the cages.

Each batch of diet was analyzed routinely by the supplier for various nutritional components and chemical and microbiological contaminants. Supplier’s analytical certificates were scrutinized and approved before any batch of diet was released for use. The quality of the water supply is governed by regulations published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Certificates of analysis were received routinely from the water supplier. Certificates of analysis were received routinely from the supplier of the chew blocks or balls. Since the results of these various analyses did not provide evidence of contamination that might have prejudiced the study, they are not presented.

No other specific contaminants that were likely to have been present in the diet or water were analyzed, as none that may have interfered with or prejudiced the outcome of the study was known.

Administration / exposure

Route of administration:
oral: gavage
Details on oral exposure:
The vehicle was 1% w/v aqueous methyl cellulose.

The test item was formulated at concentrations of 30 and 200 mg/mL in the vehicle, by adding the vehicle to the test item and mixing. The formulation was administered at a volume of 10 mL/kg body weight.

The test item formulations were prepared on the day of dosing.

The absorption of the test item was not determined.

Determination of the homogeneity, stability and purity of the test item or test item formulations were not undertaken as part of this study.

Detailed records of test item usage were maintained. The amount of test item necessary to prepare the formulations and the amount actually used were determined on each occasion. The difference between these amounts was checked before the formulations were dispensed.
Starting dose: 300 mg/kg

Additional group: 2000 mg/kg
No. of animals per sex per dose:
Two single animals (females) : 300 mg/kg and 2000 mg/kg

Four additional females: 2000 mg/kg
Control animals:
Details on study design:
Dose Administration
The appropriate dose volume of the test item was administered to each rat by oral gavage using a plastic syringe and plastic catheter.

A record of the weight of each formulation dispensed and the amount remaining after dosing was made. The balance of these two weights was compared with the predicted usage as a check that the doses had been administered correctly.

Formulations were stirred before and throughout the dosing procedure to ensure homogenous suspension of the test item.

Serial Observations
Cages of rats were checked at least twice daily for any mortalities.

Clinical Observations
Animals were observed soon after dosing and at frequent intervals for the remainder of Day 1. On subsequent days, animals were observed once in the morning and again at the end of the experimental day (with the exception of Day 15 - morning only). Additional observations were performed as necessary when evident toxicity was observed. The nature and severity, where appropriate, of any clinical signs and the time were recorded at each observation.

All animals were observed for 14 days after dosing.

Body Weight
The weight of each rat was recorded on Days -1 (not reported), 1 (prior to dosing), 8 and 15. Individual weekly body weight changes and group mean body weights were calculated.

Terminal Investigations
Method of Kill
All animals were humanely killed on Day 15 by carbon dioxide asphyxiation and subsequently exsanguinated.

Macroscopic Pathology
All animals were subject to a macroscopic examination which consisted of opening the cranial, thoracic and abdominal cavities. The macroscopic appearance of the brain, cecum, duodenum, heart, kidneys, small and large intestine, liver, lungs and bronchi, spleen, stomach, subcutaneous tissue and urinary bladder was recorded.

Results and discussion

Preliminary study:
There was an absence of mortality at 2000 mg/kg in the initial treatment
Effect levels
Key result
Dose descriptor:
Effect level:
> 2 000 mg/kg bw
Based on:
test mat.
There were no deaths during the study
Clinical signs:
other: Piloerection was observed on Day 1 for female number 61 dosed in the sighting study at 300 mg/kg. This sign was first observed approximately 3 hours after dosing and recovery, judged by external appearance and behavior, was complete by Day 2. On Day 1
Gross pathology:
No abnormalities were noted in any animal at the macroscopic examination at study termination on Day 15.

Applicant's summary and conclusion

Interpretation of results:
GHS criteria not met
The acute median lethal oral dose (LD50) to rats of Lithium titanate was demonstrated to be greater than 2000 mg/kg body weight. No effects on body weight, body weight gain or during necropsy were observed.
Lithium titanate is included in Category 5/Unclassified, according to the Globally Harmonised System (GHS),
Executive summary:


The study was performed to assess the acute oral toxicity of Lithium titanate (an industrial chemical), to the rat.

Fasted female rats received a single oral gavage dose of the test item, formulated in 1% w/v aqueous methyl cellulose, at the following dose levels:

Sighting investigations: 300 and 2000 mg/kg body weight, one animal per dose.

Main study: Based on the results of the sighting investigations a further four fasted females were similarly dosed at 2000 mg/kg body weight.

During the study, clinical condition, body weight and macropathology investigations were undertaken.


There were no deaths during the study.

Piloerection was observed on Day 1 for female number 61 dosed in the sighting study at 300 mg/kg. This sign was first observed approximately 3 hours after dosing and recovery, judged by external appearance and behavior, was complete by Day 2.

On Day 1 piloerection and hunched posture was observed for female number 62 dosed at 2000 mg/kg in the sighting study. These signs were first noted approximately two hours after dosing, and they had resolved by approximately four hours and 40 minutes after dosing. On Day 2, piloerection was observed and on Day 3, piloerection, hunched posture, elevated gait and decreased fecal pellets were seen for this animal. These signs, excluding the decreased fecal pellets, persisted during Day 4 and Day 5 and abnormal color staining (brown head) (Day 4 and 5) and decreased activity (Day 5) were observed. On Day 6 and 7, only piloerection, hunched posture and elevated gait was observed. Recovery, as judged by external appearance and behavior, was complete by Day 8.

In the main study at 2000 mg/kg, piloerection and decreased fecal pellets were observed for all four females. These signs were first seen approximately from two hours after dosing and recovery, as judged by external appearance and behaviour, was complete by 5 hours and 30 minutes after dosing.

All animals were considered to have achieved satisfactory body weight gains throughout the study.

No abnormalities were noted in any animal at the macroscopic examination at study termination on Day 15.



The acute median lethal oral dose (LD50) to rats of Lithium titanate was demonstrated to be greater than 2000 mg/kg body weight.

Lithium titanate is included in Category 5/Unclassified, according to the Globally Harmonised System (GHS).