Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Environmental fate & pathways

Endpoint summary

Administrative data

Description of key information

Biodegradation in water:

Biodegradability of test chemical 1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 2,2'-[(2,2'-disulfo[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis[imino (6-chloro-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl)imino (1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-6,2-naphthalenediyl)azo]]bis-, octasodium salt (CAS no. 68110-30-5) was estimated by using OECD QSAR tool box v3.3 by considering ten closest read across chemical log Kow as primary descriptor. Percent biodegradation of the test chemical 1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 2,2'-[(2,2'-disulfo[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis[imino (6-chloro-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl)imino (1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-6,2-naphthalenediyl)azo]]bis-, octasodium salt was estimated to be 0.84 % by considering BOD as parameter and Microorganism as inoculum in 28 days. On the basis of percent degradability value it can be concluded that test chemical 1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 2,2'-[(2,2'-disulfo[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis[imino (6-chloro-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl)imino (1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-6,2-naphthalenediyl)azo]]bis-, octasodium salt is not readily biodegradable.

Additional information

Biodegradation in water:

Predicted data study for target chemical 1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 2,2'-[(2,2'-disulfo[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis[imino (6-chloro-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl)imino (1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-6,2-naphthalenediyl)azo]]bis-, octasodium salt (CAS no. 68110-30-5) and experimental studies for its structurally similar read across chemicals have been conducted and their results are summarized below for biodegradation in water endpoint.

Another study was experimental study done from Chemosphere journal Vo1.15 (1986) for structurally similar read across chemical Disodium 4,4'-bis(2-hydroxynaphthalen-1-ylazo)biphenyl-2,6'-disulphonate (CAS no.10169 -02 -5) in this study the aerobic biodegradation experiment was performed for read across chemical Disodium 4,4'-bis(2-hydroxynaphthalen-1-ylazo)biphenyl-2,6'-disulphonate using activated sludge at concentration 0.5 g/L dry material as inoculums and initial concentration of chemical taken was 100mg/L for 42 days. By considering DOC removal parameter read across chemical showed 17% degradation in 42 days. The read across chemical Disodium 4,4'-bis(2-hydroxynaphthalen-1-ylazo)biphenyl-2,6'-disulphonate belongs to D category according to table 1 and 2 as its limit value falls in that range. This percentage value is very less So it is concluded that Disodium 4,4'-bis(2-hydroxynaphthalen-1-ylazo)biphenyl-2,6'-disulphonate (CAS no. 10169 -02 -5) is not readily biodegradable.

Next study was also experimental study done from same source as mentioned in above experimental study in this study the aerobic biodegradation experiment was performed for read across chemical tetrasodium;3-[[4-[[4-[(2E)-2-(6-amino-1-oxo-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-ylidene)hydrazinyl]-6-sulfonatonaphthalen-1-yl]diazenyl]naphthalen-1-yl]diazenyl]naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate CAS no. 4399 -55 -7) using activated sludge at concentration 0.5 g/L dry material as inoculums and initial concentration of chemical taken was 100 mg/L for 42 days. By considering DOC removal parameter read across chemical showed -27 % degradation in 42 days. This percentage value is very less So it is concluded that read across chemical tetrasodium; 3-[[4-[[4-[(2E)-2-(6-amino-1-oxo-3-sulfonatonaphthalen-2-ylidene)hydrazinyl]-6-sulfonatonaphthalen-1-yl]diazenyl]naphthalen-1-yl]diazenyl]naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate is not readily biodegradable.

On the basis of results of all the studies mentioned above for target chemical 1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 2,2'-[(2,2'-disulfo[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis[imino (6-chloro-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl)imino (1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-6,2-naphthalenediyl)azo]]bis-, octasodium salt (CAS no. 68110-30-5) and for its structurally similar read across chemicals it can be concluded that test chemical is not readily biodegradable.