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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Physical & Chemical properties

Vapour pressure

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vapour pressure
Type of information:
Adequacy of study:
supporting study
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
results derived from a valid (Q)SAR model and falling into its applicability domain, with adequate and reliable documentation / justification
Justification for type of information:
Justification for type of Information
Individual modal MPBPWIN included in the Estimation Programs Interface (EPI) Suite.

2. MODEL (incl. version number)
MPBPWIN v1.43 included in EPISuite v 4.11, 2000-2012
modified Grain method

a. Input for prediction: A SMILES NOTATION was entered in the initial data entry screen. In the structure window, the molecular weight, structural formula and the structure of the input SMILES notation is shown. If available, experimental determined values of melting point and boiling point are taken for input.
b. Descriptor values: As the substance is a solid, the model uses the melting point and the boiling point for estimation:
The following parameters were applied:
-Melting point: 195.7 °C (experimentally determined)
-Boiling point: 591.8 °C at 1013 hPa (calculated by MPBPWIN)

a. Defined endpoint: Vapour pressure
b. Unambigous algorithm: The modified Grain method equation was used for calculation.
c. Applicability domain: With a molecular weight of 432.48 g/mole CN-ethyl-TH-naphthyridin is within the applicable range of 16 - 943 g/mole. Regarding the structure, the fragment descriptors used by the program for the estimation of the boiling point are complete and listed in Appendix F of the MPBPWIN help file.
d. Statistical characteristics: Correlation coefficient of the total test set is r2= 0.949.
e. Mechanistic interpretation: The vapour pressure is related to fugacity models describing the distribution of the substance in the environment.
f. The uncertainty ofthe prediction (OECD principle 4):
CN-ethyl-TH-naphthyridin is not highly complex and the rules applied appear appropriate. An individual uncertainty for the investigated substance is not available.

a. Domains:
i. Molecular weight: With a molecular weight of 432.48 g/mole CN-ethyl-TH-naphthyridin is within the range of the training set (16 - 943 g/mole).
ii. Structural fragment domain: Regarding the structure, the fragment descriptors used by the program for the estimation of the boiling point are complete and listed in Appendix F of the MPBPWIN help file.
iii. Mechanism domain: No information available
iv. Metabolic domain, if relevant: not relevant
b. Structural analogues: no information available
c. Considerations on structural analogues: no information available

a. Regulatory purpose: The data may be used under any regulatory purpose.
b. Approach for regulatory interpretation of the model result: If no experimental data are available the estimated value may be used to fill data gaps needed for hazard and risk assessment. Further the value is used for other calculations.
c. Outcome: The prediction of vapour pressure yields a useful result for further evaluation.
d. Adequacy of prediction: The result for CN-ethyl-TH-naphthyridin falls within the applicability domain described above and the estimation rules applied for the substance appear appropriate. Therefore the predicted value can be considered reliable yielding a useful result for further assessment.
e. Conclusion: The result is considered as useful for regulatory purposes.
Version / remarks:
REACH guidance on QSARs R.6, May 2008
not applicable
Principles of method if other than guideline:
The Estimation Program Interface (EPI) Suite v4.11 includes the model MPBPWIN for estimating the vapour pressure of organic compounds. The Estimation Programs Interface was developed by the US Environmental Agency's Office of Pollution Prevention and Taxies and Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC).© 2000-2012 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for EPI SuiteTM. Published online in November 2012.
GLP compliance:
Type of method:
other: QSAR-estimation
Specific details on test material used for the study:
- Melting point: 207 °C (experimentally determined) (for details see chapter 4.2)
- Boiling point: 524 °C at 1013 hPa (calculated) (MPBPWin)
Key result
25 °C
Vapour pressure:
0 Pa
Remarks on result:
other: Modified Grain Method

Validity of the model:

1. Defined Endpoint: Vapour pressure

2. Unambigous algorithm: The modified Grain method method equation was used for calculation.

3. Applicability domain: The applicablity domain is just described by the molecular weight range. With a molecular weight of 432.48 g/mole the substance is within the applicable range of 16 - 943 g/mol.

4. Statistical characteristics: Correlation coefficient of the total test set is r2= 0.949.

5. Mechanistic interpretation: The vapour pressure is related to fugacity models describing the distribution of the substance in the environment.

Adequacy of prediction: The result for CN-ethyl-TH-naphthyridin falls within the applicability domain described above and the estimation rules applied for the substance appear appropriate. Therefore the predicted value can be considered reliable yielding a useful result for further assessment.

The vapour pressure of CN-ethyl-TH-naphthyridin was predicted using the model MPBPWIN included in the Estimation Programm Interface EPI-Suite v4.11 as 2.6E-10 Pa at 25 °C. The predicted value can be considered reliable yielding a useful result for further assessment.
Executive summary:

The vapour pressure of CN-ethyl-TH-naphthyridin was predicted using the QSAR calculation of the Estimation Programm Interface EPI-Suite v4.11. The experimental melting point of 196 °C (mean value) and the calculated boiling point of 592°C (at 1013 hPa) were taken into account for estimation. Using the modified Grain method, the vapour pressure was estimated to be 2.6E-10 Pa at 25 °C. The predicted value can be considered reliable yielding a useful result for further assessment.

Description of key information

The vapour pressure of CN-ethyl-TH-naphthyridin was predicted using the model MPBPWIN included in the Estimation Programm Interface EPI-Suite v4.11 as 2.6E-10 Pa at 25 °C.

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Vapour pressure:
0 Pa
at the temperature of:
25 °C

Additional information

The predicted value can be considered reliable yielding a useful result for further assessment.