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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Physical & Chemical properties


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Administrative data

Link to relevant study record(s)

flammable solids
Type of information:
read-across from supporting substance (structural analogue or surrogate)
Adequacy of study:
key study
Justification for type of information:
Flammability is the ability of a substance to burn or ignite, causing fire or combustion. The degree of flammability depends largely upon the chemical composition of the material. The chemical composition of Reaction products of boric acid and calcium dihydroxide and lithium hydroxide is similar to both dilithium tetraborate and calcium metaborate consisting of the same elements/functional groups. Any variations due to the range of trigonal and tetrahedral species between the substances are not expected to lead to any changes in the flammability potential of these substances.
The target UVCB substance has a higher precursor molar ratio for lithium hydroxide than for calcium hydroxide, and therefore the precautionary principle should be applied and read across from dilithium tetraborate where relevant to consider the worst case. Read-across to the flammability result on dilithium tetraborate is therefore proposed.
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Reason / purpose for cross-reference:
read-across source
Key result
Test procedure:
burning rate test: preliminary screening test
Remarks on result:
substance does not ignite and propagate combustion either by burning with flame or smouldering along 200 mm of the powder train within the 2 minutes test period
Interpretation of results:
GHS criteria not met

Reaction products of boric acid and calcium dihydroxide and lithium hydroxide can be considered as non-flammable.
Executive summary:

Following the UN method Test N.1, a preliminary screening test was conducted initially for dilithium tetraborate and for calcium metaborate. No ignition or propagation was observed for either substance. It was concluded that no further testing is required.  Dilithium tetraborate and Calcium metaborate  can be considered as non-flammable.  


Flammability is the ability of a substance to burn or ignite, causing fire or combustion.  The degree of flammability depends largely upon the chemical composition of the material.  The chemical composition of Reaction products of boric acid and calcium dihydroxide and lithium hydroxide is similar to both  dilithium tetraborate and calcium metaborate consisting of the same elements/functional groups.  Any variations due to the range of trigonal and tetrahedral species between the substances are not expected to lead to any changes in the flammability potential of these substances. It can therefore be concluded that Reaction products of boric acid and calcium dihydroxide and lithium hydroxide is not flammable.

Description of key information

During a preliminary screening on dilithium tetraborate, the test item melted to form small, spherical particles. No ignition or propagation was observed.  Dilithium tetraborate can be considered as non-flammable.

 Flammability is the ability of a substance to burn or ignite, causing fire or combustion.  The degree of flammability depends largely upon the chemical composition of the material.  The chemical composition of Reaction products of boric acid and calcium dihydroxide and lithium hydroxide is similar to both dilithium tetraborate and calcium metaborate consisting of the same elements/functional groups.  Any variations due to the range of trigonal and tetrahedral species between the substances are not expected to lead to any changes in the flammability potential of these substances. It can therefore be concluded that of Reaction products of boric acid and calcium dihydroxide and lithium hydroxide is not flammable.

Key value for chemical safety assessment

not classified

Additional information

Justification for classification or non-classification

A preliminary screening test on dilithium tetraborate and on calcium metaborate was conducted which showed no ignition or propagation was observed. It was concluded that no further testing was required.  Dilithium tetraborate and calcium metaborate were considered as non-flammable and therefore do not meet the criteria for physico-chemical classification. As the flammability result is not close to a classification boundary for the physico-chemical hazards, any variations due to the range of trigonal and tetrahedral species between the substances are not expected to lead to any changes in the classification and labelling of the category. It is therefore expected that all lithium/calcium borate substances listed in these categories including Reaction products of boric acid and calcium dihydroxide and lithium hydroxide will not meet the criteria for physico-chemical classification.