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Diss Factsheets

Toxicological information

Developmental toxicity / teratogenicity

Currently viewing:

Administrative data

developmental toxicity
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
15 October 2013 to 15 April 2014
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
guideline study

Data source

Reference Type:
study report
Report date:

Materials and methods

Test guideline
according to guideline
OECD Guideline 414 (Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study)
GLP compliance:
yes (incl. QA statement)
Limit test:

Test material

Constituent 1
Chemical structure
Reference substance name:
EC Number:
EC Name:
Cas Number:
Molecular formula:
Test material form:

Test animals

other: Wistar Crl:WI(Han)
Details on test animals or test system and environmental conditions:
- Source: Charles River, Germany
- Age at study initiation: approximately 11 to 12 weeks
- Weight at study initiation: males 307 - 340 g; females 194 - 227 g
- Fasting period before study: no
- Housing: individually (except during mating when 2 females paired with 1 male) in IVC cages, type III H.
- Diet (ad libitum): Altromin 1324 maintenance diet for rats and mice
- Water (ad libitum): facility tap water (sulphur acidified to approx pH 2.8)
- Acclimation period: at least 5 days

- Temperature (°C): 19 - 25
- Humidity (%): 45 - 65
- Air changes (per hr): 10
- Photoperiod (hrs dark / hrs light): 12:12

From: 21 October 2013
To: 07 January 2014

Administration / exposure

Route of administration:
oral: gavage
corn oil
Details on exposure:
The test item was weighed into a tared plastic vial on a precision balance and dissolved in corn oil. The test item formulation was prepared freshly on each administration day before the administration procedure. The time of preparation was recorded for all dosing formulations. Homogeneity of the test item in the vehicle was maintained by vortexing the prepared suspension thoroughly before every dose administration.

- Justification for use and choice of vehicle (if other than water): The vehicle was selected as suggested by the sponsor based on the test item’s characteristics and testing guideline.
- Concentration of test substance in vehicle: 0, 25, 75, 250 mg/mL
- Amount of vehicle: 4mL/kg
- Lot/batch no.: MKBH4894V, MKBP7039V
Analytical verification of doses or concentrations:
Details on analytical verification of doses or concentrations:
The assessment of homogeneity as well as a determination of the nominal concentration of the test item in the vehicle were performed at various intervals using GC-FID.

Samples for analysis of the dose formulations of the test item in the vehicle (nominal concentration) were taken from all groups in the first and last week of the study for all doses (8 samples in total). Samples for homogeneity were taken from the top, middle and bottom of the high dose and low dose preparation. Samples were taken in the first and last week of the study (18 samples in total). Samples for stability analysis were taken in the first week of the study, 0 hours after the preparation and another sample 6 hours after the preparation (at room temperature), from high, medium, and low dose formulations (6 samples).

From all formulation samples aliquots of 10 mL were stored at -20° C and were analysed after completion of the in-life phase of the toxicity study.
Details on mating procedure:
- Impregnation procedure: cohoused
- M/F ratio per cage: 1/2
- Length of cohabitation: until positive evidence of mating
- Verification of same strain and source of both sexes: yes
- Proof of pregnancy: sperm in vaginal smear referred to as day 0 of pregnancy
Duration of treatment / exposure:
Gestation Day 5 to gestation Day 19 inclusive.
Frequency of treatment:
Duration of test:
Until gestation Day 20.
Doses / concentrationsopen allclose all
Dose / conc.:
100 mg/kg bw/day
Dose / conc.:
300 mg/kg bw/day
Dose / conc.:
1 000 mg/kg bw/day
No. of animals per sex per dose:
25 females
Control animals:
yes, concurrent vehicle
Details on study design:
- Dose selection rationale: doses were based on a previous dose-range-finding developmental toxicity study in which no adverse maternal or foetal effects were noted at doses up to 1000 mg/kg bw/day


Maternal examinations:
- Time schedule: at least once daily

- Time schedule: at least once daily

- Time schedule for examinations: gestation days 0, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 and 20

- Time schedule for examinations: gestation days 0, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 and 20
- Food consumption for each animal determined and mean daily diet consumption calculated as g food/day: Yes


- Sacrifice on gestation day 20
- Organs examined: macroscopic examination, liver weight also recorded

Ovaries and uterine content:
The ovaries and uterine content was examined after termination: Yes
Examinations included:
- Gravid uterus weight: Yes
- Number of corpora lutea: Yes
- Number of implantations: Yes
- Number of early resorptions: Yes
- Number of late resorptions: Yes
Fetal examinations:
- External examinations: Yes: all per litter
- Soft tissue examinations: Yes: half per litter
- Skeletal examinations: Yes: half per litter
- Head examinations: Yes: half per litter
A statistical assessment of the results of the body weight, food consumption was performed by comparing values of dosed with control animals using a one-way ANOVA and a post-hoc Dunnett Test. Foetal evaluation parameters like external, visceral, craniofacial and skeletal parameters were analysed using a Chi-square test. The statistics were performed with GraphPad Prism V.6.01 software (p<0.05 is considered as statistically significant).
Historical control data:
Not included.

Results and discussion

Results: maternal animals

General toxicity (maternal animals)

Clinical signs:
no effects observed
Description (incidence and severity):
No test item-related adverse clinical signs were observed in any of the treated groups.
A few spontaneous clinical signs, including alopecia at various body locations, moving the bedding, red nasal discharge, slight to severe salivation, moderate piloerection and slight to moderate abnormal breathing) occurred infrequently, similarly in the control group, and/or in a manner that was not dose-related.
These various clinical signs in the treatment and control groups were not considered to be adverse and clinically irrelevant.
Dermal irritation (if dermal study):
not examined
no mortality observed
Body weight and weight changes:
effects observed, non-treatment-related
Description (incidence and severity):
Body weight and body weight gain were unaffected by test item administration during gestation with the exception of a statistically significant decrease in body weight gain during gestation day interval 8-11 in the 1000 mg/kg bw/day group. However, overall (GD 0-20) body weight gain in all treatment groups was comparable with the controls.
Throughout the treatment period, body weights and body weight gain were within the normal range of variation for this strain.
Food consumption and compound intake (if feeding study):
effects observed, non-treatment-related
Description (incidence and severity):
No treatment-related effect on food consumption was observed during the treatment period, except for a statistically significant decrease in food consumption during gestation interval 8-11 in 1000 mg/kg bw/day group when compared with the controls. Food consumption increased during the course of the study in all groups, consistent with the increases seen in body weight and body weight gain. Therefore this marginal but statistically significant difference during gestation interval 8-11 in the 1000 mg/kg bw/day group was not considered to be biologically relevant.
Food efficiency:
not examined
Water consumption and compound intake (if drinking water study):
not examined
Ophthalmological findings:
not examined
Haematological findings:
not examined
Clinical biochemistry findings:
not examined
Urinalysis findings:
not examined
Behaviour (functional findings):
not examined
Immunological findings:
not examined
Organ weight findings including organ / body weight ratios:
effects observed, treatment-related
Description (incidence and severity):
Group mean and individual animal absolute and relative (to terminal body weight) maternal liver weights were statistically significantly increased in the 300 and 1000 mg/kg bw/day groups when compared to the controls.
Gross pathological findings:
no effects observed
Description (incidence and severity):
No treatment-related changes were observed during the macroscopic observation for all groups. A few findings such as distension of the uterus with liquid, distension of the uterus with fluid, blood coagulated in the uterus due to rupture of the uterine artery and a blood filled right uterine horn were observed. These gross pathological lesions were considered to be spontaneous common background findings and incidental in nature.
Neuropathological findings:
not examined
Histopathological findings: non-neoplastic:
not examined
Histopathological findings: neoplastic:
not examined
Other effects:
not specified

Maternal developmental toxicity

Number of abortions:
no effects observed
Description (incidence and severity):
None of the females showed signs of abortion or premature delivery prior to the scheduled sacrifice.
Pre- and post-implantation loss:
no effects observed
Description (incidence and severity):
No statistically significant treatment-related effects were observed for pre- and post- implantation loss. The mean number of implantations per dam were 11.20, 12.00, 11.68 in order of ascending dose level. The mean incidence of post-implantation loss as a percentage of total implantations was 9.05, 4.23, 5.17% in order of ascending dose level.
The mean incidence of pre-implantation loss as a percentage of total implantations was 14.36, 8.97, 8.15% in order of ascending dose level.
Total litter losses by resorption:
no effects observed
Description (incidence and severity):
No statistically significant treatment-related effects were observed for resorptions
Early or late resorptions:
no effects observed
Dead fetuses:
no effects observed
Description (incidence and severity):
No statistically significant treatment-related effects were observed for the group mean number of live foetuses and dead foetuses
Changes in pregnancy duration:
not examined
Changes in number of pregnant:
no effects observed
Description (incidence and severity):
Pregnancy rate (No. of pregnancies achieved /No. of females mated or sperm positive x 100) was comparable between the treatment groups 100 %, 80 % and 91.67 % respectively when compared to the control group (96 %). The marginal difference in pregnancy rate between the groups including control was considered to
be a biological variation and of no toxicological relevance.
Other effects:
not specified

Effect levels (maternal animals)

Key result
Dose descriptor:
Maternal developmental effects
Effect level:
>= 1 000 mg/kg bw/day (actual dose received)
Based on:
test mat.
Remarks on result:
not determinable due to absence of adverse toxic effects
Higher maternal liver weights at 300 and 1000 mg/kg bw/day were considered not to be adverse

Maternal abnormalities

not specified

Results (fetuses)

Fetal body weight changes:
not examined
Reduction in number of live offspring:
no effects observed
Description (incidence and severity):
No statistically significant treatment-related effects were observed for group mean number of live foetuses
Changes in sex ratio:
no effects observed
Changes in litter size and weights:
no effects observed
Changes in postnatal survival:
no effects observed
External malformations:
no effects observed
Description (incidence and severity):
Foetal external examination on the day of terminal sacrifice revealed no gross external abnormalities in either the control or treatment groups
Skeletal malformations:
effects observed, non-treatment-related
Description (incidence and severity):
Skeletal examination of the Alizarin red stained foetuses revealed a range of observations which were generally of a type or
which occurred at an incidence comparable to or lower in treated groups when compared to the control group. However, a statistically significant increase in the incidence of unossified 1st forelimb phalanx, unossified 4th forelimb phalanx and unossified all hindlimb phalanx in the 1000 mg/kg bw/day group, incomplete ossification of xiphoid and unossified 4th cervical vertebra centrum in the 300 mg/kg bw/day group, unossified 5th cervical vertebra centrum in all treated groups and a decrease in unossified 1st cervical vertebra centrum in the 300 and 1000 mg/kg bw/day groups was observed when compared with the controls. These unossified abnormalities were presumed to be due to a slight generalized delay in ossification. From a developmental perspective, these findings are considered of minimal significance and therefore considered to be non-adverse and transient in nature.
There were also statistically significant increases observed in incomplete ossification of interparietal bone and parietal bone in the 300 mg/kg bw/day group and incomplete ossification of supraoccipital bone in the 100 and 300 mg/kg bw/day groups when compared with the controls. Due to a lack of dose dependency and consistency in these abnormalities, no relevance with treatment is ascribed and these parietal and interparietal abnormalities were considered to be variations and therefore not adverse.
Furthermore, interparietal and parietal bones are among the regions that ossify rapidly during late gestation. In rodents, variable ossification of these late ossifying bones is normal and considered not to be adverse or treatment related.
Visceral malformations:
effects observed, non-treatment-related
Description (incidence and severity):
Internal observation of the foetal viscera by free hand microdissection technique revealed a range of visceral findings in all groups including control. However, there was a statistically significant increase in the incidence of hemorrhagic liver and a decrease in left sided umbilical artery in the 300 and 1000 mg/kg bw/day groups when compared with controls. Although a statistically significant increase in the incidence for hemorrhagic liver was observed in these groups, the litter incidence (15 in controls, 19, 17, and 19 in treated groups respectively) was almost comparable with the controls. There was also a statistically significant increase in the convoluted right ureter at 300 mg/kg bw/day and white lines on liver at 100 mg/kg bw/day when compared with controls. The remaining visceral findings observed in the treated groups were in frequencies comparable, slightly higher or even fewer in numbers compared to controls. As observed findings are either minor variations and/ or due to a lack of dose dependency and consistency, no serious toxicological significance was attributed to these findings and they are considered to be spontaneous in nature.
Other effects:
effects observed, non-treatment-related
Description (incidence and severity):
Craniofacial examination by a razor blade serial sectioning technique revealed a range of visceral abnormalities in all groups including controls. Statistical analysis of the data revealed no significant effect in any of the findings except incidental statistically significant decrease in slightly dilated 3rd ventricles of the brain in the 300 and 1000 mg/kg bw/day groups when compared with the controls. Since this finding was observed at a frequency less than that of the controls, it was not considered as treatment-related, but spontaneous in nature.

Effect levels (fetuses)

Key result
Dose descriptor:
Fetuses developmental effects
Effect level:
>= 1 000 mg/kg bw/day (actual dose received)
Based on:
test mat.
Remarks on result:
not determinable due to absence of adverse toxic effects
The foetal skeletal observations noted were considered to be attributable to a generalised delay in ossification and therefore not adverse. The foetal visceral and craniofacial observations were considered to be spontaneous in origin and not attributable to treatment.

Fetal abnormalities

no effects observed

Overall developmental toxicity

Developmental effects observed:
not specified

Applicant's summary and conclusion

In a prenatal developmental toxicity study conducted according to OECD Test Guideline 414 and in compliance with GLP, oral administration of dicyclopentyl(dimethoxy)silane to pregnant rats from gestation day 5 to 19 at doses of 0, 100, 300 or 1000 mg/kg bw/day resulted in increased absolute and relative maternal liver weight at 300 and 1000 mg/kg bw/day which was considered not to be adverse. The foetal skeletal observations noted were considered to be attributable to a generalised delay in ossification and therefore not adverse. The foetal visceral and craniofacial observations were considered to be spontaneous in origin and not attributable to treatment. Therefore the maternal and foetal no-observed-adverse-effect-levels were both considered to be 1000 mg/kg bw/day, the highest dose tested.