Registration Dossier

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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

First-aid measures

General advice: Remove contaminated clothes. On danger of unconsciousness place victim stable in side position for transportation. On complaints and symptoms take care of medical treatment.
On inhalation: Supply fresh air. If required, provide artificial respiration. Keep patient warm. Consult doctor if symptoms persist., seek immediate medical advice.
On skin contact: Instantly wash with water and soap and rinse thoroughly. Seek immediate medical advice.
On eye contact: Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Medical aid on complains.
On ingestion: Wash mouth out with water and let drink 1 to 2 glasses of water. Medical aid on complains.
Medical advice: Decontamination, symptomatic treatment. No specific antidote known.

Fire-fighting measures

Suitable extinguishing media: Carbon dioxide, extinguishing powder or water mist. Fight larger fires with water jet or alcohol-resistant foam.
Unsuitable extinguishing media for safety: Unknown.
Specific hazards by product, Decomposition gases and vapours, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2),
combustion products or gases: Nitrogen oxides (NOX) and hydrogen chloride (HCl)
Special protective equipment: Use pressure air respirator at low aeration and in closed rooms. On extreme conditions a chemical protection suit might be necessary.

Accidental release measures

Personal precautions: Wear suitable protective equipment (see also chapt. 8.2 – personal protection). Keep unprotected persons away. Ensure adequate ventilation.
Environmental precautions: Avoid release to the environment. Do not empty into drains.
Clean-up methods: Remove by simple sweeping up or by an industrial vacuum cleaner. Sweep up, place in a bag and hold for waste disposal. Avoid raising dust. Ventilate area and wash spill site after material pickup is complete.

Handling and storage

Handling: On dust formation exhaustion at the workplace. Good ventilation of working rooms, chemical-resistant floors and washing facilities at the workplace, emergency showers on activities with larger amounts. On workplaces keep available amounts only necessary for work progress.
Don’t leave receptacles stand open, use closed facilities with exhaust as densely as possible for decanting and bottling. Don’t transport with pressure air, avoid dust formation, preferable handle with non-breakable receptacles or use suitable protection containers on transportation of breakable receptacles. Avoid contact and inhalation. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Keep ignition sources away. Do not smoke.
Storage in gateways, passages, stairways, hallways open to public, roofs, attics and workrooms is not admissible. Don’t use foods receptacles because of the danger of confusion. Label receptacles clearly and durably. Preferable store in original receptacles, keep densely closed. Keep containers tightly sealed. Keep tightly closed. Store in a cool, dry place. Nothing but substances of similar properties should be cumulatively stored. Store away from oxidizing agents.

Transport information

Land transport (UN RTDG/ADR/RID)

UN number:
no dangerous good
Shippingopen allclose all
not available
SpecialProvisionsopen allclose all

Inland waterway transport (UN RTDG/ADN(R))

UN number:
no dangerous good
Shippingopen allclose all
not available
Remarksopen allclose all

Marine transport (UN RTDG/IMDG)

UN number:
no dangerous good
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
not available
Chemical name:
not available
not available
Remarksopen allclose all

Air transport (UN RTDG/ICAO/IATA)

UN number:
no dangerous good
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
not available
Chemical name:
not available
not available
Remarksopen allclose all
SpecialProvisionsopen allclose all

Exposure controls / personal protection

Occupational exposition limit (OEL):
Particulates, not otherwise regulated:
Workplace exposure limit (UK EH40, 8-h-TWA): 4 mg/m³ respirable dust, 10 mg/m³ inhalable dust
Workplace exposure limit (USA OSHA, 8-h-TWA): 5 mg/m³ respirable dust, 15 mg/m³ total dust
Insoluble particulates:
Workplace exposure limit (Germany AGS): 8-h-TWA: 3 mg/m³ respirable dust, 10 mg/m³ inhalable dust;
15-min-short-term-exposure: 6 mg/m³ respirable dust, 20 mg/m³ inhalable dust
Measuring methods:
MDHS 14/3: General methods for sampling and gravimetric analysis of airborne respirable and inhalable dust.
NIOSH 0600: Method for sampling and gravimetric analysis of the airborne respirable dust.
OSHA PV2121: Method for sampling and gravimetric analysis of the airborne respirable dust.
BIA 6068: Method for sampling and gravimetric analysis of the alveolar fraction.
Technical measures: Properly operating chemical fume hood designed for hazardous chemicals and having an
average face velocity of at least 100 feet per minute.
Engineering controls: Safety shower and eye bath. Mechanical exhaust required.
Respiratory Protection: Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU). Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a dust mask or type P1 (EN 143) respirator.
Required on formation of dust: use half mask type N95 (US) or to EN 140 or full mask to EN 136 fitted with filter to EN 143-P1. Remind wearing time limits. On concentrations above limitations of filter devices or on oxygen contents above 17 % or on ambiguous conditions use self-contained respiratory protective devices.
Hand Protection: Protection gloves are not required commonly, on permanent skin contact gloves for low mechanic and substantial stress are enough. Protection gloves to be applied have to comply with the specifications of EU directive 89/686/EEC und EN 374, e.g.: Matter: Butyl rubber / Thickness: > 0,4 mm / Penetration time: > 30 min.
Eye Protection: On mechanical handling with dust exposure sideward closed goggles to EN 166 are required.
Skin protection: Skin protection products are not as effective as protection gloves, so suitable protection gloves should be preferred if possible. If protection gloves can not be worn apply water insoluble skin protection substances to clean skin before start of work and after each break and thoroughly embrocate. Before breaks and at the end of work skin the cleaning with water and soap necessary. After cleansing fatty skin care products should be applied.
General hygiene measures: Avoid aspiration of dust. Change contaminated clothes and don’t reuse it until cleaned.

Stability and reactivity

Stability: stable at normal conditions.
Conditions to be avoided: high temperatures, incompatible materials, moisture.
Materials to be avoided: strong oxidizing materials.
Hazardous decomposition or other products: carbon monoxide CO, carbon dioxide CO2, nitric oxide NO, nitrogen dioxide NO2 and hydrogen chloride HCl by heating on air.
Hazardous reactions: not available. Hazardous polymerisation will not occur.

Disposal considerations

Dissolve or mix the material with a combustible solvent and burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and
scrubber. Observe all federal, state, and local environmental regulations. Residues and wastes are to be brought to an incineration site.
European waste inventory: 07 05 13* Solid wastes containing dangerous substances.
Contaminated packaging are to be brought to an utilisation or disposal by redemption systems or licenced waste management service providers.
European waste inventory: 07 05 13* Packaging containing residues of or contaminated by dangerous substances.
Completely emptied plastic packaging can be brought to a substantial utilisation.
European waste inventory: 15 01 02 Plastic packaging.