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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Ecotoxicological information

Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

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Link to relevant study record(s)

Description of key information

For dipotassium hexachloroplatinate, ecotoxicity data are read across from another platinum(IV) substance that also contain a chloro ligand, hexachloroplatinic acid. The 48-hour EC50 was determined to be 20.48 μg Pt L-1.

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Additional information

For dipotassium hexachloroplatinate, ecotoxicity data are read across from another platinum(IV) substance that also contain a chloro ligand, hexachloroplatinic acid.

A 48-h acute immobilisation Daphnia magna study is available for hexachloroplatinic acid following OECD guideline 202 and EU Method C.2 (Moll and Wydra 2005). A static test system was used. Five nominal test concentrations were used and these were analysed using Graphite furnace-AAS method. The concentration of the test item could not be quantified, since all concentrations were below the LOQ. Results were therefore based on nominal concentrations. At the start of the test animals were of maximum 29-h old, instead of less than 24-h old, and this was reported as a protocol deviation. However, the experiment was still considered to be valid. The 48-hour EC50 was determined to be 60.8 μg test item L-1 (20.48 μg Pt L-1). The 48-hour NOEC was determined to be 42 μg test item L-1 (14.15 μg Pt L-1), and the 48-hour LOEC was determined to be 62 μg test item L-1 (20.88 μg Pt L-1).


A second 48-h acute immobilisation Daphnia magna study is available for hexachloroplatinic acid following OECD guideline 202 and EU Method C.2 (Shacklady and Mullee 2001). A static test system was used. Nine test concentrations were used and these were analysed using UV-Adsorptive stripping voltammetry. Measured test concentrations ranged from 88 % to 112 % of nominal, and therefore results were based on nominal concentrations. The 48-hour EC50 was determined to be 0.13 mg test item L-1 (0.052 mg Pt L-1). The 48-hour NOEC was determined to be 0.056 mg test item L-1 (0.022 mg Pt L-1).


The acute toxicity of hexachloroplatinic acid to the benthic freshwater invertebrate Lumbriculus variegatus was assessed in a publication (Veltz et al. 1996) and this is included as supporting data. The study is well documented and acceptable for assessment, although no standard guideline was followed. A static test of 96 hours was carried out with 3 different type of water: distilled, reconstituted and Cristaline. Eight nominal concentrations of the test item were tested per water type. Each test was repeated 6 times using 10 worms per test. The 96-hour LC50 of hexachloroplatinic acid for Lumbriculus variegatus was determined to be 0.834 mg test item L-1 (0.397 mg Pt L-1) using distilled water (20°C), 1.88 mg test item L-1 (0.895 mg Pt L-1) using distilled water (4°C), 8.40 mg test item L-1 (4.0 mg Pt L-1) using reconstituted water, and 63.02 mg test item L-1 (30.0 mg Pt L-1) using Cristaline water.

The acute toxicity of platinum to the freshwater amphipodHyalella aztecawas assessed in the publication by Borgmann et al. (2005). The study is reliable with acceptable restrictions; it is non-GLP and has limitations in study design or reporting, but is otherwise adequate for assessment.


A static test of 7 days was carried out. Platinum was tested in solution with 5 % HCl, which was used as preservant. Two test series were conducted using tap water and soft water. Multiple tests were conducted, but only one or a few concentrations of Pt were included in each test. The data were then pooled and analyzed as if they had all been obtained from a single test. Metal concentrations were analysed in the soft water series only. Based on nominal concentrations, the 7-day LC50 of platinum (with 5 % HCl) to Hyalella azteca in soft water and tap water were determined to be 131 μg Pt L-1, and 221 μg Pt L-1, respectively. Based on measured concentrations, the 7-day LC50 of platinum (with 5 % HCl) to Hyalella azteca in soft water was determined to be 110 μg Pt L-1.