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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Ecotoxicological information

Endpoint summary

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Description of key information

Short term toxicity to fish

This study was conducted as per OECD 203 (2019) to assess the acute toxicity effects of test chemical on zebrafish (Danio rerio) following exposure up to 96 h under static condition. Juvenile fish of same age and normal in appearance were used in this (originate from same source and population). The average length and weight (10 fish) were observed 1.3 cm and 0.012g, respectively. Fish were fed (commercial fish food) daily during acclimatization. Photoperiod and light intensity were maintained such as16 h light- 8 h dark, 735 -800 Lux during experiment. Hardness of water was measured once during acclimatization and found to be 165 mg CaCO3/L, temperature, pH and dissolve oxygen were maintained between 22.-22.7 °C,6.4-7.1,6.8-8.5 mg/L, respectively, throughout the test. Fish were acclimatized for 7 days prior dosing. The test solution was prepared by dissolving 500 mg of the test substance in 500 mL of potable water, which was prepared passing water through reverse osmosis system. The above stock solution was stirred for 72 hrs and filtered through vaccum filter.  The stock solution was analytically detectedand the fincal expsure concentration was 0.58, 0.88, 1.33, 2.0 and 3.0 mg/l respectively. there wre no mortality in the control and lowest concentration. and at 0.88 mg/L, 1.33 mg/l, 2.0 mg/l, and 3.0 mg/l the mortality was observed to be 14.2%, 28.57%, 85.71% and 100%. The analytical monitoring of test subsatnce was performed, which was maintained to be with in the range of 80 -120 of nominal test concentrations. The test is valid as all the validity criteria are fulfilled: No mortality in control or vehicle control were found throughout the 96-h test duration; Dissolve oxygen conc. was maintained above 60% in all test vessels throughout the test; The recovery active ingredient content was found between 80-120% up to 96h. The 96 h LC50of test item to zebrafish (Danio rerio) was 1.43 mg/L,On the basis of the above results, it can be concluded that the test chemical can be considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic fish. Thus, test chemical is considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic fishes. thus chemical can be classified into aquatic chronic category 2 as per CLP classification criteria

Short term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

This study was designed (as per OECD 202, adopted in 2004) to assess the acute toxicity of test chemical following exposure of daphnids up to 48h by static method.The brood daphnids were acclimatized 48 hours prior to the test item exposure. Less than 24 h old daphnids were collected from the acclimatized gravid females and exposed to the test item. After exposure on day 0, daphnids were observed for immobilization at 24 and 48 h. M7 medium was used as control, acetone with M7 medium was used as vehicle control and the same was used for test item formulation and test medium (50 µL acetone/500 mL medium concentration was used). 25 mL glass beakers having a solution volume of 20 mL were used in the test. A main study (using a spacing factor of 2) was conducted using 0 (control), 0 (vehicle control), 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 mg/L concentrations. 4 replicates/concentration having 5 daphnids/replicate was used for the main study. Normal behavioural response and no immobilization (0% mortality) were observed up to 48 h followed by control groups, and 0.25 conc. but 10%, 15%, 30, and 90% mortality were observed in the test concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2, 4 mg/L, respectively. The analytial monitoring was done, and the test chemicals were maintained within the acceptable range i.e., 80 -120% of the nominal concentrations. Hence the results were based on nominal concentration, since the deviation in the initial measured concentration didn’t exceed 20%. Environmental parameters such as pH (7.2-7.8), temperature (20-21 °C), dissolve oxygen (6.8-7.6 mg/L), hardness (166 mg CaCO3/L), conductivity (0.227 µS/cm), photoperiod (16 h light- 8 h dark) and light intensity (1330-1352 Lux) was maintained in acceptable range throughout the test. Feed was not provided during the test. The 48-h EC50of test chemical to daphnid,Daphnia magnaare 2.10mg/L. The 48-h EC50of reference item (Potassium dichromate) to daphnid,Daphnia magna(found to be in acceptable range) is 0.690 mg/L. Hence, the results of the test with reference item establish the acceptability of the test system response, test procedures followed and results obtained with test item. Thus, based on the EC50 value, test chemical can considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic invertebrates, Thus, test chemical is considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic fishes. thus chemical can be classified into aquatic chronic category 2 as per CLP classification criteria

Toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria

This study was conducted as per OECD 201 (2011) to assess the acute toxicity effects of test chemical on the growth of green algaPseudokirchneriella subcapitata(ATCC)following exposure of alga up to 72 h under static condition. Test system was initially procured from “American Type Culture Collection”, Chromachemie Laboratory Private Limited, later test system was sub-cultured (using OECD growth medium, OECD 201) in the test facility. 250 mL sterilized conical flasks covered with cap were used in the study. The test item was found to be soluble in acetone. Hence, acetone (concentration <0.1mL/L) with OECD growth medium was used as test medium. An inoculum culture in the test medium was prepared 3-4 days prior to test and culture conditions were maintained same as the test test concentrations of 0 (control), 0 (vehicle control), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 mg/L were selected for the main study(3 replicates/ concentration, 6 replicates for control groups)as significant changes (inhibition algal growth rate) were observed in treatment groups during 72h test period. The inhibition in growth rate was 0%, 0%, 2.1%, 26.4%, 52.2%, 80.3%, 92.7% were observed during 72h test period in the test concentrations of 0 (control), 0 (vehicle control), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 mg/L. A reference standard (Potassium dichromate) was tested to ensure the authenticity of the test in the lab. And the inhibition of growth rate (ErC50-72h) and yield (EyC50-72h) were found to be 0.620 mg/L & 0.334 mg/L, respectively; and were found to be in acceptable range. The initial cell density was 10000 cells/mL.The algal cells in the control and vehicle control increased by >16 times of the initial cell count during the 72 -h exposure period, respectively. The mean coefficient of variation for section-by-section growth rate for the control cultures over the test period (0 -72 -h) was <35%. The coefficient of variation of average specific growth rate was <7%. Hence, fulfilling the all the validity criteria of the test. The analytical monitoring was done at 0 hour and 72 hours, and chemical was found to be maintained with in the acceptable range of 80 -120% of the nominal concentration, thus the results were reportedd in nominal concentraions. Continuous light having and average light intensity of 6752-6784 Lux, pH of 7.6-8.0, temperature 21.7-2329 °C along with a shaking speed of 110 RPM were provided and maintained for the test system throughout the test. 72h EC50 (growth rate and yield) values with 95% confidence limits were calculated by probit analysis. The cells were counted using Haemocytometer under illumination of the microscope at 24, 48, and 72 h after inoculation. 72-h EC50of test item to alga on growth rate 7.83 mg/L, CI - 6.93 - 8.85mg/ l. Thus, test chemical is considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic fishes. thus chemical can be classified into aquatic chronic category 2 as per CLP classification criteria

Toxicity to microorganisms

On the basis of the experimental studies of the structurally and functionally similar read across chemical and applying the weight of evidence approach, the EC50 value of the test chemical on the luminescence of the test organism Photobacterium phosphoreum can be expected to be 1.3 mg/l and 4.6 mg/l, respectively.

Additional information

Short term toxicity to fish

Experimental study of the test chemical and various supporting weight of evidence studies for its read across chemical were reviewed for the short term toxicity to fish end point which are summarized as below:


This study was conducted as per OECD 203 (2019) to assess the acute toxicity effects of test chemical on zebrafish (Danio rerio) following exposure up to 96 h under static condition. Juvenile fish of same age and normal in appearance were used in this (originate from same source and population). The average length and weight (10 fish) were observed 1.3 cm and 0.012g, respectively. Fish were fed (commercial fish food) daily during acclimatization. Photoperiod and light intensity were maintained such as16 h light- 8 h dark, 735 -800 Lux during experiment. Hardness of water was measured once during acclimatization and found to be 165 mg CaCO3/L, temperature, pH and dissolve oxygen were maintained between 22.-22.7 °C,6.4-7.1,6.8-8.5 mg/L, respectively, throughout the test. Fish were acclimatized for 7 days prior dosing. The test solution was prepared by dissolving 500 mg of the test substance in 500 mL of potable water, which was prepared passing water through reverse osmosis system. The above stock solution was stirred for 72 hrs and filtered through vaccum filter.  The stock solution was analytically detectedand the fincal expsure concentration was 0.58, 0.88, 1.33, 2.0 and 3.0 mg/l respectively. there wre no mortality in the control and lowest concentration. and at 0.88 mg/L, 1.33 mg/l, 2.0 mg/l, and 3.0 mg/l the mortality was observed to be 14.2%, 28.57%, 85.71% and 100%. The analytical monitoring of test subsatnce was performed, which was maintained to be with in the range of 80 -120 of nominal test concentrations. The test is valid as all the validity criteria are fulfilled: No mortality in control or vehicle control were found throughout the 96-h test duration; Dissolve oxygen conc. was maintained above 60% in all test vessels throughout the test; The recovery active ingredient content was found between 80-120% up to 96h. The 96 h LC50of test item to zebrafish (Danio rerio) was 1.43 mg/L,

In an experimental study from study report (2017), an acute toxicity test was conducted for 96 hrs for assessing the effect of test chemical on Zebra fish (Danio rerio). The test was performed in accordance to OECD guideline No. 203 “Fish Acute Toxicity Test”. Zebra fish (Danio rerio) of average weight 0.473 g and average length of 1.76 cm was used as a test organism for the study. Test fishes were kept in a static tank in tap water passed through reverse osmosis system, under natural conditions along with proper feed and aeration. During the housing period, test fishes were fed once daily with standard brand fed. The test conditions during the housing of the test organisms were oxygen content of 7.8 mg/l, pH 7.65, water temperature 24.5°C and under a photoperiod of 16:8 hr light: dark conditions, respectively. The test solution was prepared by dissolving 2 g of the test substance in 2 liters of potable water (passed through reverse osmosis system) with 72 hrs continuous stirring. After that analytically detect that stock and set up experimental concentration according to that solubility value i.e, 7.08 mg/L. Hence, test concentrations decided are 1.39 mg/L, 2.09 mg/L, 3.14 mg/L, 4.72 mg/L and 7.08 mg/, respectively. Total 8 fishes were exposed to test chemical in a 5 lit bowl aquaria containing 4 liters of potable water. The test vessels were placed in a room at a temperature of 23°C, pH 7.03, hardness of water 152.5 mg of CaCO3 and under a photoperiod of 16:8 hr light: dark conditions, respectively. Aeration in test vessels was provided 1 day before the start of the experiment. The fishes were moving slowly in the test chemical conc. as compared to the control. No mortalities were observed in the control aquaria. The median lethal concentration (LC50 (96 h)) value was determined to be ranges between > 1.39 to < 2.09 mg/L.


In a supporting weight of evidence study from secondary source (2018),short term fish toxicity study was conducted for 72 hrs for assessing the effect of test chemical. Study was performed in a static system using Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) as a test organism. On the basis of effect of test chemical on the mortality of the test organism, the 72 hrs LC50 value was determined to be 2.4mg/l.


For the test chemical, short term fish toxicity study was conducted for 96 hrs for assessing the effect of test chemical (Handbook, 2008 and secondary source, 2004). Brachydanio rerio (Zebra fish) of length 2.5 to 3.5 cm was used as a test organism. Nominal test chemical conc. used for the study were 3.16, 10.0, 31.6 mg/l, respectively. Test was carried out using aquarium of 300mm x 135mm x 200mm dimensions as a test vessel. Constant aeration was provided with air during the study. Total 30 fishes (10 organisms/conc.) were exposed to the test chemical in a static system at a temperature of21.3±0.45°C, pH7.9±0.2, oxygen conc. 8.4 to 9.7 mg/l under a photoperiod of 16 hr: 8 hr light/dark. The required amount of test chemical was first dissolved in water and stirrer with a magnetic stirrer during 24 h. The suspension was then filtered in order to remove the undissolved particles. After a period of 48 hr, 9 fishes were died at a test chemical measured conc. of 5.6 mg/l (nominal conc. 31.6 mg/l) and at measured conc. of 3.9 mg/l (nominal conc. 10 mg/l), total 2 fishes were died after a period of 96 hr. On the basis of effect on mortality of the test organism Brachydanio rerio, the 96 hr LC0, LC50 and LC100 value was determined to be 0.91, 3.9 and 5.6 mg/l (measured conc.).


On the basis of the above results, it can be concluded that the test chemical can be considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic fish. Thus, test chemical is considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic fishes. thus chemical can be classified into aquatic chronic category 2 as per CLP classification criteria

Short term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

Experimental study of the test chemical and various supporting weight of evidence studies for its read across chemical were reviewed for the short term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates end point which are summarized as below:


This study was designed (as per OECD 202, adopted in 2004) to assess the acute toxicity of test chemical following exposure of daphnids up to 48h by static method.The brood daphnids were acclimatized 48 hours prior to the test item exposure. Less than 24 h old daphnids were collected from the acclimatized gravid females and exposed to the test item. After exposure on day 0, daphnids were observed for immobilization at 24 and 48 h. M7 medium was used as control, acetone with M7 medium was used as vehicle control and the same was used for test item formulation and test medium (50 µL acetone/500 mL medium concentration was used). 25 mL glass beakers having a solution volume of 20 mL were used in the test. A main study (using a spacing factor of 2) was conducted using 0 (control), 0 (vehicle control), 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 mg/L concentrations. 4 replicates/concentration having 5 daphnids/replicate was used for the main study. Normal behavioural response and no immobilization (0% mortality) were observed up to 48 h followed by control groups, and 0.25 conc. but 10%, 15%, 30, and 90% mortality were observed in the test concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2, 4 mg/L, respectively. The analytial monitoring was done, and the test chemicals were maintained within the acceptable range i.e., 80 -120% of the nominal concentrations. Hence the results were based on nominal concentration, since the deviation in the initial measured concentration didn’t exceed 20%. Environmental parameters such as pH (7.2-7.8), temperature (20-21 °C), dissolve oxygen (6.8-7.6 mg/L), hardness (166 mg CaCO3/L), conductivity (0.227 µS/cm), photoperiod (16 h light- 8 h dark) and light intensity (1330-1352 Lux) was maintained in acceptable range throughout the test. Feed was not provided during the test. The 48-h EC50of test chemical to daphnid,Daphnia magnaare 2.10mg/L. The 48-h EC50of reference item (Potassium dichromate) to daphnid,Daphnia magna(found to be in acceptable range) is 0.690 mg/L. Hence, the results of the test with reference item establish the acceptability of the test system response, test procedures followed and results obtained with test item. Thus, based on the EC50 value, test chemical can considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic invertebrates. Thus, test chemical is considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic fishes. thus chemical can be classified into aquatic chronic category 2 as per CLP classification criteria

In an experimental study from study report (2017), an acute immobilisation test was conducted for 48 hrs for assessing the effect of test chemical on Daphnia magna. The test was performed in accordance to OECD guideline No. 202 “Daphnia sp., Acute Immobilization Test”. Own breeding stock at University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague of Daphnia magna was used as a test organism for the study. The stock solution 10 g/l was prepared by dissolving white powder in acetone. Test solutions of required concentrationas were prepared by mixing the stock solution of the test sample in reconstituted test water. Nominal test chemical conc. used for the study were 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg/L, respectively. Study was performed using total 5 organisms per vessel/replicates in a static fresh water system. Daphnids were exposed to test chemical in 50 ml glass vessel in a volume of 25 ml of liquid solution containing both the chemical and media. The beakers were placed in a room at a temperature of 20±1°C. With the test substance one positive control Potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) was also run simultaneously. After the exposure of chemical, effect concentration EC50 was calculated using nonlinear regression by the software Prism 4.0. On the basis of the effect of test chemical on the mobility of the test organism Daphnia magna, the 48 hr EC50 value was determined to be 2.27 mg/l with a 95% confidence interval value ranging from 1.64 to 3.14 mg/l, respectively.


Another short term toxicity to aquatic invertebrate study was conducted for 48 hrs for assessing the effect of test chemical (Experimental study report, 2017). The test was performed in accordance to OECD guideline No. 202 “Daphnia sp.,Acute Immobilization Test’’ using the procedure as mentioned above under the same test conditions . The stock solution 100 g/l was prepared by dissolving white powder in acetone. Test solutions of required concentrations was prepared by mixing the stock solution of the test sample in reconstituted test water. Nominal test chemical conc. used for the study were 0, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 mg/L, respectively. On the basis of the effect of test chemical on the mobility of the test organism Daphnia magna, the 48 hr EC50 value was determined to be 5.7 mg/l with a 95% confidence interval value ranging from 4.1 to 8.1 mg/l, respectively.



For the test chemical, short term toxicity to aq. Invertebrate study was conducted for 48hrs for assessing the effect of test chemical (Secondary source, 2018). Ceriodaphnia dubia (Water flea) (< 8 hr (neonates)) was used as a test organism for the study. Test was performed in 4 replicates under static conditions which involve pH 7.9 to 8.4, hardness 80-90 mg/l CaCO3 and alkalinity 60-80 mg/l CaCO3, respectively. On the basis of mobility of the test organism Ceriodaphnia dubia, the 48 hrs LC50 value was determined to be 3.94 mg/l (95% C. I. – 3.77 to 4.15 mg/l).


On the basis of the above results, it can be concluded that the test chemical can be considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic invertebrates. Thus, test chemical is considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic fishes. thus chemical can be classified into aquatic chronic category 2 as per CLP classification criteria


Toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria

Experimental study of the test chemical and various supporting studies for its read across chemical were reviewed for the toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria end point which are summarized as below:


This study was conducted as per OECD 201 (2011) to assess the acute toxicity effects of test chemical on the growth of green algaPseudokirchneriella subcapitata(ATCC)following exposure of alga up to 72 h under static condition. Test system was initially procured from “American Type Culture Collection”, Chromachemie Laboratory Private Limited, later test system was sub-cultured (using OECD growth medium, OECD 201) in the test facility. 250 mL sterilized conical flasks covered with cap were used in the study. The test item was found to be soluble in acetone. Hence, acetone (concentration <0.1mL/L) with OECD growth medium was used as test medium. An inoculum culture in the test medium was prepared 3-4 days prior to test and culture conditions were maintained same as the test test concentrations of 0 (control), 0 (vehicle control), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 mg/L were selected for the main study(3 replicates/ concentration, 6 replicates for control groups)as significant changes (inhibition algal growth rate) were observed in treatment groups during 72h test period. The inhibition in growth rate was 0%, 0%, 2.1%, 26.4%, 52.2%, 80.3%, 92.7% were observed during 72h test period in the test concentrations of 0 (control), 0 (vehicle control), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 mg/L. A reference standard (Potassium dichromate) was tested to ensure the authenticity of the test in the lab. And the inhibition of growth rate (ErC50-72h) and yield (EyC50-72h) were found to be 0.620 mg/L & 0.334 mg/L, respectively; and were found to be in acceptable range. The initial cell density was 10000 cells/mL.The algal cells in the control and vehicle control increased by >16 times of the initial cell count during the 72 -h exposure period, respectively. The mean coefficient of variation for section-by-section growth rate for the control cultures over the test period (0 -72 -h) was <35%. The coefficient of variation of average specific growth rate was <7%. Hence, fulfilling the all the validity criteria of the test. The analytical monitoring was done at 0 hour and 72 hours, and chemical was found to be maintained with in the acceptable range of 80 -120% of the nominal concentration, thus the results were reportedd in nominal concentraions. Continuous light having and average light intensity of 6752-6784 Lux, pH of 7.6-8.0, temperature 21.7-2329 °C along with a shaking speed of 110 RPM were provided and maintained for the test system throughout the test. 72h EC50 (growth rate and yield) values with 95% confidence limits were calculated by probit analysis. The cells were counted using Haemocytometer under illumination of the microscope at 24, 48, and 72 h after inoculation. 72-h EC50of test item to alga on growth rate 7.83 mg/L, CI - 6.93 - 8.85mg/ l.

Thus, based on the EC50 value, test chemical can considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic algae. Thus, test chemical is considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic fishes. thus chemical can be classified into aquatic chronic category 2 as per CLP classification criteria

In an experimental study, an acute test was conducted for 72 hrs for assessing the effect of test chemical on Desmodesmus subspicatus (Experimental study report, 2017). The test was performed in accordance to OECD Guideline 201 (Alga, Growth Inhibition Test). Desmodesmus subspicatus (previous name: Scenedesmus subspicatus) of strain 86.81 SAG obtained from Institute of botany of the ASCR with an initial biomass conc. 5x10(3) cells /ml was used as a test organism for the study. The stock solution 100 mg/ml was prepared by dissolving white powder in acetone. Test solutions of required concentration were prepared by mixing the stock solution of the test sample with OECD growth medium and inoculum culture. Nominal test chemical conc. used for the study were 0, 0, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 50 mg/l, respectively. Study was performed using Desmodesmus subspicatus as a test organism in a static fresh water system. Desmodesmus subspicatus were exposed to test chemical in 50 ml glass vessel in a volume of 15 ml of liquid solution containing both the chemical and media. The beakers were placed in a room at a temperature of 23±2°C with a continuous light intensity of 6000-8000 lx, respectively. Alongwith the test chemical, one positive control Potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) was also run simultaneously. Cell counting was carried out using microscope with counting chamber Cyrus I or electronic particle counter. ErC50 was calculated using non-linear regression by the software Prism 4.0. On the basis of the effect of test chemical on the growth rate of the test organism Desmodesmus subspicatus, the 72 hr median effect concentration (ErC50) value was determined to be 12.9 mg/l (95 % CI 11.5 - 14.6 mg/l).


In a supporting weight of evidence study from handbook (2008), short term toxicity to aquatic algae study was carried out for 96 hrs for assessing the effect of test chemical. The study was performed in a static fresh water system. Selenastrum capricornutum (Green algae) was used as test organism. On the basis of effect of the test chemical on growth rate of the test organism, the 96 hr EC50 value was determined to be 17 mg/l, respectively.


Thus, test chemical is considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic fishes. thus chemical can be classified into aquatic chronic category 2 as per CLP classification criteria


Toxicity to microorganisms

Data available for the structurally and functionally similar read across chemicals has been reviewed to determine the toxic effect of the test chemical on micro-organisms. The studies are as mentioned below:


Aquatic toxicity study of micro-organism to the test chemical was conducted using Photobacterium phosphoreum, strain NRRL-B-11177 (also referred to as Vibrio fischerii, strain NRRL-B-11177). The study was performed at a temperature of 15áµ’C and pH range 5 to 9, respectively. Recommneded reference substance that can be used for the study were Phenol and Sodium pentachlorophenate, respectively. When the test bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum, strain NRRL-B-11177 was exposed to the test chemical, reduction in light output was observed. Thus, based on this effect, the EC50 value during 5, 15 and 30 min exposure period was determined to be 4.39, 4.2 and 4.6 mg/l, respectively.


For the test chemical, toxicity to microorganism study was carried out for 30 mins. Photobacterium phosphoreum was used as a test organism. On the basis of the effect of test chemical on growth rate, i.e, cell multiplication of the test organism Photobacterium phosphoreum, the EC50 value was determined to be 1.3 mg/l.


On the basis of the experimental studies of the structurally and functionally similar read across chemical and applying the weight of evidence approach, the EC50 value of the test chemical on the luminescence of the test organism Photobacterium phosphoreum can be expected to be 1.3 mg/l and 4.6 mg/l, respectively.

On the basis of the available information of aquatic toxicity studies, it can be concluded that the test chemical can be considered as toxic and hazardous to aquatic organisms at environmental relevant concentrations. Since the partition coefficient (log Kow) of the test chemical is ≤ 4, test chemical can be considered as non-toxic to aquatic organisms and thus can be considered to be 'Not classified’ as per CLP classification criteria.