Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

acute toxicity: dermal
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
guideline study

Data source

Reference Type:
study report
Report date:

Materials and methods

Test guideline
according to guideline
OECD Guideline 402 (Acute Dermal Toxicity)
GLP compliance:
Test type:
standard acute method
Limit test:

Test material

Constituent 1
Chemical structure
Reference substance name:
EC Number:
EC Name:
Cas Number:
Molecular formula:
Test material form:
other: liquid
Details on test material:
Tradename: Weston 430Batch #: MW3J19A389

Test animals

Details on test animals or test system and environmental conditions:
SpeciesRat, Wistar strain, Crl:WI (Han) (outbred, SPF-Quality). Recognized by international guidelines as the recommended test system (e.g. OECD, EC).Source: Charles River Deutschland, Sulzfeld, Germany.Number of animals:5 males and 5 females (females were nulliparous and non-pregnant).Age and body weight:Young adult animals (approx. 10 weeks old) were selected. Body weight variation did not exceed +/- 20% of the sex mean.ConditionsEnvironmental controls for the animal room were set to maintain 18 to 24°C, a relative humidity of 40 to 70%, approximately 15 room air changes/hour, and a 12-hour light/12-hour dark cycle. Any variations to these conditions were maintained in the raw data and had no effect on the outcome of the study. AccommodationIndividually housed in labeled Makrolon cages (MIII type, height 18 cm.) containing sterilized sawdust as bedding material (Litalabo, S.P.P.S., Argenteuil, France) and paper as cage-enrichment (Enviro-dri, Wm. Lillico & Son (Wonham Mill Ltd), Surrey, United Kingdom). Acclimatization period was at least 5 days before start of treatment under laboratory conditions. During the acclimatization period the animals were group housed in Makrolon cages (MIV type, height 18 cm).DietFree access to pelleted rodent diet (SM R/M-Z from SSNIFF® Spezialdiäten GmbH, Soest, Germany). WaterFree access to tap water. Diet, water, bedding and cage enrichment evaluation for contaminants and/or nutrients was performed according to facility standard procedures. There were no findings that could interfere with the study.

Administration / exposure

Type of coverage:
unchanged (no vehicle)
Details on dermal exposure:
ClippingOne day before exposure (Day -1) an area of approximately 5x7 cm on the back of the animal was clipped.Application:The test substance was applied in an area of approx. 10% of the total body surface, i.e. approx. 25 cm² for males and 18 cm² for females. The test substance was held in contact with the skin with a dressing, consisting of a surgical gauze patch (Surgy 1D)*, successively covered with aluminum foil and Coban elastic bandage*. A piece of Micropore tape* was additionally used for fixation of the bandages in females only.Frequency:Single dosage, on Day 1.Dose volume calculated as dose level (g/kg) / specific gravity.Application period:24 hours, after which dressings were removed and the skin cleaned of residual test substance using tap water.
Duration of exposure:
24 hours
2000 mg/kg bw
No. of animals per sex per dose:
Control animals:
Details on study design:
ConditionsEnvironmental controls for the animal room were set to maintain 18 to 24°C, a relative humidity of 40 to 70%, approximately 15 room air changes/hour, and a 12-hour light/12-hour dark cycle. Any variations to these conditions were maintained in the raw data and had no effect on the outcome of the study. AccommodationIndividually housed in labeled Makrolon cages (MIII type, height 18 cm.) containing sterilized sawdust as bedding material (Litalabo, S.P.P.S., Argenteuil, France) and paper as cage-enrichment (Enviro-dri, Wm. Lillico & Son (Wonham Mill Ltd), Surrey, United Kingdom). Acclimatization period was at least 5 days before start of treatment under laboratory conditions. During the acclimatization period the animals were group housed in Makrolon cages (MIV type, height 18 cm).DietFree access to pelleted rodent diet (SM R/M-Z from SSNIFF® Spezialdiäten GmbH, Soest, Germany). WaterFree access to tap water. Diet, water, bedding and cage enrichment evaluation for contaminants and/or nutrients was performed according to facility standard procedures. There were no findings that could interfere with the study.

Results and discussion

Effect levels
Dose descriptor:
Effect level:
> 2 000 mg/kg bw
Based on:
test mat.
Remarks on result:
other: no mortality
Clinical signs:
other: Hunched posture and/or chromodacryorrhoea were noted for three animals between Days 2 and 6. General erythema, scales and/or scabs were seen on the treated skin-area of six animals during the observation period.
Gross pathology:
Red-brown discolouration of the thymus was found in one animal. Macroscopic examination of the other animals did not reveal any abnormalities.

Applicant's summary and conclusion

Interpretation of results:
practically nontoxic
Migrated informationCriteria used for interpretation of results: EU
Dermal LD50 >2000 mg/kw bw. No mortality at limit dose.
Executive summary:

Dermal LD50 >2000 mg/kw bw. No mortality at limit dose.