Registration Dossier

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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Ecotoxicological information

Long-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

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Administrative data

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Description of key information

The NOEC for reproduction was >=30 mg/l.

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Fresh water invertebrates

Fresh water invertebrates
Effect concentration:
30 mg/L

Additional information

In an acute test on Daphnia magna over 48 hours under static conditions an EC50of 37.2 mg/l and an EC0of 15 mg/L was determined for Reaktiv-Rot F-52 167 FW.

Basing on this, concentrations of 0.3 - 30 mg/l were used for the 21 day test with Reaktiv-Rot F-52 167 FW in Daphnia magna under semi static conditions.

Ten animals, one per test vessel, were maintained per concentration and in the control group. Test solutions were changed Monday / Wednesday / Friday. All test concentrations were present as red solutions. Water parameters were within the normal range.

No immobility occurred in the control group and in the 0.3 mg/l group. 10% immobility occurred in the 1 /3/ 10 and 30 mg/L groups. It can be assumed that this immobilisation was not substance related because:

-         10 %immobility is still within the normal limit of the mortality rate and is also permitted in the control group

-         all deaths occurred during stages which are also critical for control animals (study start, oviposition)

-         there is no connection between the time until death and the substanceconcentration

-         no effects on reproduction and no toxic effects were found among the surviving daphnids of the same concentration groups.

Results of the acute study (Report No. 92.0549, 07/22/1987, 48 hours):

EC0= 15 mg/l

EC50= 37.2 mg/l

EC100= 60 mg/l

The highest concentration (30 mg/l) was only slightly beneath the EC50 (37.2 mg/l) and over the EC0(15 mg/l) which was determined in the acute study. In this group no toxic effects were observed. Consequently the EC50(37.2 mg/l) of the acute study is the lowest concentration in which Reaktiv-Rot F-52 167 FW caused toxic effects on daphnids.

The NOEC (no observed effect concentration) for immobility therefore was 30 mg/l. No LOEC (lowest observed effect concentration) was determined in this test.

No differences in the onset of brood production were observed in the concentration groups in comparison with the control group.

No significant deviations in reproduction were determined in the highest surviving concentration group (30 mg/l) in comparison with the control group. The NOEC for reproduction therefore was³30 mg/l.

Determination of substance concentration in the test solutions was performed once a week for one preparation of each concentration. Due to matrix effects the precision of the determination was about ± 1 mg/l. An observation of the lowest concentration was therefore not possible. All values determined were in a range of 99 – 122% of the nominal concentration. No tendency of decrease in concentration was observed during the intervals.