
Substance of potential concern - screening, grouping and RMOA

Screening, grouping and RMOA

Screening helps to identify groups of structurally similar substances that should be prioritised for regulatory action, as well as those that are of low priority for further work. Grouping these substances ensures that a bigger share of all registered substances are addressed over a shorter period of time. If further information is needed to confirm the hazard properties of a substance, the substance proceeds to either substance evaluation or compliance check. Identifying and setting aside groups of low priority substances authorities can focus their resources on substances that matter.

Carrying out a regulatory management option analysis (RMOA) helps authorities decide the most appropriate way to address the identified concern. Outcome of this analysis could be to either to confirm the hazard properties via harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) or identification of a substance of very high concerns (SVHC), or move the substance to further regulatory risk management processes (e.g. restriction).