The Netherlands has launched a call for evidence to investigate the need for potential further regulatory actions on asbestos in mixtures and articles.
Submit your information on natural minerals and products with non-intentional presence of asbestos as well as on identified exposure and risks from the substances included in the scope of this call for evidence.
If you have questions, contact the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM: asbestos-restriction(at)
Have your say by 16 October 2024.
The European Commission has revised its Q&As for companies that might be affected by the upcoming proposal to restrict at least 12 chromium(VI) substances. The Commission has also added Q&As for the aerospace and defence sector as well as for authorisations for functional chrome plating with decorative character.
If you deal with chromium(VI) compounds, consult the Q&As for more information. Also, check out our webinar on the second call for evidence.