Registration Dossier

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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Toxicological information

Endpoint summary

Currently viewing:

Administrative data

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Effects on fertility

Description of key information
no data
Effect on fertility: via oral route
Dose descriptor:
2 000 mg/kg bw/day
Additional information

In some cases the CAS and chemical identity stated refer to SDA nomenclature for this substance. In REACH substance identification it is necessary to be more specific as to the chain lengths present.


No studies on toxicity to reproduction/fertility were available on Alcohols C16-17 branched and linear by any route.


The Category hypothesis is that the long chain linear aliphatic alcohol family has at its centre an homologous series of increasing carbon chain length, which is associated with a consistency and predictability in the property data across the group, for the physicochemical, environmental and toxicological property data sets. In view of the structural and chemical similarities, it is considered that results from reproductive toxicity studies on single- or multiple-constituent alcohols with appropriate chain lengths could be read across to Alcohols C16-17 branched and linear.


In two combined repeat dose and reproductive/developmental toxicity screening tests, performed in rats to draft OECD guideline 422 and to GLP, oral NOAELs of 2000 mg/kg bw/day (the highest dose tested) were determined for Dodecanol and Octadecanol for both the parental and F1 generations (Hansen 1992a, 1992b).


A one-generation study was carried out with Docosanol in rats, following a protocol equivalent to OECD guideline 415 and to GLP. The NOAEL for the parental and the F1 generations was 1000 mg/kg bw/day, the highest dose tested (Iglesias, 2000b).

A read-across feeding study reported a lack of effects on the reproductive organs of rats receiving Hexanol (NOAEL 1127 mg/kg bw/day) and no adverse effects were noted at any of the dose levels administered during the study (Scientific Associates Inc. 1966).

No studies on toxicity to reproduction/fertility were available on any of the long chain linear aliphatic alcohol family by the dermal or inhalation routes.


No two-generation reproductive toxicity studies were available for any of the long chain linear aliphatic alcohol family.

On the basis that no fertility effects were seen for Dodecanol or Octadecanol at 2000 mg/kg bw/day, it is reasonable to assume that a screening test on Alcohols C14-15 branched and linear would be likely to give a similar result. The fact that Docosanol was without effect in a one-generation study at up to 1000 mg/kg bw/day provides additional reassurance.

Chronic and sub-chronic toxicity studies have shown that long chain alcohols (LCA) are of low toxicity. Furthermore, combined repeated-dose studies with developmental endpoints, as well as reproductive and developmental studies showed no effects at the highest dose tested. Rather than having separate values for the three endpoints, one endpoint -systemic effects- has been used instead. Since the NOAELs do not vary greatly across the category, one key study has been chosen as being representative of the whole category.


C6, Hexanol has been chosen as the category representative because shorter chain molecules are usually regarded as more toxic when compared to structural analogues with longer carbon chain lengths.

Short description of key information:
No studies on toxicity to reproduction/fertility were available on Alcohols C16-17 branched and linear by any route. Oral NOAELs of 2000 mg/kg bw/day were determined for parental and F1 rats in reproductive toxicity screening tests with Dodecanol and Octadecanol (Hansen 1992a, 1992b) and 1000 mg/kg bw/day in a one-generation study with Docosanol (Iglesias, 2000b). A read-across feeding study reported a lack of effects on the reproductive organs of rats receiving Hexanol (NOAEL 1127 mg/kg bw/day) and no adverse effects were noted at any of the dose levels administered during the study (Scientific Associates Inc. 1966).

Effects on developmental toxicity

Description of key information
Results from rat studies on related materials included oral NOAELs of 2000 mg/kg bw/day for maternal and developmental effects in rats in developmental toxicity screening tests with Dodecanol and Octadecanol carried out to draft OECD guideline 422 and to GLP (Hansen 1992a, 1992b).
Effect on developmental toxicity: via oral route
Dose descriptor:
2 000 mg/kg bw/day
Additional information

No developmental toxicity/teratogenicity studies were available on Alcohols C16-17 branched and linear by any route.


The Category hypothesis is that the long chain linear aliphatic alcohol family has at its centre an homologous series of increasing carbon chain length, which is associated with a consistency and predictability in the property data across the group, for the physicochemical, environmental and toxicological property data sets. In view of the structural and chemical similarities, it is considered that the results from a number of reliable developmental toxicity/teratogenicity studies on single- or multiple-constituent alcohols with appropriate chain lengths can be read across to Alcohols C16-17 branched and linear.


In two combined repeat dose and reproductive/developmental toxicity screening test, performed in rats to draft OECD guideline 422 and to GLP, oral NOAELs of 2000 mg/kg bw/day (the highest dose tested) were determined for Dodecanol and Octadecanol for both maternal and developmental toxicity (Hansen 1992a, 1992b).


Docosanol was tested in a prenatal developmental toxicity study using a protocol equivalent to OECD guideline 414 and to GLP. In rabbits dosed orally by gavage on days 6 to 19 of gestation the maternal and developmental NOAEL was 2000 mg/kg bw/day, the highest dose tested (Iglesias 2002b).


No reliable guideline studies on developmental toxicity/teratogenicity were available on any of the long chain linear aliphatic alcohol family by the dermal route.


On the basis that no developmental effects were seen for Dodecanol or Octadecanol at 2000 mg/kg bw/day, it is reasonable to assume that a screening test on Alcohols C16-17 branched and linear would be likely to give a similar result

In some cases the CAS and chemical identity stated refer to SDA nomenclature for this substance. In REACH substance identification it is necessary to be more specific as to the chain lengths present. Full details may be found in the CSR

Toxicity to reproduction: other studies

Additional information

no data

Justification for classification or non-classification

Based on the available data, Alcohols C16-17 branched and linear would not be classified as toxic to reproduction under Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP) or Directive 67/548/EEC (DSD). Tests on similar substances included in this category are also supportive of these results, which do not warrant classification for toxicity to reproduction under DSD or GHS criteria.

Additional information