Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Ecotoxicological information

Endpoint summary

Administrative data

Description of key information

Additional information

Based on the test results, the substance could be considered as not highly adsorptive, that indicates that soil and sediment are not expected to be the main target compartments for exposure assessment. However, it should be noted chemicals can reach the soil via several routes:

1.                 Application of sewage sludge in agriculture.

Organic peroxides, when released into the sewage of a plant production or of a downstream’s user plant, are treated with other substances in dedicated sewage treatment plants. The activated sludge stemmed from these sewage treatment plants are then extracted and treated as chemical waste.

From the production plant, the release of organic peroxide into the sewage is very limited, not to say completely negligible. The waste water from production plant is usually treated: at least a physical/chemical treatment, which will neutralize potential residual organic peroxide, and that can be followed by a biological treatment. So it is expected that organic peroxides won’t be present in sludge.

Regarding the rest of the lifecycle, organic peroxides are mainly used as cross-linking agent/polymerization initiator for the production of resins/rubbers/polymers. Based upon the fact that organic peroxides are totally consumed during the process (>99%) and that those processes are water-free (so no production of sewage sludge), it is assumed that the soil is not exposed to organic peroxides via use of sludge.

As a consequence, we can assume that soil is not exposed to organic peroxides via the application of sewage sludge in agriculture.

2.                 Direct application of chemicals.

Based on the uses inventoried for organic peroxides we can consider that there is no direct application of these substances on the soil compartment. Hereunder, the relevant Environmental Release Categories (ERC), as described in guidance R12 (version 2.0, dated 7/11/2010)

3.                 Deposition from the atmosphere.

Deposition from the atmospheric compartment involves volatilization, vaporization or direct release of a considered substance into the atmosphere. Due to their dangerous intrinsic physico-chemical properties, organic peroxides are carefully handle in closed systems and their transport and production are ruled by several regulations. Based on organic peroxides uses too, we may assume that deposition on soil from the atmosphere is unexpected.

Based on these arguments no test is proposed for the soil compartment.