Registration Dossier

Data platform availability banner - registered substances factsheets

Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Environmental fate & pathways

Endpoint summary

Administrative data

Description of key information

The test substance is a solid powder under environmental conditions. Based on the thermal behaviour, the substance decomposes before melting/boiling, thus the substance does not undergo to transition phase(s) up to high temperatures. Evaporation is not a characteristic of Direct Yellow 142, thus the possibility to be dispersed in air, the amount and the persistence in this compartment are related to the granulometry, which confirms the non-relevance of this compartment.

Direct Yellow 142 is highly water soluble and, based on the physicochemical characteristics, it is expected to be stable under typical environmental pH conditions.

The primary source of possible substance environmental release is represented by industrial waste waters, thus the fate and pathways of the substance in surface water is of primary concern. The substance did not show any potential of microorganisms impact neither in the specific test (see IUCLID section 6), nor in the biodegradation experiment. Thus, it is deemed to not negatively impact the STP systems.

Considering the intended use in aqueous-based treatments, Direct Yellow 142 is not expected to be directly released to air, either soil. As abovementioned, the physicochemical properties of the item confirm that the air compartment can be considered as not relevant and that the soil compartment in expected to be non concerning Direct Yellow 142.

Based on the chemical characteristics, hydrolysis is not expected to be an important degradation/transformation process for Direct Yellow 142.

Although it was not investigated, phototransformation in air/water/soil is not expected to be an important mechanisms for Direct Yellow 142. During none of the experiments performed, no sign, able to raise any suspect, was recorded from this point of view.

Direct Yellow 142 is neither readily nor inherently biodegradable.

The substance is expected to possess a low affinity for soil / sediment. The binding capacity (or “stickiness”) of the Direct Yellow 142 to solid surfaces is expected to be low, on the basis of the physicochemical properties and the estimated partitioning coefficient value. In addition, during the experiment of biodegradability potential, no adsorption was recorded.

There are no empirical bioaccumulation data available for the substance under investigation, nevertheless on the basis of the negative log Pow and the molecular weight, it is expected to be characterized by a low potential for bioaccumulation and/or a low potential to cross biological membranes.

Additional information