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ECHA Submission Portal

What is the ECHA Submission portal?
The ECHA Submission portal is an online tool allowing EU-based companies to submit information on chemicals regulated by several legislations. For every submission event the industry notifier will receive a submission number and a submission report:
  • The submission number is a unique identifier (XXXNNNNNN-NN) given by the ECHA Submission portal to every submission. The submission number can then be used to search submissions and check their status in the ECHA Submission portal.
  • The submission report is generated for every submission via the ECHA Submission portal. It details the status of the submission as well as general information about the submission context. Note that the ECHA Submission portal does not send the user any notification after a submission has been made. The user will need to refer to the submission report to determine the status of the submission and other submission related events, according to the submission context/legislation.
How do I search for my submission in the ECHA Submission portal?

All submissions made by your legal entity will be listed in the ‘Search’ page. A ‘Sort by’ functionality is available, or you may scroll through the list at the bottom of the page.

An ‘Advanced search’ using specific search criteria based on the submission type selected can also be used. An ‘Export to Excel’ functionality allows you to export results in excel format.

What are the different submission status values?

A submission can pass all validation checks and receive the submission status ‘Succeeded’, or in some cases it may trigger some quality rules and ‘Succeed with warnings’.

The submission has not been processed yet. If the status of your submission shows ‘Pending’ for a longer period, do not make a resubmission. Instead, try to refresh the submission report page first. If the status does not change, please contact the ECHA Helpdesk for further investigation. 

If the submission fails to pass the validation checks, it will appear with the status ‘Failed’, in which case you will need to make a new submission.

Failed submissions are blocked from entering the ECHA Submission portal but will remain in the Search results and in the Submission history section of the ‘Submission report’. If you do not wish to see them in your search results, you can use the filtering function to show only successful submissions.

Sometimes even dossiers validated before submitting to the ECHA Submission portal may result in a failed submission. The reason is that the ECHA Submission portal runs additional checks against information already contained in the database (e.g. checking if the same dossier has already been submitted). You can refer to the list of validation rules according to the regulatory context relevant for your submission.

Can I submit dossiers in bulk?
The ECHA Submission portal only allows the submission of one dossier at a time. When trying to submit more than one file an error message is displayed: “File upload failed. Only one .i6z file is allowed per submission. Try again”. If you need to submit dossiers in bulk you may want to consider ECHA’s System to System service.