PIC Factsheet

Chemicals Subject to PIC - Factsheet


PIC - Prior Informed Consent Regulation

Substances subject to export controls or banned from export from the EU under the PIC Regulation

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CAS No: 630-20-6
EC No: 211-135-1
Current PIC Context
Annex Legal Act Category Subcategory Use Limitation From To
Annex I Part 1
2229/2015 Industrial Chemicals
Industrial chemicals for consumer use
Severely Restricted
PIC Regulatory History
Annex Legal Act Category Subcategory Use Limitation From To
Annex I Part 1
2229/2015 Industrial Chemicals
Industrial chemicals for consumer use
Severely Restricted
Legislation text
In accordance with entry 36 of Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) (OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1-849), pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No 552/2009 of 22 June 2009 amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) as regards Annex XVII (OJ L 164, 26.6.2009, p. 7-31), the following applies to 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane:

1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used,
— as substances,
— as constituents of other substances, or in mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight,
where the substance or mixture is intended for supply to the general public and/or is intended for diffusive applications such as in surface cleaning and cleaning of fabrics.

2. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such substances and mixtures containing them in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows:
“For use in industrial installations only”.

By way of derogation this provision shall not apply to:
(a) medicinal or veterinary products as defined by Directive 2001/82/EC and Directive 2001/83/EC;
(b) cosmetic products as defined by Directive 76/768/EEC.
Submitted Data for 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane