Here you can find the substances and hazard endpoints for which ECHA is currently inviting third parties to submit scientifically valid information and studies.
Please also note the following:
The link under 'View dossier' to the registered substances website allows easy access to the aggregated dossiers containing further details of the testing proposed including the test method (e.g. if an extended one-generation reproduction toxicity study has been proposed instead of a two-generation study). Related information on the substance subject to the testing proposal can also be seen through this link to the aggregated data per joint registration for a substance, which has been obtained from all registration dossiers that are part of that joint registration. If the related dossier has not yet been disseminated or the substance identity is confidential, such a link cannot be given.
The Total Tonnage Band published does not necessarily reflect the registered tonnage band(s) and associated information requirement obligations. For the 'Total Tonnage Band' of the disseminated dossier, compiled data is calculated from the non-confidential quantities of a substance manufactured and/or imported by all registrants, excluding any quantity directly used as an intermediate to produce a different chemical.
In some cases, the registrant may propose testing under Annex IX and X of the REACH Regulation even if the registration tonnage band is lower than the tonnage band of the REACH Annex for which the test is proposed. Such specific testing proposals may be triggered by a concern identified from previous study results and their assessment in the chemical safety report (e.g. based on Annex I.0.5 or the second column of Annex VIII section 8.7.1). This is indicated with a note after each relevant endpoint showing that the testing proposal is based on a concern identified by the registrant.
The registrant may have proposed to apply a read-across/category approach for one or more of the testing proposals based on adaptation according to Annex XI.1.5 of the REACH Regulation. This is indicated for the relevant testing proposal endpoint(s) with a note that testing is proposed for another substance than the registered substance, giving the proposed test substance name and, where available, the EC or CAS number.
As of 11 September 2015 ECHA is inviting registrants that make testing proposals involving vertebrate animals for details on how they have considered alternative methods to address the missing information. This is a follow-up action of the European Ombudsman's conclusion in case 1606/2013 on 11 September 2015. A link to the registrant's considerations on alternatives to testing is published below with the related testing proposal. indicated The field is empty when the testing proposal was submitted before 11 September 2015 or when the registrant has not submitted a report on his considerations on alternatives to testing
To see if testing proposals submitted by registrants, and for which ECHA has held a third-party consultation, were subsequently withdrawn, please consult the table below or the Previous Testing Proposals table. First, follow the link to the related aggregated registration dossier (if it is already published). There you can review the details of the testing proposed and other information on the substance that is subject to the testing proposal. The admissibility of any testing proposal will be concluded only after the third party consultation. Later during the testing proposal examination process, you may check the same section in the disseminated dossier to see if a testing proposal previously present has been withdrawn. The reasons for withdrawal may be that the registrant has reviewed their assessment or has taken into account the third-party comments provided to ECHA and communicated to them.
(thiodi-4,1-phenylene)-bis-(diphenylbis)(OC-6,11)hexafluoroantimonate | 680-222-8 | 89452-37-9 | 07/10/2024 | 7.6.2 Genetic toxicity in vivo | Give Comments | Details |
1,1,3,3-tetramethyldisiloxane | 221-906-4 | 3277-26-7 | 07/10/2024 | 7.8.2 Developmental toxicity / teratogenicity | Give Comments | Details |
4,4'-Isopropylidenediphenol, ethoxylated, esters with fatty acids, coco | 500-303-2 | 115340-85-7 | 07/10/2024 | 7.6.2 Genetic toxicity in vivo | Give Comments | Details |
Amines, C16-18 (even numbered)-alkyl , salts with phosphoric acid, mono- and di-C16-18 (even numbered) alkyl esters | 952-252-4 | - | 07/10/2024 | 5.3.1 Bioaccumulation aquatic / sediment | Give Comments | Details |
Ascophyllum nodosum, ext. | 283-907-6 | 84775-78-0 | 07/10/2024 | 6.1.2 Long-term toxicity to fish | Give Comments | Details |
Cyclobutanecarboxylic acid, 1-[[(1,1-dimethylethoxy)carbonyl]amino]- | 627-199-2 | 120728-10-1 | 07/10/2024 | 7.6.2 Genetic toxicity in vivo | Give Comments | Details |
D-gluconic acid | 208-401-4 | 526-95-4 | 07/10/2024 | 6.1.2 Long-term toxicity to fish | Give Comments | Details |
decasodium 4,4'-bis[[4-(1S) -1,2-dicarboxyethylamino) -6-(2,5-disulfonatoanilino) -1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-2,2'-disulfonato-(E)-stilbene | 432-690-8 | 213910-67-9 | 07/10/2024 | 6.1.2 Long-term toxicity to fish | Give Comments | Details |
dichloro(diphenyl)silane | 201-251-0 | 80-10-4 | 07/10/2024 | 6.1.2 Long-term toxicity to fish||Note: testing proposed with diphenylsilanediol (EC no. 213-427-4 CAS no. 947-42-2) | Give Comments | Details |
Ethane-1,2-diyl palmitate | 210-826-5 | 624-03-3 | 07/10/2024 | 7.6.2 Genetic toxicity in vivo | Give Comments | Details |
Furan-2,5-dicarboxylic acid | 221-800-8 | 3238-40-2 | 07/10/2024 | 7.8.1 Toxicity to reproduction | Give Comments | Details |
HDI oligomers, iminooxadiazindione | 931-297-3 | - | 07/10/2024 | 7.8.1 Toxicity to reproduction||Note: testing proposed with HDI oligomers, isocyanurate (EC no. 931-274-8) | Give Comments | Details |
Pivalic acid | 200-922-5 | 75-98-9 | 07/10/2024 | 6.1.2 Long-term toxicity to fish | Give Comments | Details |
Reaction products of fatty acids, C18-unsaturated, dimers and 2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bisoxirane | 701-484-2 | - | 07/10/2024 | 6.1.2 Long-term toxicity to fish | Give Comments | Details |
Synthetic wollastonite | 952-026-5 | - | 07/10/2024 | 6.1.2 Long-term toxicity to fish | Give Comments | Details |
3-(diethoxymethylsilyl)propylamine | 221-660-8 | 3179-76-8 |
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 |
7.5.1 Repeated dose toxicity: oral 7.8.2 Developmental toxicity / teratogenicity |
Details | |
3-[(phenylcarbamoyl)amino]phenyl 4-methylbenzene-1-sulfonate | 866-700-0 | 2102522-55-2 |
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 |
7.5.1 Repeated dose toxicity: oral 7.8.2 Developmental toxicity / teratogenicity |
Details | |
4,4'-Isopropylidenediphenol, ethoxylated | 500-082-2 | 32492-61-8 |
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 |
7.6.2 Genetic toxicity in vivo 7.8.1 Toxicity to reproduction |
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Reaction mass of isopentyl hexadecanoate and isopentyl 8-(3-octyloxiran-2-yl)octanoate and isopentyl 8-(3-((3-pentyloxiran-2-yl)methyl)oxiran-2-yl)octanoate | 700-659-0 | - |
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 |
7.8.1 Toxicity to reproduction 7.8.2 Developmental toxicity / teratogenicity |
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1,1,1-Tri((1,3-dioxobutoxy)-methyl)-propane | 422-630-9 | - |
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 07/10/2024 |
6.1.2 Long-term toxicity to fish 7.5.1 Repeated dose toxicity: oral 7.8.2 Developmental toxicity / teratogenicity |
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α,α,α-trifluorotoluene | 202-635-0 | 98-08-8 |
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 07/10/2024 |
6.1.2 Long-term toxicity to fish 7.5.1 Repeated dose toxicity: oral 7.8.2 Developmental toxicity / teratogenicity |
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Polysulfides, di-tert-Bu | 273-103-3 | 68937-96-2 |
07/10/2024 07/10/2024 07/10/2024 07/10/2024 07/10/2024 |
6.1.2 Long-term toxicity to fish 7.5.1 Repeated dose toxicity: oral||Note: testing proposed with Di-tert-butyl trisulphide (EC no. 224-226-6) 7.8.1 Toxicity to reproduction 7.8.2 Developmental toxicity / teratogenicity||Note: testing proposed with Di-tert-butyl trisulphide (EC no. 224-226-6) first species 7.8.2 Developmental toxicity / teratogenicity second species |
Details | |