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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

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Diss Factsheets

Environmental fate & pathways

Biodegradation in soil

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biodegradation in soil: simulation testing
Type of information:
other: published data
Adequacy of study:
key study
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
study well documented, meets generally accepted scientific principles, acceptable for assessment
equivalent or similar to guideline
OECD Guideline 307 (Aerobic and Anaerobic Transformation in Soil)
GLP compliance:
not specified
Test type:
Soil classification:
other: : Soil type in Rapid city is the sandy loam and soil type in Harleysville is the loamy sand.
Details on soil characteristics:
Soils were obtained from sludge-amended agricultural fields in Rapid city and Harleysville. Soil type in Rapid city is the sandy loam and soil type in Harleysville is the loamy sand.
Initial conc.:
250 mg/kg soil d.w.
Based on:
test mat.
Soil No.:
35% moisture level
Details on experimental conditions:
Tesk flasks were continuously flushed with CO2-free air at >>50ml/min and incubated 20 +/- 2 deg C. Half-lives ofr mineralization(t 1/2) were calculated from the relationship t 1/2=ln2/k1(k1=first-order rate conctant).
23.1 d
(pseudo-)first order (= half-life)
Remarks on result:
other: Half-lives for mineralization of the C12-LAS homolog is 23.1 days.
Transformation products:
Details on results:
Half-lives for mineralization of the C12-LAS homolog is 23.1 days.

Half-lives for mineralization of the C12-LAS homolog is 23.1 days.

Half-lives for mineralization of the C12-LAS homolog is 23.1 days.
biodegradation in soil: simulation testing
Type of information:
other: published data
Adequacy of study:
key study
2 (reliable with restrictions)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
study well documented, meets generally accepted scientific principles, acceptable for assessment
equivalent or similar to guideline
OECD Guideline 307 (Aerobic and Anaerobic Transformation in Soil)
GLP compliance:
not specified
Test type:
Oxygen conditions:
Soil classification:
other: Alfisol
Details on soil characteristics:
- Soil : Air-dried and sifted to a particle size of 0.125 mmparticle size distribution ; Clay(<2 μm) 17%, silt(2-63 μm) 75%, sand(0.63-2 mm) 8%, organic matter 2.45%- Soil pH : 7.3
Initial conc.:
15 other: μg
Based on:
test mat.
Details on experimental conditions:
- Experience vessels; 1 litre wide-mouth bottles- Incubation mixture; 50g soil and 150ml water were equilibrated for 7 days at 35 deg C in oxygen or nitrogen. Then 15μg of 14C-labelled chemical was added in aqueous solution ot suspension.- Mechnical mixing; continuous shaking in a water bath (35 deg C)
% Degr.:
40.6 - 51.9
CO2 evolution
Sampling time:
42 d
Transformation products:
n-Dodecylbenzenesulphonate was readily biodegradable. And the degradation (mineralization) values in anaerobic environment was faster than those in aerobic environment

Description of key information

Biodegradation in soil
Ward and Larson (1989) conducted a laboratory study and observed the biodegradation rate constant and half-life for C12-LAS in sludge-amended soil. The biodegradation rate constant for C12-LAS is 0.030 day-1and half-life for C12-LAS is 23.1 days. Scheunertet al., (1987) measured the biomineralization rate of dodecylbenzenesulfonate in soil/water suspension under anaerobic and aerobic conditions for 42 days. The results (40.6%14CO2: aerobic, 51.9%14CO2: anaerobic) showed that the substance was readily biodegradable by the micro-organisms present in soil.

Key value for chemical safety assessment

Half-life in soil:
23.1 d
at the temperature of:
20 °C

Additional information

Biodegradation in soil


Ward and Larson (1989) conducted a laboratory study and observed the biodegradation rate constant and half-life for C12-LAS in sludge-amended soil. The biodegradation rate constant for C12-LAS is 0.030 day-1and half-life for C12-LAS is 23.1 days. Scheunertet al., (1987) measured the biomineralization rate of dodecylbenzenesulfonate in soil/water suspension under anaerobic and aerobic conditions for 42 days. The results (40.6%14CO2: aerobic, 51.9%14CO2: anaerobic) showed that the substance was readily biodegradable by the micro-organisms present in soil.


Table     Summary of Biodegradationin soil


Type/ Method

Test material








23.1 days

Ward and Larson, 1989

Aerobic and Anaerobic/



40.6%14CO2of mineralization


51.9%14CO2of mineralization (anaerobic)

42 days

Scheunertet al., 1987